
Terms for subject Finances containing statement | all forms | exact matches only
abstracts of financial statement财务报表概要
accompanying statement附表
account form income statement账户式收益表
account form of income statement帐户式收益表
account form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表
account form profit and loss statement账户式损益表
Accounting and Reporting Standards for Corporation Financial Statement《公司财务报表的会计和报告准则》
accrual-basis income statement权责发生制收益表
adjusted statement of application of funds资金运用的调整表
all-inclusive income statement统括性损益表包括经常及非常损益
analytical statement分析表
annual financial statement年度决算书
annual statement年度决算表
annual statement of receipt and expenditure岁出岁入决算书
application of fund statement资金运用表
application of funds statement资金运用表 (statement of application of funds)
appropriation statement拨款报表
appropriation statement岁出预算报表
articulated financial statement有钩稽关系财务报表
articulation of financial statement财务报表的钩稽关系
asset betterment statement资产增益表
asset distribution statement资产分配表
audited financial statement已审计财务报表
audited financial statement审定财务报表
audited statement已审计报表
balance form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
balance of payments statement国际收支平衡表 (是按照复式簿记原理,以某一特定货币为计量单位,运用简明的表格形式总括地反映一经济体(一国或地区)在特定时期内与世界其他经济体间发生的全部经济交易)
balance per bank statement银行账单余额
balance sheet-income statement ratio资产负债表与收益表比率
balance statement余额明细表
balanced form of profit and loss statement平衡式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
balanced form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
bank cut-off statement银行轧账对账单
bank deposit reconciliation statement银行存款调节表
bank reconciliation statement银行对账表
bank reconciliation statement银行核对单
bank statement银行对帐单
basic registration statement基本登记报表
budget and financial statement system预算决算制度
budgeted income statement预计损益表 (pro forma balance sheet)
budgeted income statement预算损益表 (pro forma balance sheet)
burden statement间接制造费用表
capital reconciliation statement资本调节表
capital statement资本报告书
cash daily statement现金日报表
cash daily statement现金日记表
cash flow statement现金流通表
cash receipts and disbursements statement现金收支表
cash statement现结
cash statement现金报告
certified financial statement注册财务报表
certified financial statement经审定之财务报表
chairman's statement董事长声明
charge and discharge statement受责或卸责报告表
charge and discharge statement资金运用表
charge and discharge statement as to income遗产收益借贷报告表
charge and discharge statement as to income遗益收支表
charge and discharge statement as to principal遗本收支表
charge and discharge statement as to principal遗产本金借贷报吿表
classified financial statement分类财务报表
clearing house statement sheet清算所报表
combined financial statement合并财务报表
combined income and surplus statement合并收益及盈余表
combined income statement合并收益表
combined profit and loss statement合并损益表
combined statement合并表
combined statement联合决算表
combined statement for unrelated funds不相关联基金之合并表
combined statement of cash receipts and disbursements-all funds现金收支汇总表-所有基金
combined statement of cash receipts, disbursements and balance-all funds各种基金合并现金出纳表
combined statement of general governmental expenditures compared with authorizations-general and special revenue funds普通公务支出与经费预算合并比较表一普通与特种岁入基金
combined statement of income and retained earnings损益及保留盈余合并表
combined statement of income and surplus收益及盈余合并表
combined statement of receipts and expenditures, balances, etc.收支余额等一览表
combined statement of revenue estimated and actual general and special revenue funds估计发入与实际岁入合并表一普通基金与特种岁入基金
combining of financial statement财务报表之合并
commodity operating profit and loss statement商品分类别营业损益明细表
commodity operating profit and loss statement by customer classes商品分类别营业损益明细表一按客户性质
common dollar financial statement共同货币财务报表
common size income statement统一度量式只有百分比而无金额收益表
common-dollar financial statement等值货币财务报表
comparative analysis of financial statement财务报表的比较分析
comparative financial statement比较财务报表
comparative income statement比较损益表
comparative operating statement营业比较表
comparative statement比较报表
comparative statement of actual and estimate profit and loss实际及预计损益比较表
comparative statement of operation cost动作成本比较表
comparative statement of product costs产品成本比较表
