
Terms for subject Automobiles containing sound | all forms | exact matches only
airborne-sound insulation空气隔绝
airborne-sound level空气声声级
airborne-sound prediction空气声预测
airborne-sound source空气声声源
airborne-sound spectrum空气噪声频谱
approaching vehicle sound for pedestrians行人临近车辆警示声音系统
approaching vehicle sound for pedestrians临近车辆行人警示声音系统
automatic sound leveling音量自动调节
automatic sound levelling收音机音量自动调节
automatic sound levelling音量自动调节
average sound level声学平均声级
basic sound level声学背景基本噪声级
coherent sound contribution相关声音份额
coherent sound source相关声源
density of sound energy声学声能密度
diffuse sound field声学扩散漫射声场
digital sound adjustment数字式声音调节
digital sound processor数字式语音处理器
drive-line sound radiation传动系统噪声散发传播
electronic sound system电子音响系统
engine-speed-dependent sound-level characteristic车辆与发动机转速相关的声级特性
exterior sound level车辆外部噪声级强度
global sound level综合声级
global sound-pressure level综合声压级
holographic sound system激光全息音响系统
horn sound level喇叭声级
incident sound energy入射声能量
incoherent sound contribution非相关声音量值
incoherent sound contribution汽车声学非相干的声音成分
incoherent sound source汽车声学非相干声源
individual sound level声学单独个别的声
interior sound level车内噪声级
key sound source声学主要声源
lateral sound flow声学横向声流
live sound system可变声系统
main sound source主噪声源
mastic sound deadener树脂塑胶隔声涂料
octave sound-pressure level声学倍频程频带声压级
overall sound-pressure level总声压级
overall sound pressure level全部声压级
overall sound pressure level总声压度
premium sound amplifier高保真音响放大器
primary sound source初始声源
radiated sound energy声学辐射声能
radio and associated sound equipment音响设备
recycled sound protection product可再生隔音材料产品
reflection sound-absorber反射式消声器用于汽车进气空气滤清器,以减少进气噪声
sound absorbency
sound absorbency声吸收
sound-absorbent material声材料
sound-absorbent shield汽车声学吸声板
sound-absorbing compound汽车声学吸声物质材料
sound absorption
sound-absorption characteristic吸声特性
sound-absorption coefficient吸声系数
sound-absorption system汽车声学声系统
sound analysis声学声音噪声分析
sound attenuation声学声衰减装置
sound-attenuation index声学声衰减指数
sound baffle隔音消声
sound barrier隔音物
sound box吸音箱
sound box共振箱鸣器
sound buzzer蜂音
sound calculation噪声计算
sound casting优质铸件
sound conditioning声调节
sound contribution汽车声学声音噪声组成成分
sound-damped metal声音衰减减声金属
sound damper声器材料
sound damping减音
sound damping消声
sound damping声学声衰减
sound-damping treatment声学声处理
sound deadener消声器材料,涂料
sound deadening
sound deadening声学声衰减
sound-deadening mat吸,隔声垫
sound design完好的结构
sound design坚固的结构
sound duct声管
sound duct音道
sound effect响效应
sound emission噪声发射排放
sound-emission analysis声学声发射分析
sound-emission analysis声发射分析
sound-energy density声能密度
sound flow声流
sound impulse声脉冲冲量,冲击
sound-insulated chamber隔声室
sound-insulating material汽车声学吸,消声材料
sound-insulation index声指数
sound-insulation system声系统
sound intensifier扩音器
sound intensity响度
sound-intensity level
sound-intensity meter噪声计
sound-intensity meter声级仪
sound-intensity probe声强测量探头
sound-intensity sensor声强传感器
sound-level calibrator声级标定仪
sound-level gauge声级计
sound-level gauge噪声计
sound-level indicator声级指示器
sound-level limit声级极限限度
sound limit声音噪声极限限度
sound measurementmeasuring测声
sound measurementmeasuring声音测量
sound meter声学声级计
sound mode声音模式
sound mute音响声音消噪
sound of horn喇叭声
sound package汽车声学整套全车防噪声装置
sound path汽车声学声传播路径
sound power声能通量
sound prediction声预测
sound-pressure field声压场
sound-pressure reflection coefficient声压反射因
sound processor语音处理器
sound projector放音孔
sound projector喇叭声音发射器
sound radar声波雷达定位器,测距器
sound-radiating body surface汽车声学车身声辐射表面
sound-radiating panel车身声辐射面板
sound-radiating surface车身声辐射表面
sound ranger声波音响测距仪
sound ray声线见 GB/T 3947-1996 中 2.74
sound record录音
sound reflection回音
sound reflection声学声音反射
sound registration声学录音
sound reverberation回音
sound reverberation声音回响反射
sound scope声检器
sound scope听诊器
sound signal音频信号
sound spectrometer声频频谱仪
sound suppression声音衰减阻尼
sound suppression
sound-suppression index消声指数
sound the horn【动】按喇叭
sound track声道
sound transfer声转换
sound transmission声传输
sound-transmission path声传播路径
sound truck广播车
sound truck扬声器车
sound vehicle广播车辆
sound volume响度
sound volume声强
sound volume收音机音量
stereo sound system立体声音响装置
volumic sound energy声能密度