
Terms for subject Economy containing sound | all forms | exact matches only
Both parties agree that as soon as the business proves sound, they will set up another joint venture双方同意,一旦业务稳定,将建立另一家合资公司
delivered sound妥当交付
delivered sound交货有能力的
delivered sound妥善交付
duty for sound goods完好货关税
good, sound and merchantable质好,完整,可销售的
good sound marketable可销售的
good sound marketable可畅销的
net arrived sound value完好货物到达时净价
net arrived sound value完好货物到达净价 (值)
Please sound them out and tell us what their intension is请试探一下他们的意见,并告诉我们他们的打算
sound a bugle吹号
sound and intact完整无缺
sound basis稳妥方案
sound currency完全通行的货币
sound currency完好通行的货币
sound development健全发展
sound financial footing可靠的资力财力基础
sound insulation隔声〔音〕
sound investment稳妥可靠的投资
sound quality优良品质
sound quality完好的品质
sound title to land有效的土地所有权
sound value of the ship船舶完好价值
the arrived sound value完好货到达价值
The main purport of the certificate is to prove the sound quality of the product此证书的主旨是证明该声品的质量良好
the sound arriving value完好到达的货物市价
Your explanation for the damage sounds reasonable你方对损坏的解释听起来有理由