comparative statement of revenue and expense收入与费用比较表
condensed profit and loss statement简明损益表
condensed statement简明报表
conglomerate financial statement集合财务报表
consolidated financial statement合并财务报表
consolidated profit and loss statement合并损益表
consolidated retained earnings statement综合留存盈余表
consolidated retained earnings statement综合营业盈余表
consolidated statement综合决算表
consolidated statement: intercompany profit in inventories :intercompany profit in longlived assets汇编报表:结合公司内部存货利益:内部固定资产利益
consolidated statement of cost of goods sold综合销售成本表
consolidated statement of resources and obligation综合资产负债表
consolidated statement of retained earnings合并留存收益表
consolidated statement of source and use of funds合并资金来源与运用表
consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory个体主义
consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory汇编报表:相互投资结合与循环投资结合
consolidated surplus statement综合盈余表
consolidating financial statement财务报表之汇编
constant-dollar financial statement不变币值财务报表
cost calculation statement成本计算表
cost statement成本计算表
cost statement analysis成本计算表分析
current operating income statement即期营业收益表
current value financial statement现值财务报表
customer’s statement销售客户结单
customer’s statement客户结单
cut-off statement截止报吿
cut-off statement银行结单
cut-off statement截止日报表
daily movement statement股份变动日结单
daily statement日对账单
daily statement book日报表
daily statement book日结帐簿
daily monthly statement of account每日对帐单
date of liquidation statement清算报表日
deficiency statement亏绌表
deficit disposition statement亏损处理报告单
deficit statement亏损报告单
deficit statement赤字报告
departmental income statement部门损益表
detail statement of account来往明细帐目
detailed statement of account帐户明细表
direct costing income statement直接成本计算收益表
discussion statement决算表
discussion statement讨论决算表
distributed statement of service cost服务成本分配表
distribution statement of service cost厂务费用分配表
divisional income statement部门分部收益表
dynamic financial statement动态财务报表
earning statement收益表
earnings statement业务收益法
electronic screen-based statement利用电子屏幕显示的陈述
elements of financial statement财务报表要素
entitlement statement权益报表
explanatory statement叙述式决算表
false statement虚假陈述
FASB Statement《财务会计准则委员会公告》
final clearing statement最后结算表
final statement of accounts决算书
final statement of accounts往来账目决算书
final statement of accounts往来帐目
financial position statement财务状况表资产负债表的新名
financial statement财务报表〔报告〕
financial statement analysis财务报表分析
financial statement audit财务报表审计
financial statement auditing财务报表审计
financial statement disclosure财务报表披露
financial statement information资产负债表资料
financial statement review财务报表检査
financial statement review财务报表检查
financial statement structure财务报表结构
financing statement资金调度表
fiscal statement会计报告
flow of funds statement资金流量表
footnotes to financial statement财务报表附注
foreign-financial statement国外财务报表
format of financial statement财务报表格式
forward financial statement远期财务报表
functional statement职能成本表
functional statement任务成本表
fund statement资金运用表
fund turnover statement资金周转表
funds flow statement资金流量表
funds statement资金运用表
funds-flow statement资金流量表
general average statement共同海损理算评定书
general price-level-adjusted financial statement一般物价水平调整财务报表
graphic statement统计决算表
group financial statement分组合并报表
half-yearly financial statement半年财务报表
historical dollar statement按原始货币单位编制的报表
historical-statement analysis历史报表分析
income statement损益计算书 (profit and loss account)
income statement收入表 (profit and loss account)
income statement损益表 (profit and loss account)
income statement accounts收益表帐户
income statement accounts临时性帐户
income statement accounts虚帐户
income statement accounts损益表帐户
income statement analysis损益表分析
income statement approach损益表说
income statement approach of estimating uncollective accounts按收益表观点估计坏帐的方法
income statement audit损益计算书审计
indebtedness statement债务报表
input-output statement输入输出表
interest statement利息报表
interim financial statement中期财务报表
interim income statement期间损益表
interpretation of statement of financial accounting standards财务会计标准的解释
labour statement人工表
liquidation income statement清算收益表
liquidation statement of assets清算资产表
manufacturing statement制造财务报表
marginal income statement边际收益表
materials statement原料表
