
Terms containing social | all forms | exact matches only
tech.ability to accommodate social funds社会融资能力
busin.accumulation of social capital社会资金积聚
busin.acts perform on a social scale社会范围行动
consult.Ad Hoc Working Group on the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council经济及社会理事会议规则特设工作小组
busin.added social national income rate附加社会国民收入率
busin.added social net income rate附加社会纯收入率
busin.added social net output rate附加社会净产出率
busin.added social productivity附加社会生产力
busin.advanced average social quota社会平均先进定额
busin.aggregate social product社会总产量
busin.aggregate social production社会总生产
tech.aggregate social supply社会供应总量
securit.alleviate enterprises'social burdens减轻企业的社会负担
busin.allocation of social labour社会劳动分配
avia.American Academy of Political and Social Science美国政治和社会科学研究院
busin.amount of social products社会产品量
busin.amount of social products produced社会产品生产量
busin.annual social productive value年度社会生产价值
busin.anticipated extent to which social labour is economized预期社会劳动节省程度
consult.Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development阿拉伯经济与社会发展基金
busin.artificial social value虚假社会价值
tech.assessment of social effect社会影响评价
busin.average amount of funds spent per unit of social product单位社会产品平均资金占用量
busin.average conditions of social production社会生产平均条件
busin.average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本平均利润率
busin.average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会生产资金平均利润率
busin.average social labour平均社会劳动
busin.average social profit rate平均社会利润率
busin.average social profit rate on capital平均社会资本利润率
busin.average social profit rate on funds平均社会资金利润率
busin.average social profit rate on investment平均社会投资利润率
busin.average social rate on wages平均社会工资盈利率
busin.average social return rate on investment平均社会投资报酬率
busin.averaging individual value into social value个别价值平均化为社会价值
tech.axiom for social welfare function社会福利功能的公理
busin.Bachelor of Arts in Social Science社会科学学士
busin.Bergsonian social welfare function柏格森社会福利函数
sport.Bureau International du Tourism Social国际社会旅行局
gen.Bureau of Social Science Research社会科学研究局
ecol.Center for Third World Economic and Social Studies第三世界经济和社会研究中心
tech.comparatively well-off social development planning小康社会发展规划
busin.contribute the social working day提供社会劳动日
busin.contribution to social security, pension and similar scheme对社会保险、养老金及类似计划的贡献
busin.controlling social group purchasing power控制社会集团购买力
busin.cooperative social system社会协作系统
tech.coordinated regional economic and social development地区经济社会的协调发展
securit.corporate social responsibility公司社会责任 (CSR)
securit.corporate social responsibility企业社会责任 (CSR)
ecol.corporate social responsibility report社会责任报告
tech.critical social value临界社会价值
tech.cultural-social environment文化社会环境
tech.Department of International Economic and Social Affairs国际经济和社会事务部
tech.disorders of social instinct社会本能障碍
busin.distribution of social labour社会劳动分配
busin.Doctor of Social Science社会科学博士
busin.dynamical social economics动态社会经济学
tech.economic and social benefits经济和社会利益
busin.Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific亚太经社委员会
comp.name., UNEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific联合国亚太经社理事会
tech.Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific亚太经济和社会委员会
gen.Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋地区经济和社会委员会
gen.Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and the Pacific联合国西亚经济社会委员会
agric.Economic and Social Committee欧洲经济共同体经济及社会委员会
busin.economic and social consequences社会经济后果
gen.Economic and Social Council济及理事会联合国机构
busin.Economic and Social Council联合国经社理事会
consult.economic and social council联合国经济及社会事理会
agric.Economic and Social Council联合国经济及社会理事会 (of United Nations)
gen.Economic and Social Council联合国经济与社会理事会
gen.Economic and Social Council经济社会理事会联合国所属的
