
Terms for subject Agriculture containing standing | all forms | exact matches only
burnt standing cane烧后未砍收原料蔗
excellent standing ability最优直立能力指茎秆
germination in a standing stage穗发芽指禾谷类在未收割前,穗上子粒已萌发
long-standing burnt cane烧后长期在地上甘蔗
long-standing burnt cane烧后久未收获甘蔗
measurement of standing timber立木材积测定
medium standing介于长期与短期之间的中期
sale of standing tree立木贩卖指尚未砍伐的树木
standing ability固定性
standing ability直立性
standing biomass当时生物量
standing biomass现存生物量
standing cane未砍收甘蔗
standing capital固定资本
standing capital固定资金
standing cloud驻云
Standing Committee on Crop Improvement作物改良常设委员会
standing corn未割的玉米
standing corn未收获谷物
standing crop苗木
standing crop林木
standing crop正在成长的作物
standing crop青苗
standing crop现存量指在大田还未收割的作物
standing cutter立式犁刀
standing fish population现存鱼类种群[量]
Standing International Vinegar Committee of the EEC欧洲经济共同体醋酸工业常设国际委员会
standing jointer立式小前犁
standing milking bucket立式挤奶桶
standing room营养面积
standing root永久根 (radix permanens)
underground standing water地下停滞水
water standing rot水枯病指竹节内水液积滞而致的病害