
Terms for subject Business containing squeeze | all forms | exact matches only
bear squeeze轧空头
bear squeeze轧空头榨取卖方,迫使减缩
cost squeeze成本压缩
cost-price squeeze成本—价格夹击
credit squeeze信用银根紧缩
credit squeeze measure银根紧缩措施
liquidity squeeze寸头紧张
liquidity squeeze清偿力紧缩
long squeeze多头轧平
long squeeze多头轧空
money squeeze抽紧银根指利率上升,贷款不易
profit squeeze榨取利润
short squeeze轧空头
short squeeze卖空空头轧平指卖空者抢购期货以冲销原订卖空合同
squeeze bull忍痛拍卖
squeeze into the Common Market打入共同市场
squeeze money out from sb.向某人榨取钱财
squeeze on profit利润下降缩减
squeeze the orange榨取民脂民膏吸取脂膏
squeeze the orange榨橙汁
squeeze the price of commodity压低商品价格
squeeze the price of commodity降低物价
squeeze the shorts轧空头即迫使卖空者高价补进
tight squeeze困境