
Terms for subject Technology containing statement | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal statement不规则语句
abnormal statement异常语句
abstract statement摘要说明
account form of income statement账户式收益表
account form of income statement平衡式收益表
account form of profit-loss statement账户式损益计算表
adjusted income statement调整后损益计算表
administrative expense statement管理费用表
algebraic expression manipulation statement代数表达式操作语句
algebraical expression manipulation statement代数表达式操作语句
algorithmic statement算法语句
allocate statement storage存储分配语句
all-purpose financial statement通用决算表
alter statement更改语句
analysis statement分析表
analytic statement分析表
annual financial statement年度决算表
annual mortgagor statement抵押人年度报告
annual statement年度报表
application of funds statement请款书
arithmetic statement运算语句
arithmetic statement算法语句
arithmetical assignment statement算术赋值语句
arithmetical statement运算语句
arithmetical statement算术语句
arithmetical statement算法语句
arrangement and method statement施工方案
array declarator statement数组说明语句
articulation of financial statement财务表中的结合关系
articulation statement棋盘式账目分析表
assembler statement汇编语言语句
assembly statement汇编语句
assertion statement断定语句
assignment statement计算语句
audit of financial statement财务报表审计
auxiliary statement about transport revenue plan finished运输收入进款计划完成情况附表
average statement海损理算书
backspace statement回退语句
bank statement对账单
bank statement银行结账单
basic statement基本说明
basic statement基本论点
basic statement基本语句【计】
beneficiary's statement受益人的声明
block data statement数据块语句
block terminal statement程序块终端语句
body statement本体语句
branch financial statement分支机构财务报表
branch financial statement分支机构损益计算书
branch statement分支机构报表
branch statement转移语句
budget and financial statement system预算与决算制度
budget statement预算申请书
budget statement预算说明书
budgeted income statement预计收益表
burden statement制造费用表
call statement调入语句
cancel statement撤销语句
capital surplus statement资本盈余表
carrier's statement承运记录
cash flow statement现金流程报表
cash flow statement收支款项期报
cash flow statement现金收支一览表
cash on hand statement可即时支付的现金声明
cash operating statement现金收支执行情况表
cash statement现金
certified financial statement经会计师证明的财务报表
certified statement经审定的财务报表
charge and discharge statement信托财产的经管及支出情况
claim statement索赔清单
classification statement分类表
Clausius statement克劳修斯说法
clearing house statement票据交换所报表
clearing house statement票据交换所清单
close statement闭合语句
combined statement合并报表
combined statement联合报表
common declaration statement公用说明语句
common dollar financial statement不变币值财务报表
common-size income statement同型损益表
common-size income statement只有百分比的收益表
common-size statement百分比报表
comparative profit and loss statement比较收入表
comparative profit and loss statement盈损比较表
comparative statement of operation cost作业成本法
comparative statement of order cost分批成本比较表
comparative statement of product cost产品成本比较表
compiler directing statement编译程序引导语句
compiler directing statement编译指示语句
compiler directive statement编译指示语句
compiler statement编译程序语句
compile-time statement编译时语句
complex declaration statement复数说明语句
composite statement复合命题
compound IF statement复合条件语句
compound statement复合命题
compound statement复合语句
computational statement计算语句
computed GO TO statement计算转向语句
computing statement计算语句
conditional statement条件指令
conglomerate financial statement综合财务报表
consolidated in come statement汇总损益表
consolidated retained earnings statement统一盈余留存表
consolidated statement综合报表
consumer sale disclosure statement分期付款销售计划书
continuous statement连续语句
control statement控制语句【计】
control statement analyzer控制语句分析程序
cost and expense statement成本费用表
customer's statement客户对账单
customer's statement客户结账单
daily statement每日账表
daily statement of account每日对账单
daily statement of account每日账表
data declaration statement数据说明语句
data initialization statement数据预置语句
data input statement数据输入语句
data-acquisition statement数据接收站
decision statement决策陈述
deficiency statement清算损失账
deficit reconciliation statement亏损额计算书
define constant statement定义常数语句
departmental income statement部门收益表 (损益计算书)
