
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing specials | all forms
allocations of special drawing rights特别提款权分配额
alloy with special acoustic properties特种声学性能合金
alloy with special chemical properties特种化学性能合金
alloy with special expansion properties特种膨胀性能合金
alloy with special physical properties特种物理性能合金
alloyed special steel特殊质量合金钢
annual meeting on special steel特殊钢年会
Birmasil special alloy伯马西尔硅铝特种合金 (10〜13Si,2.5~3.5Ni,微量 Cu、 Fe、Mn,余量 Al)
continuous casting of special steel特钢连铸
drawing quality special killed深冲拉延镇静
drawing quality special killed深冲镇静钢
extra-special improved plough steel wire超级制绳钢丝
extra special improved plough steel wire超级制绳钢丝
metal with special expansion properties特殊膨胀性能金属
Rogers special engine alloy罗杰斯特种发动机合金 (10或20Sn, 12.5或 15Sb, 63.5 或 75Pb)
section steel of specialsection 特殊断面型钢
special alloy特种合金
special alloy steel特殊合金钢 (Special alloy steels containing aluminium and other elements are heated in ammonia to about 500°C;the gas decomposes to a certain extent into hydrogen and nitrogen ; the latter combines with the iron, forming particles of iron nitride which impart great hardness to the surface of the steel. 将含有铝和其他元素的特种合金钢在氨气中加热到 500°C 左右,部分氨气分解成氢和氮,氮和铁结合生成的氮化铁微粒会大幅度提高钢的表面硬度。)
special alloy steel特种合金钢
special aluminium mischmetal特种铝基混合稀土合金 (11混合稀土,2Si, 1.5Cu, 1.25Ni, 1Mn, 0.3Cr, 0.02Ti,余量Al)
special bar quality特种棒钢
special-base mortar特种盐基泥浆
special bearing steel特殊轴承钢 (【技】在特殊工作环境下使用的轴承钢,例如高温轴承钢、中温轴承钢、低温轴承钢、无磁轴承钢、自润滑轴承钢等。)
special brass特种黄铜
special brick shapes异型砖
special bronze特种青铜
special burner专用烧嘴
special burner特制烧嘴
special carbide特殊碳化物
special carbon steel特种碳素钢
special carbon steel特殊碳素钢
special cast steel特种铸钢
special casting alloy特殊铸造合金
special character专用字符
special character特殊字符
special charcoal tinplate特制厚锡层镀锡薄钢板
special clearance device特殊清扫装置
special clothing专用工作服
special coke tinplate特制薄锡层镀锡薄钢板
special compacting process【粉】 特殊压制成形工艺
special copper alloy特殊铜合金
special crown roll特殊凸度轧辊
special double-flow lance特制双流道喷枪
special double-flow lance【钢】 专用双流喷枪
special features特点
special flexible wire rope特软钢丝绳
special forged steel特殊锻钢
special functional alloy特种功能合金
special heavy section特殊大型型钢
special heavy section特殊大型型材
special heavy sections特殊大型型钢
special heavy sections特殊大型型材
special high-speed steel特种高速钢
special improved patented steel wire特号制绳铅淬火冷拉钢丝
special improved patented steel wire特号制绳铅淬火冷拉钢丝
special improved plough steel wire特号制绳钢丝
special improved plough steel wire特号制绳钢丝
special inspection特别检验
special cast iron特种铸铁
special iron casting特种铸铁件
special lance for slag splashing溅渣护炉专用氧枪
special make-up bar特制算条
special make-up bar特制箅条
special marquench特种分级淬火 (淬火的同时,进行喷丸硬化处理)
special material特殊材料
special material专用材料
special measuring device特种测量器
special melting特种熔炼 (【技】泛指转炉、电弧炉、平炉、感应炉等普通熔炼方法以外的冶金工艺,包括电渣重熔、真空冶金、等离子冶金、电子束熔炼、区域熔炼等多种炼钢方法,用于制备那些以普通熔炼方法不能或难以冶炼的特殊金属材料。)
special metallurgy特殊冶金
special named alloy特种品名合金
special orientation特殊取向
special piece专用件
special piece特殊件
special pig特种生铁
special pig iron特种生铁
special property特殊性能
special purpose brick专门用途砖
special-purpose brick专用砖
special-purpose computer专用计算机
special purpose rolling mill专用轧机
special-purpose software专用软件
special purpose vehicle专用车辆
special rail特种钢轨
special rolled-steel bar异形型钢
special rolled-steel bar异形钢
special rolling特种轧制
special rolling mill特种轧机
special rolling-mill section异形钢材
special rolling-mill section特殊断面钢材
special safety protection article特殊安全保护用品
special secondary cooling control method特殊二次冷却控制法
special section rolled steel特殊断面钢材
special section steel异形钢
special section tube异形管材
special section tube异形管
special sections异型钢材 (指板桩、轨枕、鱼尾板等特殊型钢)
special separator特种分离器
special-shape steel pipe异型钢管
special-shape steel pipe with identical wall thickness等壁厚异型钢管
special-shape steel pipe with variable wall thickness不等壁厚异型钢管
special-shape steel tube with identical wall thickness等壁厚异型钢管
special-shape tube with variable wall thickness不等壁厚异型钢管
special shaped section steel特殊断面型钢
special skills专业技能
special slag splashing lance溅渣护炉专用氧枪
special soft steel特种软钢 (< 0.08C, < 0.05Si, 0.2 〜0.4Mn, < 0.05P, < 0.05S)
special steel特殊钢 (【技】具有特殊成分、特殊生产工艺、特殊组织和性能,能够满足特殊需要的钢,即除普通钢以外的所有钢。中国特殊钢包括优质非合金结构钢、合金结构钢、非合金及合金工具钢、弹簧钢、轴承钢、高速钢、耐热钢和不锈钢等。: The basic electric-arc furnaces of up to 80 tonnes' capacity are now used for making alloy and special steels. 这座碱性电弧炉容量达80 t, 现在用于生产合金钢和特殊钢。)
special steel特殊钢 (一般指含 Ni、Cr、 V、Mo等的含 C>0.6的钢)
special steel billet特殊钢小方坯
special steel industry in China中国特钢工业
special steel product特殊钢产品
special steel rail特种钢轨
special steel rod and bar finishing特殊钢线棒材精轧
special steel sheet特种薄钢板
special steel square billet特殊钢小方坯
special steel wire特种钢丝
special steel wire rod特殊钢线材
special steel works特殊钢钢厂
special steel works特钢厂
special theory of relativity特殊相对论
special tool steel特种工具钢
special tube mill特种轧管机
special type angle特种角钢
special type of high-grade pig iron特种高级生铁
special type screen特种筛
special wire特种钢丝
special wire rope特种钢丝绳
steel for special purpose专门用途钢
steel ingot of special shape特殊形状钢锭
steel wire rope of special section特殊断面钢丝绳
steel with special acoustic properties特种声学性能钢
steel with special chemical properties特种化学性能钢
steel with special electrical properties特殊电性能钢
steel with special magnetic or electrical properties特殊磁性能或电性能钢
steel with special magnetic properties特种磁性钢
steel with special physical properties特种物理性能钢
steel with special properties特殊性能钢
steel with special quality requirements特殊质量钢
steelmaking process for special grades特殊钢炼钢法
steelmaking process for special steel特殊钢炼钢法
superposed dislocation of special orientation特殊取向的重叠位错
unalloyed special steel特殊质量非合金钢