Monthly Balance Statement户口结余月结单 (香港中央结算系统 (CCASS)的月结单)
monthly financial statement月份结算表 (monthly balance sheet)
monthly income statement月份损益计算书
monthly income statement by major commodity groups主要产品别月份收益表
monthly profit and loss statement月度损益
monthly statement月报
monthly statement月结单
monthly statement of account月份帐单
multiple-step form of income statement阶梯式收益表
multiple-step form of income statement分步式收益表
multiple-step income statement分步损益表
multiple-step income statement分步收益表
multi-step income statement多级式收益表
narrative form of profit and loss statement报告式损益表 (report form of profit and loss statement)
national wealth statement国民财富表
negative statement否定声明
net income statement净收入报表
normative statement规范声明
offer a positive statement做出积极表态
operating performance income statement营业实绩
operating statement损益计算表 (operation statement)
operating statement营业报表 (operation statement)
operations statement生产经营费用表
partial consolidated statement部分合并报表
partial income statement部分损益表
percentage statement百分率报表
periodic statement定期决算表
personal financial statement个人财务报表
pictorial statement图形决算表图形报表
position statement balance sheet地位表资产资债表
position statement财务状况表 (balance sheet)
post-statement event结账后会计事项
post-statement events报帐后业务
premium statement保险帐单
preparation of a cash flow statement现金流量表编制
presentation of a cash flow statement现金流量表的列报
price level adjusted statement按价格水平调整的报表
price-level adjusted statement物价水平调整报表
price-level financial statement物价水平财务报表
pro forma financial statement预计财务报表
pro forma income statement预计收益表
pro forma statement预测报表
pro forma statement备考报表
pro forma statement预计决算表
pro forma statement of changes in financial position预计财务状况变动表
production statement生产状况表
profit and loss statement operating statements statement of business operation, statement of profit and loss损益计算节营业报表
profit and loss statement analysis损益表分析
profit commission statement纯益手续费帐单
profit statement损益计算书
pro-forma income statement预计损益表
proforma statement形式决算表
proforma statement预计报表
projected financial statement预测财务报表
projected income statement预计损益表
projected statement预编报表
provisional clearing statement临时结算表
proxy statement代表权声明书
purchase and sale statement买卖表
quarterly narrative management statement管理层叙述式季度报告
quarterly statement季度报表
realization and liquidation statement变现清算表
realization statement资产变现表
recapitulation statement汇总表
recapitulation statement摘要表
receipt and disbursement statement现金收入表
receipt and disbursement statement收支明细表
receipt and payment statement收支对照表
receipts and disbursements statement收支表
receipts and disbursements statement现金收支表
receipts and payments statement现金收支表 (receipts and disbursement statement)
receipts and payments statement收支对照表
reconciliation of statement of account帐户调节表
reconciliation of statement of account对帐回单
reconciliation statement对帐表银行往来结算之调节
reconciliation statement of bank accounts银行往来账调节表
reconciliation statement of surplus盈余调节表
reducing balance form of profit and loss statement余额递减式损益表 (report form of profit and loss statement; running form of profit and loss statement)
reducing-balance-form income statement余额递减式收益表
reducing-balance-form profit and loss statement余额递减式损益表
registration statement登记声明
report form profit and loss statement报告式损益表
report-form income statement报告式收益表
report-form profit and loss statement报告式损益表
reporting period for financial statement财务报吿报告期
responsibility statement责任声明书
Risk Disclosure Statement风险披露声明书
rule for the preparation of financial statement财务报告编制标准
ruling and balancing statement划线结平报表
running balance statement of account帐户滚存余额结单
running form of profit and loss statement流水式损益表报告式损益表
running profit and loss statement流水式损益表
running-account-form income statement流水账式收益表
running-account-form profit and loss statement流水账式损益表
schedule of financial statement财务报表明细表
semi-annual statement半年度报表
settlement statement结算单
settling clerk's statement清算表
short-form report on annual financial statement年度财务报表简式报告
single-step income statement单步式收益表
source and application of funds statement资金来源及运用情况表
source and application of funds statement资金来源及运用表
source and uses of funds statement资金来源及运用情况表
source-and-use -of-fund statement资金来源运用表
