
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing standing | all forms | exact matches only
standing base-wide广踏肢势
Standing Committee on Research and Statistics调查与统计常设委员会
Standing Committee on Research and Statistics调查与统计常设委员会联合国粮农组织
standing corn未收割的玉米
standing crop未收割作物指田间尚未收割的作物或牧草
standing day未收割干草在草地上已干燥,但尚未收割的牧草
standing day地面干草
standing estrus静立发情
standing estrus站立发情
standing hay未收割干草
standing heat静立发情
standing heat站立发情
standing heat period发情旺期
standing range forage牧草存留量
standing range forage草原牧草现存量
standing reaction静立反应在发情母畜背腰部施加压力,或在公畜爬跨发情母畜时,母畜有挺立不动的反应
standing reaction挺立反应
standing reflex静立反应在发情母畜背腰部施加压力,或在公畜爬跨发情母畜时,母畜有挺立不动的反应
standing reflex挺立反应
standing rib roast腌牛排
standing rib roast牛前里脊肉
standing stall拴养厩间指拴系饲养的单间马厩
standing stall拴养牛栏
standing stall颈枷牛栏
standing stall拴系厩间