
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing standing | all forms | exact matches only
forward roll to straddle leg standing前滚翻分腿起
forward roll to straight leg standing前滚翻直腿起
jump forward from standing position原地起跳
legs standing to body twist 180°双腿站立转体180°
legs standing with heels raising up双腿提踵立
scissors standing with body twisting交叉立转体
side standing in pairs并肩站立
side standing in pairs双人侧立
split while standing垂直劈叉站立
standing on tiptoe足尖站立
standing ovation两臂上举的结束姿势
standing scale frontways燕式平衡
standing scale frontways俯平衡
standing scale rear-ways后水平
standing scale rear-ways仰平衡
standing scale rearways仰平衡
standing scale rearways with body bent backward体后屈平衡
standing scale sideways侧平衡
whole body waves forward with standing position站立向前全身大波浪