sources-and-uses statement资金来源去向表
sources-and-uses statement资金运用表
special-purpose statement专用决算表
statement accounting for variation in gross profit销货毛利变动计算表
statement accounting for variation in net income净收益变动计算表
statement explaining financial position财务状况说明书
statement form表式
statement form报表式
statement from creditors应付帐款清单
statement heading报表上端之名称
statement of absorption of deficit亏损处理计算书
statement of acceptance on a cheque支票上的承兑申明
statement of accounts账单
statement of accumulated net income累积净收益计算书
statement of actual and estimated expenditures实际岁出与预计岁出对照表普通基金,特种岁出基金
statement of actual and estimated revenue实际岁入与预计岁入对照表普通基金,特种岁入基金及债务清理基金
statement of affairs in fiduciary accounting信托会计的财产状况说明书
statement of application of fund资金运用表 (statement of sources and disposition of fund; statement of funds and its application)
statement of appropriation of net income净收益分配表
statement of appropriation of net income纯利分配计算书
Statement of Auditing Procedure《审计程序说明》
Statement of Auditing Standards《审计准则说明》
statement of balance余额清算
statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured制成品预算成本表
statement of capital stock股本表
statement of capital surplus资本盈余表
statement of capital surplus资本盈余计算表
statement of cash现金收支表 (statement of cash receipts and disbursements)
statement of cash flows现金流量表
statement of cash in treasure库存现金表
statement of cash in treasury库存现金表
statement of cash in vault库存表
statement of cash receipts disbursements and balance现金收支及结存表
statement of cash treasury库存现金表
statement of change in cash现金变动表
statement of change in net assets净资产变动表
statement of change in retained earnings留存收益变动表
statement of change in surplus盈余变动表
statement of change in working capital运用资本变动表
statement of changes in resources available for commitment可供承兑的资金变动表
statement of changes in retained earnings留存收益变动表
statement of changes in stockholders equity股东权益变动表
statement of changes in working capital流动资金变动表
statement of changes in working capital运用资本变动表
Statement of Cost Accounting Standards《成本会计准则说明》
statement of cost and production成本及生产报告
statement of cost of goods manufactured制造成本表
statement of cost of production生产成本表
statement of cost to manufacture and cost of goods sold制造及销售成本表
statement of current accounts往来账户明细表
statement of current accounts往来帐明细表
statement of current and retained earnings本期收益及留存收益表
statement of current financial position本期财务状况表
statement of daily cash现金日报表
statement of debit account借方账户表
statement of debit account负债一览表
statement of development credit approved枇准的开发信贷报表
statement of dishonour拒绝承兑声明
statement of dishonour票据的拒付声明
statement of earnings and retained earnings收益与留存收益表
statement of enterprise fund source企业基金来源表
statement of estimated application of fund预算资金运用表
statement of final accounts会计决算报表
Statement of Financial Accounting Standard《财务会计准则汇编》
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards《财务会计准则说明》
statement of financial operations财务经营状况表
statement of financial operations收支报告表
statement of financial position财务状况表
statement of fixed assets and accumulated depreciation固定资产及累计折旧表
statement of funds and its application资金及其运用表
statement of funds and its application资金运用表 (statement of application of funds)
statement of funds flow资金流量表
statement of general and administrative expenses管理费用明细表
statement of general average adjustment共同海损理算书
statement of income and expenditure损益表 (statement of loss and gain ; statement of profit and loss)
statement of income and expenditure收支一览表
statement of income and expenditure收支表 (statement of loss and gain ; statement of profit and loss)
statement of income and expenditure收益及费用表 (statement of loss and gain ; statement of profit and loss)
statement of income and expense收益与费用明细表
statement of income and profit and loss收益及损益计算表
statement of income and profit-and loss总括性损益表 (all inclusive income statement)
statement of income and retained earnings收益与留存收益表
statement of intangible and other assets无形资产及其他资产表
statement of international balance of payment国际收支平衡表
Statement of Investment Targets投资标的说明书
statement of investments投资报表
statement of liquidation清算书
statement of loans approved批准的贷款项目
