
Terms for subject Business containing spot | all forms | exact matches only
bargain on spot现付交易
black spot多事故地点
cash or spot market付现交易或现货市场付款
deliver on the spot就地投送
exchange for spot delivery即期外汇业务
exchange for spot delivery即期现场外汇交易
flying-spot store address飞点存储地址
gray spot半黑市现货交易
grey spot半黑市现货
hard spots麻点
hard spots坚挺的现货
high spot高级广告地点
high spot reviews重点考查
hot spot夜总会
If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单
international trading spot国际购销点
inventory taking on spot实地盘点
loco spot原产地交货价
net spot foreign currency position外币现货净有额
on spot在现场
on spot当场
on spot
on the spot collection当场收购
on-the-spot inspection废弃检查
on-the-spot mediation就地调解
on-the-spot training就地训练
on-the-spot transaction现场交易
price of spot现货价格
price on the spot现货价格
soft spot萎靡不振企业
spot and forward exchange即期外汇与远期外汇
spot and forward exchange即期和远期外汇
spot announcement电视插播广告
spot answer当场还价回答
spot audit现场抽查
spot broker现货经纪人
spot broker现货交易经纪人
spot business现货交易
spot cash即付现金
spot chart统计点示图
spot charts点示图
spot check疵点检验
spot check抽样调查
spot-check inspection当场校验检查
spot-check procedure当场校验程序
spot contamination局部污染
spot contract现货合同
spot dealing当场处理
spot dealing现货交易
spot defect疵点缺陷
spot economy现货经济
spot exchange即期外汇
spot exchange rate即期外汇汇率
spot inspection system现场检验制
spot investigation现场调查
spot month现货交货月即期货到期的交货月份
spot oil price石油现货价
spot operation现场操作
spot payment现金支付
spot price现金交易价格
spot purchase购进现货
spot quotation现货报价
spot quotation现货牌价行情
spot rate疵点率
spot rate and forward rate即期汇率与远期汇率
spot ship待装货船
spread between spot and forward quotation现货与期货牌价差额
sun-spot cycle太阳黑子循环
sun-spot theory太阳黑子理论
trade on the spot境外贸易
trouble spot事故现场
trouble spot事故多发点
value spot次日交收银行同业交易,成交后的次日交收
value spot现货交付