agric.Economic and Social Department粮农组织经济社会司
tech.economic and social determinant经济和社会决定因素
tech.economic and social development plan经济和社会发展计划
busin.economic and social development program经济社会开发计划
tech.economic and social development strategy经济和社会发展战略
tech.economic and social justification经济和社会效益论证
tech.economic and social justification for road development道路建设的经济和社会合理性
tech.economic returns and social benefits经济和社会利益
gen.Economical and Social Council理事会联合国所属的
AI.emergent social law产生社会法律
busin.employer's contributions to social security schemes雇主对社会保险计划的分摊额
China, polit.ensure proper balance in economic and social development统筹经济社会发展
securit.enterprises burdened with social responsibility企业承担社会责任
busin.entertainment and social activity expense交际应酬费
tech.entire social income tax全额社会所得税
tech.environmental social policy环境社会政策
tech.false social value theory虚价社会价值理论
tech.full social income tax全额社会所得税
busin.Gross Social Product社会生产总值
securit.heavy social burdens沉重的社会负担
busin.hierarchy of social rank社会等级层次
busin.homogeneous social group同质社会群体
tech.homogeneous social group同质社会集团
busin.horizontal social distance同阶层社会差距
busin.horizontal social mobility同阶层社会流动性
busin.human social-economic system人类社会经济制度
shipb.in order to suit social diversified demand为了适应社会多样化需求
adv.index of social position社会地位指数
tech.index of social purchasing power社会购买力指数
agric.influence on social development对社会发展的影响
busin.information social science信息社会科学
gen.Institute for Social Ecology社会生态学院
tech.interaction in social group社会集团的相互作用
agric.interaction of social group社会集团的相互作用
busin.inventory of social products社会产品储备
gen.Joint Commission on Science and its Social Relations科学及其社会关系联合委员会
busin.labor of social character社会劳动
busin.large social overhead capital project大规模社会间接资本计划
busin.large-scale social overhead capital projects大规模社会间接资本计划
China, polit.make efforts to develop social productivity大力发展社会生产力
China, polit.make major arrangement for China's social and economic development作出社会经济发展方面的重大部署
China, polit.make overall planning for a coordinated economic, social and regional development统筹经济社会和区域协调发展
gen.man's social being determines his consciousness存在决定意识
tech.marginal social cost边际社会费用
busin.marginal social net product边际社会净产值
tech.marginal social value临界社会价值
fisherymarine social-ecological system海洋社会生态系统
busin.Master of Arts in Economic and Social Studies经济与社会学文科硕士
busin.Master of Science in Social Service社会公益服务学硕士
busin.Master of Social Science社会科学硕士
tech.material conditions of social life社会物质生活条件
gen.May I see your social security card and your ID, please?请给我社会保障卡和身份证好吗?
busin.measures to provide social security to the elderly老年社会保障措施
sport.medical social worker医学社会工作者
tech.minimize social impact最小社会影响
securit.National Council for Social Security Fund China全国社会保障基金理事会
tech.national economic and social development planning国民经济和社会发展计划
busin.national social security fund国家社会保险基金
securit.National Social Security Fund全国社会保障基金
tech.net marginal value of social output边际社会纯产值
tech.net social output value社会净产值
ecol.noise of social activities社会生活噪声
tech.noise of social activity社会生活噪声
China, polit.obtain a deep understanding of the characteristics of the current stage of China's economic and social development深刻认识中国经济社会发展的阶段性特征
AI.off line design of social law社会法律的离线设计
ecol.optimum allocation of social resources社会资源最优配置
ecol.optimum allocation of social resources社会资源优化配置
consult.optimum social order最佳社会秩序
tech.overall raising of social insurance funds统筹社会保险基金
tech.potential social productivity潜在的社会生产率
China, lawpremiums for social insurance社会保障费用
tech.problematic social situation不能预测的社会情况
busin.productivity of social labor社会劳动性生产率
tech.project social assessment建设项目社会评价
tech.project's social value appraisal项目社会评价
busin.psycho-social system心理—社会系统
tech.quantitatively definite social need特定数量的社会需要