descriptive financial statement附有说明的损益计算书
descriptive statement说明注记
destination control statement目的地管制声明
detailed statement明细表
detailed statement of accounts账户明细表
direct costing income statement直接成本收益表
directive statement定向语句
directive statement指示语句
disable statement断开语句
disclaimer's statement仅供参考声明
disclosure statement发放贷款的书面说明
discussion statement讨论式决算表
disposition of real estate statement房地产处置声明
distribution statement of service服务成本分配表
divide statement除法语句
division contribution statement分部贡献表
division income statement部门利润表
division income statement分部收益表
do statement循环语句【计】
draft environment impact statement环境影响报告书草案
draft environmental impact statement环境影响报告书草案
draft final statement最终付款申请初稿
drawing statement绘图语句
dynamic statement动态
dynamical statement动态
edit statement编辑语句
engineering change proposal work statement技术更改建议说明书
entry name required for procedure statement过程语句所要求的输入名
entry statement入口语句
environmental impact assessment statement环境影响评价声明
environmental impact statement环境影响鉴定
environmental impact statement环境影响报告 (书)
environmental impact statement环境变化报告书
environmental impact statement环境影响声明
environmental impact statement and review process环境影响鉴定评审法
environmental impact statement of port环境影响鉴定报告
environmental impact statement of port港口环境影响报告书
environmental quality statement环境质量报告书
environmental statement环境报告 (书)
equation statement方程语句
equivalence statement等值语句
equivalent statement等价说明
estimated fund statement估计资金表
estimated statement估计报表
executable array statement可执行数组语句
executable statement可执行语句
exit statement出口语句
explanatory notes to the financial statement财务报表注释说明
explanatory statement叙述式报表
final environmental impact statement最终环境影响报告书
final environmental impact statement最终环境影响鉴定
final environmental impact statement supplement最终环境影响报告书附录
final environmental impact statement supplement最终环境影响鉴定附录
final environmental statement最终环境报告书
final environmental statement最终环境鉴定
final settled account statement总结账单
final statement最后结算
final statement决算
final statement检验付款申请
final statement结算单
final statement决算
final statement最终报告
financial balance statement财政收支平衡表
financial expense statement财务费用表
financial situation statement财务情况说明书
financial statement财政决算
financing statement资金筹集报表
first-level statement一级程序设计语句
fixed assets statement固定资产表
formatted read statement有格式读语句
forward financial statement预计财务报表
free statement释放语句
fund flow statement基金周转表
general purpose statement通用决算表
general purpose statement通用结算表
general purpose statement普通决算表
generated statement生成语句
go to statement转向语句【计】
graphic statement图形决算表
graphical statement图形决算表
graphics statement图形语句
group financial statement分组合并财务报表
grouped financial statement财务报表的分组合并
hard regular card financial statement system常备客票结账管理系统
header statement标题语句
heading statement标题语句
historic cost statement按原始成本编制的报表
historical cost statement按原始成本编制的报表
impact statement影响报告
imperative statement动作语句
imperative statement无条件指令
importers statement and guarantee bond进口商声明及保证书
income and expenditure statement收支清单
income statement百分率收益表
income statement accounts收益表账户
income statement and profit appropriation statement损益表及利润分配表
inexact statement不确切命题
initial statement开始语句
initialization statement初始化语句
initialization statement预置语句
initiate statement初值化语句
interim income and loss statement期中损益计算书
interim-earnings statement期中盈利报表
interprogram communicating statement程序间通信语句
interprogramme communicating statement程序间通信语句
intervening statement插入语句
label assignment statement标记赋值语句
labeled statement有标号语句
last statement结算
lay day statement货物装卸作业报告书
library control statement程序库控制语句
list-directed input-output statement表式输入输出语句
loan repay capital with interest statement借款还本付息计算方案
loop statement循环语句【计】
make a detailed statement of profit and loss出具详细的损益计算书
manufacturer's qualification statement制造厂家的资格声明
marginal income statement边际收益计算
material statement物料表
molecular statement分子命题