statement of loss and gain损益计算表 (profit and loss* statement)
statement of loss and gain损益表 (profit and loss* statement)
statement of manufacturing expenses制造费用明细表
statement of net quick asset flow现金资产净额流转表
statement of net quick asset flows速动现金资产净额流量表
statement of net worth资本净值表
statement of operating earnings营业收益表
statement of operating expense营业费用明细表
statement of operating revenue营业收人明细表
statement of operating revenues营业收入明细表
statement of operation营业成绩表
statement of order cost分批成本表
statement of owner's equity业主权益表
statement of owners’equity业主主权资本表
statement of owners’equity业主权益表
statement of partner’s capitals合伙人资本表
statement of payment付款报告书
statement of payment付款报告单
statement of production cost生产成本计算表
statement of profit and loss收入报告表
statement of profit distribution利润分配表
statement of property checking财产清査表
statement of realization and liquidation变产及清算表
statement of realization and liquidation变现清产书
statement of receipts and disbursements现金收支表
statement of receipts and disbursements and cash balance现金收支及结存表
statement of receipts, disbursements and cash balance收支及现金余额表
statement of resouces and applications of funds资金来源及运用表
statement of resources and liabilities资金来源及负债表资产负债表
statement of resources and obligation资力负担表
statement of retained earnings盈余表
statement of retained earnings留存收益表
statement of revenues and expenditures on business营业收人支出表
statement of revenues and expenses收支对照表
statement of settlement结算书
statement of settlement清算书
statement of shorts丢失货物说明书
statement of source and application of funds资金来源和使用表
statement of source and uses of funds资金来源及运用情况表
statement of sources and application of fund资金来源与运用表
statement of sources and disposition of funds资金来源运用表 (statement of source and application of fund)
statement of sources and use of working capital营运资本来源及用途表
statement of sources and uses of working capital营运资金来源及使用表
statement of specific fund source and specific appropriation专用基金来源及专用拨款表
statement of standard accounting practices关于标准会计实务的说明
statement of stockholders' equity股东权益表
statement of stockholders' equity股东权益表 (or investment or net worth)
statement of surplus盈余分配表
statement of surplus盈余明细表
statement of the balance of international payment国际收支平衡表
statement of transfer from IBRD国际复兴开发银行拨来资金报吿书
statement of variation in funds资金变动表
statement of variation in profit利益增减变动分析表
statement of voting power and subscription and supplementary resource认缴款项与补充资金报吿书
statement of voting power and subscription and supplementary resource投票权
statement of working capital运用资本表
statement of working capital change营运资本变动表
statement of working capital changes流动资金增减表
statement of working capital flow营运资本流转表
statement of working capital flow运用资本流量表
Statement on Auditing《审计说明》
statement on auditing standards审计标准说明
statement on internal auditing standard内部审计标准说明
statement on internal control内部控制说明
statement showing status of foreign funds外资情况表
static statement静态报表
stockholders' equity changes statement股东权益变动表
summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支汇总表
summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支对照表
summary statement of receipt and expenditures收支对照表
summary statement of resources and obligations财源负担总表资力负担汇总表;预算帐用资产负债总表
supplement statement补充账单
surplus appropriation statement分配表
surplus reconciliation statement盈余调节表
tabular statement多栏式报表
technical form of profit and loss statement技术式决算表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
technical form of profit and loss statement帐户式损益表 (account form of profit and loss statement)
title of statement报表名称
trading profit and loss statement营业损益表
trading profit and loss statement损益表
trading statement销货表
traditional financial statement传统财务报表
unaudited financial statement未审计财务报表
unit of money financial statement货币单位财务报表
validity of the financial statement财务报表的有效性
verify a statement核对清单
"where-got where-gone" statement资产来源和运用表 (statement of application of fund)
withholding statement扣缴税款清单
withholding statement扣缴所得税凭单
withholding tax statement扣缴税款清单
withholding tax statement扣缴税款凭单
working capital statement营运资金表
year-to-year comparison of financial statement财务报告的逐年报吿