
Terms for subject Desert science containing station | all forms | exact matches only
agrometeorological station农业气象站
agrotechnical station农业技术站
air pollution observation station大气污染观测站
amateur weather station业余气象站
base station基准点
base station基点
experiment station试验站
gaging station水文观测站
gauging station水位观测站
grade of hydrometric station测站等级
length of reach to lower bound station至下界站河段长
length of reach to upper bound station至上界站河段长
mountain station山岳气象站
obstacles around station四周障碍物
ordinary climatological station一般气候站
pumping station for drainage排水站
river observing station河水观测站
satellite station卫星观测点
single station analysis单站分析
single station forecasting单站预报
station category站别
station code of upper boundary station上界站站码
third-order climatological station三级气候站
year of station establishment设站年份