month ly financial statement月财务报表
monthly statement月付款申请
monthly statement月度计算
monthly statement月度结算
monthly statement月统计表
monthly statement of account每月对账单
mortgage loan disclosure statement抵押贷款表述文件
move statement传送语句
multidimensional statement多维命题
multiple step form of income statement分步式收益表
multiple step form of income statement分段收益表
multiple step income statement分部收益表
multiply statement乘法语句
narrative form of statement文字报告式报表
next statement下一语句【计】
non-arithmetic statement非算术语句
non-business expenditures statement营业外支出表
non-executable statement不可执行语句
non-quantified statement非量化命题
numeric statement数学统计或说明
numeric statement统计
numeric statement统计
numeric statement数目表
numerical statement统计
numerical statement数学统计或说明
numerical statement数目表
objective statement用途费用报表
official statement正式声明
one-hundred percent statement百分率表
operating cost statement营运成本表
operating performance income statement营业实绩收益表
operating statement营业表
operating statement营业报告
operating statement损益表
operating statement经营情况表
operating statement经营报表
operating statement营运报告
operating statement营业损益表
operating technical statement生产技术说明
operation statement损益
organizational statement组织语句
parallel executable statement并行可执行语句
pare nt statement母公司报表
partial income statement部分损益计算书
pattern handling statement模式处理语句
pattern matching statement模式核对语句
payment on statement凭账单付款
percentage statement百分率表 (比较表)
periodical statement定期报表
physical presentation statement外形说明
pictorial statement图形报表
pictorial statement图形决算表
port sanitary statement港内疫情通告
predetermined financial statement预计财务报表
predetermined financial statement预计财务报告
premium statement保费账单
price adjustment mechanism of financial statement财务报表物价调整机制
price level adjusted statement按价格水平调整的报告
primary statement本原命题
pro forma statement定式决算表
pro forma statement形式决算表
procedure statement过程语句
production line profit and loss statement生产线损益计算书
product-line profit and loss statement类别产品损益表
profit and loss statement损益计算书盈亏计算表
profit and loss statement损益清单
profit and loss statement盈亏报表
profit commission statement纯益手续费清单
pro-form income statement预算损益表
program control statement程序控制语句
program execution statement程序执行语句
program statement程序语句
program statement analysis程序语句分析
program structure statement语句
programme control statement程序控制语句
programme statement analysis程序语句分析
programme structure statement语句
programming statement程序设计语句
projected financial statement预计财务报表
projected financial statement预计财务报告
projected income statement预计收益表
proxy statement委托书
public offering statement公开报告
put statement放置语句
qualification statement资格审査文件
quantified statement量化命题
railway accounting statement铁路会计报表
railway transport revenue financial statement铁路运输进款会计报表
receipt and disbursement statement收支明细账
redeveloper's statement of public disclosure城市改建地区开发商的公开计划报告
reference statement参考语句
repeat statement重复语句
repetitive statement重复语句
rewrite statement重写语句
routine statement程序语句
running balance statement of account账户滚存余额结单
running form of profit and loss statement连续式损益表
sales region contribution statement分区销售分配表
sales region contribution statement分区销售贡献表
save statement保存语句
search statement查找语句
selection statement选择语句
separate statement附加声明
sequence of statement语句序列
settlement statement房地产销售说明
simple array assignment statement简单数组赋值语句
single-purpose statement专用报表
source of funds and usage statement资金来源与运用表
special interest edition statement专业版本说明
special-purpose financial statement特定目的财务报表
specification statement区分语句
stabilized operating statement详细预计的经营损益表
statement about transport revenue plan finished运输收入进款计划完成情况表
statement at completion竣工报表
statement bracket语句括号
statement form报告格式
statement formula命题公式
statement from creditor应付账款清单
statement function命题函数
statement heading报表表头
statement label array语句标号数组
statement label data语句标号数据
statement law命题法则
statement logic命题逻辑
statement number指令数号
statement of absorption of deficit处理计算书
statement of account结算表
