
Terms containing southeast | all forms | exact matches only
oilAssociation of Southeast Asia东南亚联盟
earth.sc.Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning东南亚高等学术机构协会
commer.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国际联盟
fin.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟 (简称"东盟",有10个成员国:菲律宾、马来西亚、泰国、文莱、新加坡、印度尼西亚、越南、缅甸、老挝和柬埔寨)
el.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟
IMF.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东盟
exhib.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟简称东盟
hydroel.st.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟东盟
econ.association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟、 东盟该联盟创立于 1967 年,旨在促进其成员国之间的政治、经济和社会合作
securit.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚联盟
econ.Association of Southeast Asian Nations Council of Petroleum东南亚国家联盟石油委员会
econ.Association of Southeast Asian Nations Free Trade Area东南亚国家联盟自由贸易区
oilAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations Petroleum Security Agreement东南亚国家联盟石油安全协议
UN, polit.Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus China, Japan and the Republic of Korea东盟+3国中、日、韩
adv.Association of Southeast Asian Publishers东南业出版商协会
econ.Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia科伦坡南亚及东南业经济合作发展计划
earth.sc.Continental Rift System of Southeast Brazil东南巴西大陆裂隙系统
earth.sc.Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia东亚和东南亚近海和海岸带地学协调规划委员会
tech.east southeast南东东
tech.east southeast东东南
tech.east southeast东南东
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products东南亚国家热带木材产品销售合作专家组会议
UN, ecol.Expert Group on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products东南亚国家合作销售热带木材产品专家组
geol.from southeast line从东南线
shipb.Fujian Southeast Shipyard福建东南船厂
earth.sc.Generalized Southeast Australia Method综合东南澳大利亚暴雨预报法
earth.sc.Geological Congress of Southeast Asia东南亚地质大会
gen.Indiana University Southeast东南分校
el.integrated communications system - Southeast Asia东南亚综合通信系统
org.name.International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries国际东南大西洋渔业委员会
comp.name.Mobil Oil Exploration and Production Southeast Inc.莫比尔石油勘探开采东南公司
shipb.Ningbo Southeast International Freight Co., Ltd.宁波致远国际货运有限公司
shipb.Ningbo Southeast International Freight Co., Ltd宁波致远国际货运有限公司
tech.North China-Southeast Asia Plate华北-东南亚板块
navig.Offshore Southeast Asia Show国际石油工程师协会专业会议东南亚近海石油展览
org.name.Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific保护东南太平洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划
China, polit.Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia东南亚友好条约第一议定书
org.name.Regional Committee on Plant Genetic Resources for Southeast Asia东南亚植物遗传资源区域委员会
earth.sc.Regional Cooperation Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology in South and Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Far East南亚、东南亚、太平洋和远东核科学技术研究、开发与培训的地区性合用协定
org.name.Science Co-operation Office for Southeast Asia东南亚科学合作办公室
China, polit.Second Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia东南亚友好条约第二议定书
tech.South China-Southeast asia plate华南一东南亚板块
desert.south southeast南东南 (SSE)
tech.south southeast南东南
tech.south southeast南南东
avia.south southeast东南南
gen.south-southeast东南南正南以东 22°30'
environ.Southeast Asia A geographic region of continental Asia, south of China, west of the South Pacific Ocean, north of the Indian Ocean, and east of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian subcontinent, including the Indochina Peninsula, the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian and Philippine Archipelagos, and countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam东南亚 (亚洲大陆的地理区域,南方太平洋西部,北印度洋和孟加拉湾的和印度次大陆,包括中南半岛,马来半岛和印度尼西亚和菲律宾群岛以东,如文莱,柬埔寨,印度尼西亚,老挝,马来西亚,缅甸,菲律宾,新加坡,泰国和越南。)
tech.Southeast Asia东南亚
IMF.Southeast Asia and Pacific Department东南亚及太平洋部
el.Southeast Asia automatic telephone system东南亚自动电话系统
el.Southeast Asia Communication Co.东南亚通信公司
el.Southeast Asia Computer Association东南亚计算机协会
agric.Southeast Asia fruits东南亚果树
org.name.Southeast Asia Lumber Producers' Association东南亚木材生产者协会
earth.sc.Southeast Asia Magnetic Project东南亚磁测计划
geol.Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society东南亚石油勘探学会
el.Southeast Asia Regional Computer Conference东南亚地区计算机会议
org.name.Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives on Community Empowerment东南亚区域社区能力建设举措
el.Southeast Asia telecommunications system东南亚远程通信系统
spaceSoutheast Asia n Treaty Organization东南亚条约组织
earth.sc.Southeast Asia Treaty Organization东南亚条约组织
earth.sc.Southeast Asia Weather Center东南亚天气中心
el.Southeast Asia wideband system东南亚宽带系统
commer.Southeast Asian Business Council东南亚商业理事会
org.name.Southeast Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre东南亚中央银行研究和培训中心
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Development Advisory Group Asia Society东南亚开发咨询小组亚洲学会
org.name.Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre东南亚渔业发展中心
sport.Southeast Asian Games东南亚运动会
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Mathematical Society东南亚数学学会
org.name.Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization东南亚教育部长组织
comp.name.Southeast Asian Petroleum Exploration Company泰国东南亚石油勘探公司
oilSoutheast Asian Society of Oil Engineering东南亚石油工程学会
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering Thailand东南亚土壤工程学会泰国
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering东南亚土壤工程学会泰国
geogr.Southeast Atlantic东南大西洋
ichtyol.Southeast Atlantic soles南非鳎属 Austroglossus (spp.)
tech.southeast by east东南偏东
tech.southeast by south东南偏南
tech.southeast China basin region中国东南盆地区
tech.southeast China epicontinental volcanic basin region中国东南陆缘火山盆地区
tech.southeast China hills中国东南丘陵
tech.southeast China intermontane basin region中国东南山间盆地区
tech.southeast China littoral-shallow sea中国东南滨浅海
tech.southeast China marine trough中国东南海槽
tech.southeast China mountains中国东南山地
tech.southeast China province中国东南区
tech.southeast China semiarid to semihumid subtropical to tropical subzone中国东南半干旱—半潮湿亚热一热带亚带
tech.southeast China shallow sea东南浅海
tech.Southeast coast deep fracture zone东南沿海深断裂系
tech.Southeast coastland tectonic zone东南沿海构造带
geol.southeast corner东南角
tech.southeast drift current东南漂流
earth.sc.Southeast England英国东南部地区
tech.southeast facing marginal arc向东南突出边缘弧
tech.southeast flowing由东南流来的
earth.sc.Southeast Michigan Council of Governments东南密执安政府委员会
gen.Southeast Missouri State University州立东南密苏里大学
geogr.Southeast Pacific东南太平洋
earth.sc.Southeast Pacific Area东南太平洋区域
geol.southeast quarter东南四分之一地区
tech.southeast tarim downwarping region东南坳陷区
wind.southeast trade东南信风带
tech.southeast trade wind东南信风
desert.southeast trades东南信风
earth.sc.Southeast Tropical Pacific东南热带太平洋地区
tech.southeast wind东南风
China, polit.the Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN)
econ.The Representative has to compete with cheap imports from Southeast Asian countries代理人不得不与从东南亚国家进口的便宜商品竞争
China, polit.Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia东南亚友好条约