tech.rate of social increase of population人口机械增长率
China, lawrights and interests to social security社会保障权益
tech.saving social labor economy of social labor节约人工的投资
busin.Sci social science社会科学
busin.Sci social scientist社会科学家
consult.science and social科学与社会
AI.social ability社会能力
adv.social acceptability社交能力
busin.social accounting社会会计
tech.social accounting analysis社会核算分析
tech.social accounting matrix社会核算矩阵
busin.social accounting system社会会计体系
busin.social activities社交活动
tech.social adaptation社会适应
busin.social adjustment社会调节
sport., psychol.social adjustment社会适应
tech.social affect survey社会影响调查
securit.social allocation of capital资本社会化分配
tech.social and cultural indicator社会与文化标志
HRsocial and labor relations社会和劳工关系
tech.social anthropology社会人类学
sport., psychol.social anxiety社会焦虑
tech.social appraisal社会评价
busin.social approach社会学方法
sport., psychol.social approval社会认可
desert.social area analysis社区分析
sport., psychol.social aspect of sports psychology运动心理学社会方面
busin.social assistance社会援助
sport., psychol.social atmosphere社会气氛
sport., psychol.social attitude社会态度
sport., psychol.social attitude inventory社会态度调查表
tech.social average expenditures standard社会平均支付水平
busin.social average productivity社会平均生产率
tech.social average value社会平均价值
busin.social balance社会均衡
desert.social behavior群聚行为
busin.social behavior社交行为
sport., psychol.social behavior社会行为
gen.social behaviour社会行为 (A person or community's general treatment, manner of conduct or action toward others as individuals or as members of variously identified groups, 一个人或社会的一般待遇,行为方式或对个人或作为个人或各种确定团体的成员对他人的行为。)
gen.social being社会人
gen.social being社会存在
tech.social benefit社会利益
tech.social benefit of environmental protection环境保护社会效益
desert.social benefit of forest森林社会效益
multimed.social bookmark link generator社会书签链接发生器
bridge.social bridge社交桥牌
busin.social budget社会预算
tech.social building program社群建筑计划
tech.social building programme社群建筑计划
busin.social capital社会间接资本
securit.social capital社会间接资本
securit.social capital reproduction社会资本再生产
tech.social center社交中心
agric.social changes社会转型
tech.social charges社会福利费
tech.social city社会城市
busin.social class社会阶层
adv.social class社会地位
tech.social club社团会所
securit.social collection of funds社会集资
busin.social communication社会信息沟通
sport., psychol.social communication社会交往
gen.social community社区
adv.social comparison theory社会性比较理论
ecol.social compliance auditor社会责任审核员
desert.social condition社会条件
securit.social consciousness mutual fund社会良知型共同基金不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金
busin.social consequence社会后果
AI.social context社会环境
busin.social contract社会契药
busin.social control社会管理
tech.social cost社会费用
tech.social cost公共成本
busin.social cost社会成本指控制水及其它环境污染的维持费用
desert.social cost群居成本
tech.social cost accounting社会成本会计
tech.social cost of congestion交通拥挤造成的社会费用
tech.social cost-benefit社会成本效益
busin.Social Credit社会债权说主张工业利润应归全社会所有
busin.social credit movement社会信贷运动即提高群众购买力运动
securit.social credit registry system社会信用登记系统
busin.social-cultural factor社会文化因素
agric.social Darwinism社会达尔文主义{进化}
sport., psychol.social desirability社会需要
sport., psychol.social desirability社会期望
busin.social development社会开发
busin.social development system社会开发系统
nautic., tech.social deviance event社会异常事件
tech.social discount rate社会折现率
tech.social diseconomy社会不经济 (性)
tech.social disruption社会分裂
tech.social disruption社会混乱
tech.social disruption社会瓦解
desert.social distance种群距离
desert.social distance社会距离
agric.social dominance群落优势种
tech.social dominance社群优势
desert.social drift社群漂移
busin.social dumping社会倾销指廉价商品推销
agric.social ecology群落生态学
desert.social ecology社会生态学
busin.social-economic basic program社会—经济基础计划
tech.social economic benefit社会经济效益
busin.social-economic development program社会经济发展计划
busin.social economic management社会经济管理
busin.social economic order社会经济秩序