statement of account客账结单
statement of actual and estimated expenditures实际和预计支出对照表
statement of actual and estimated revenue实际和预计收入对照表
statement of affairs财务情况计算书
statement of affairs清算资产负债表
statement of appropriation of net income净收入分配计算表
statement of arrangement and method for construction施工方案
statement of assets资产目录
statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured货物制造预算成本计算表
statement of business operation业务经营表
statement of cash flow现金流动表
statement of cash flow现金流量表
statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支及结存表
statement of changes in working capital运营资本变动表
statement of charge起诉书
statement of claim索偿陈述
statement of completion竣工报表
statement of current position流动财务情况表
statement of debt account负债一览表
statement of earnings收益表
statement of final accounts决算报告
statement of final accounts决算说明书
statement of financial accounting standards财务会计标准说明书
statement of financial condition财务状况计算书
statement of financial income财务收益表
statement of fraction文字比例尺
statement of fund基金表
statement of fund资金表
statement of fund and its application资用表
statement of fund application资金运用表
statement of funds source and utilization资金来源与运用表
statement of identity身份说明
statement of income and expenditures收益及支出明细表
statement of income and expenses收入费用表
statement of liquidation破产清算书
statement of loans approved批准的贷款项目表
statement of loans approved已批准的贷款项目表
statement of loss and gain损益说明书
statement of necessity需要声明书
statement of net quick assets flows速动资产流转表
statement of operating revenue营业收入表
statement of operation营业报表
statement of performance性能说明书
statement of probable construction cost建筑成本概算表
statement of probable construction cost工程费概算说明
statement of problem问题的提法
statement of production cost生产成本报告表
statement of production cost生产成本表
statement of profit and loss损益计算书
statement of railway transportation cost铁路运输成本报表
statement of realization and liquidation变现清算表
statement of record注册记录
statement of refusal to pay拒付说明书
statement of requirements需求报告
statement of resources and liabilities资金负债表
statement of retained earnings保留盈余表
statement of service履历 (表)
statement of shorts短缺货物清单
statement of size尺寸说明
statement of sources and application of funds资金来源与运用表
statement of sources and uses of working capital流动资金来源及运用表
statement of standard accounting practice标准会计实例说明书
statement of tally account理货账单
statement of the income and expenditures收支一览表
statement of variation on profit利润变动表
statement of work工作报告书
statement of working capital flow流动资金流转表
statement on audit standards审计准则声明
statement scale说明比例尺
statement separator语句分隔符
static statement静态财务报表
statutory financial statement法定财务报表
stop statement停止语句
storage allocation statement存储器分配语句
string statement并串语句
structural statement结构语句
substitution instance of the statement function命题函数的置换实例
subtract statement减法语句
summary statement of cost and fee成本费用总表
summary statement of receipts and expenditures收支汇总表
summary statement of resources and obligations财力负担汇总表
supplement to the draft environment impact statement环境影响报告书草案附录
supplement to the draft environmental impact statement环境影响报告书草案附录
supplementary statement辅助报表
supporting statement of cost and fee成本费用附表
system of statement报表制度
technical statement技术方案
test statement测试语句
textual statement报表正本
transfer statement变换语句
transmission statement传输语句
two-section income statement两部式收益表
unadjusted trial statement调整前试算表
un-audited financial statement未审核之财务报表
un-audited financial statement未审核的财务报表
unconditional statement无条件语句【计】
unit income statement单位损益计算书
unlock statement开锁语句【计】
value-added statement增值表
verify a statement证明检验报表
wage funds expense statement工资基金支出表
wage funds income statement工资基金收入表
withholding statement扣缴税款清单
withholding statement扣缴报表
withholding statement扣缴所得税凭单
work statement加工语句
work statement工作报表
working statement工作报告 (书)
written statement书面记录
written statement书面声明
year-to-year comparison of financial statement财务报表逐年比较