
Terms for subject Business containing standing | all forms | exact matches only
business of good standing优良企业
business of good standing营业状况良好
business standing商业地位
check the credit standing查考资信情况
clean off the balance out standing付清所欠余款
commercial standing商业信誉状况
credit standing商誉
credit standing资信
credit standing信贷信用
credit standing and respectability资信
credit standing and respectability商业信誉和声誉
enterprise of middle standing中等地位企业
financial standing财务状况
financial standing财务声望
free standing stuffer随报广告
joint standing industrial council联合产业会议
long standing长期的
long-standing business dealings长期经营
long-standing operation长期经营
long-standing problem长期存在的问题
manufacturing expense of standing order长期订货制造费用
manufacturing expense standing order制造经常费用单
material of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses实际及已分配制造费用资料
net work of standing currency-swap arrangement固定货币信贷交易协商网络
network of standing currency-swap货币互惠信贷网
no standing禁止停留
shop of old standing经常停工的工厂
standing activity站着作业
standing authorization长期授权
standing charges经常费用
standing circular例行通知
standing cost固定成本
standing credit长期信贷
standing credit远期信用证
standing credit长期定额信用证
standing factory停工工厂
standing job accounts经常工作账户
standing machine停开机器
standing of law法律地位
standing offer持续报价指卖方供货充足而买方需求较大,故报价时多声明在撤回通知到达对方前,报价继续有效。接受方只须在撤回报价通知到达前接受其报价,契约即告成立
standing offer撤销前有效报价
standing operating procedure固定操作程序
standing operation停车操作
standing operation固定操作
Standing Order经常费用通知单
standing order长期代付通知又称长期汇票。 指活期存款户给银行的通知,请该行按一定时间代付某人或某单位一定金额款项,如代付保险费、租金等,并依约付给手续费
standing order常年订单
standing order长期订单即总括定单
standing production orders长期生产指示
standing situation现状
summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表