
Terms for subject International trade containing spot | all forms | exact matches only
bargain on spot当场交易
bargain on spot即付交易交易所买卖之一,当场交易
bargain on spot即付交易
central spot market现货中央市场
central spot market中央现货市场
delivery on spot现场交货
delivery on spot即期交付
delivery on spot即期交货
inspection on-the-spot现场检查
on the spot collection就地收购
on-the-spot collection就地收购
on-the-spot inquiry现场调查
on-the-spot inquiry实地调查
on-the-spot investigation现场调查
on-the-spot investigation实地调査
price on spot现金售价
price on spot现货价格
soft spot软弱不振的企业或经济部门
spot and forward即期外汇与远期外汇
spot and forward foreign exchange即期外汇与远期外汇
spot announcement现场宣传
spot assets现金存款
spot broker现货交易掮客
spot cargo现货 (goods)
spot cash即期现款
spot cash立即付现
spot cash货到付现
spot cash现款支付
spot cash即付
spot cash现金
spot charter现船租船契约
spot commodity现货
spot contamination局部沾染
spot delivery当场交付
spot delivery立即交货
spot delivery当场交货
spot exchange现汇
spot exchange rate现汇汇率
spot exchange transaction现汇业务
spot exchange transaction即期业务
spot field investigation现场调查
spot foreign exchange即期外汇现汇
spot foreign exchange即期外汇
spot & forward exchange即期外汇与远期外汇
spot goods制成品
spot goods现货
spot inspection现场检查
spot market, central中央现货市场
spot market, local地方现货市场
spot month现货交货月
spot needs急需品
spot oil price石油现货价格
spot payment现付
spot price quotation现货报价
spot price quotations现货报价
spot purchase买进现货
spot rate现汇汇率
spot sale现货销售购进,当场买卖 (or purchase)
spot sale现货销售
spot ship待装现船
spot sterling英镑现货
spot stocks现货
spot supplies现货供应
spot trade现货交易
spot trading现货交易
spot transaction现期交易
spot transaction现货交易
trading spot商站
trading spot购销点交易站
upon the spot用现货