
Terms for subject Textile industry containing source | all forms | exact matches only
circulating fund source流动资金来源
classification by source of funds按资金来源分类
classification by source of goods按货源分类
design source设计源
indication of source产地标记
information at source信息源
information at source情报来源
light source color光源色
manufacture's source code制造厂货源代号
mobile pollution source移动污染源
moving pollution source移动污染源
New Source Performance Standard新污染源特性标准
source data原始数据
source data原始资料
source document原始单据
source document原始文件
source information源情报
source information原始情报
source information原始资料
source information原始信息
source information源信息
source jurisdiction收入来源税收管辖权
source material原材料
source of assets资产来源
source of cargo货源
source of income收入来源
source of income财源
source of products产品来源
source of products货源
source of revenue收入来源
source of wealth财富来源
source of wealth财源
source rules从源课税规则
source taxation从源课税
source taxes从源课税的税收
specific fund source专用基金
standard light source标准光源
stationary source固定污染源
stoppage at the source税款从源扣缴
taxation at source从源征税
wage fund source工资基金
withholding at source从来源扣缴