
Terms for subject International trade containing standing | all forms | exact matches only
business standing营业状况
business standing商业信用情况
commercial standing商业地位
commercial standing商业信用
confirming the credit standing of companies证实公司信用状况
expense standing order经常费用率
intentional standing or voluntary stranding自动搁浅
network of standing currency swap arrangement货币互惠信贷网
network of standing currency-swap arrangement预约套购网安排
standing book定货簿
standing charges固定费用
standing cost长期成本
standing cost经常费用
standing expense经常费用
standing expense orders经常费用单
standing in account输入及委买时价格计算
standing instruction委付款项
standing offer持续要约
standing order长期定单
standing order经常定单
standing permit长期准单
summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses实际及已分配制造费用汇总表