tech.social economic pressure index社会经济压力指数
tech.social economic survey社会经济调查
desert.social-economic-natural complex ecosystem社会-经济-自然复合系统
busin.social education社会教育
tech.social educational facilities社会教育设施
tech.social educational facility社会教育设施
tech.social effect assessment社会影响评价
desert.social engineering社会工程学
multimed.social engineering社会工程
tech.social environmental education社会环境教育
tech.social environmental element社会环境要素
tech.social environmental structure社会环境结构
agric.social equity社会公正
nautic., tech.social exceptional event社会异常事件
busin.social expenditure交际支出
tech.social expenses交际接待费用
busin.social experience社会经验
med.social facilitation社会促进效应
med.social facilitation社会促进作用
busin.social forecast社会预测
tech.social fringe社会利益
agric.social function社会功能
desert.social group社群
busin.social groups社会集团
tech.social hall友谊厅
tech.social hall交谊厅
tech.social hall社交联谊楼
tech.social health science社会健康科学
desert.social hierarchy社会等级
tech.social house-building交谊建筑
tech.social housing社会住房
tech.social housing低价住房
busin.social imbalance社会失调现象
busin.social imbalance社会不均衡
tech.social impact assessment社会影响评价
tech.social impact survey社会影响调査
busin.social income社会收入
tech.social increasepopulation人口机械增长
tech.social increase of population人口的社会增长
tech.social increase of population人口机械社会增长
busin.social indicator社会福利指标
busin.social indicator社会指标
tech.social indicator社会指数
desert.social indicators社会指数
busin.social indifference curve社会无差异曲线
tech.social industrialization社会工业化
busin.social inequality社会差别
busin.social inflation社会通货膨胀指由社会舆论造成的通胀
busin.social influence社会性影响
sport., psychol.social influence社会影响
multimed.social information architecture社会信息化架构
sport., med.social inhibition社交抑制
agric.social insect群居昆虫
agric.social insect社会性昆虫
busin.social insurance社会保险指政府向公民提供的健康保险等
tech.social insurance fund社会保险基金
agric.social insurance system社会保障制度
busin.social intelligence investment社会智力投资
sport., psychol.social interaction社会相互作用
busin.social interest社会利益
busin.social interrelationship社会关系
tech.social investigation社会调查
agric.social isolates社会隔离群
agric.social isolation社会隔离
busin.social job社会工作
AI.social law社会法律
AI.social learning社会学习
securit.social maladjustment社会失调
sport., psychol.social manner inventory社会态度调查表
busin.social marginal cost社会边际成本
busin.social marginal product社会边际产品
busin.social market economy社会市场经济
busin.social market system社会市场制度
busin.social marketing concept社会营销观点
sport., psychol.social maturity社会成熟
multimed.social media社交媒体
agric.social model社会模型
tech.social morphology社会形态学
busin.social motivation群性动机
sport., psychol.social motivation test社会动机测验
busin.social motive群性动机
sport., psychol.social motive社会动机
tech.social national income社会国民收入
tech.social nature of property relations财产关系的社会性质
agric.social needs社会需要[量]
tech.social needs社会需求
tech.social net output value社会净产值
multimed.social network社交网络
multimed.social news社会新闻
tech.social objective社会目标
tech.social opportunity cost社会机会费用
securit.social opportunity cost of capital资本的社会机会成本
busin.social organization社会组织
busin.social origin社会出身
busin.social overhead社会管理费用
tech.social overhead社会基本开支
tech.social overhead capital社会总资本
agric., econ.social overhead capital经济社会基本设施
tech.social overhead capital社会分摊资本
securit.social overhead capital社会一般资金
busin.social overhead cost社会基础设施费用
tech.social overhead infrastructure社会固定资本
tech.social overhead investment社会间接投资
busin.social ownership公有制
tech.social parasitism群居寄生 (现象)
tech.social participation社会参与
biol.social pear sawfly梨群聚叶蜂 (Neurotoma saltuum L.,叶蜂科)
busin.social perception群性知觉
sport., psychol.social perception社会知觉
busin.social performance accounting社会业绩会计
busin.social phenomenon群性现象
tech.social phenomenon群集现象
tech.social physical training facilities社会体育设施
tech.social planning社会规划
tech.social planning城市社会公益、福利规划
busin.social planning社会开发计划
tech.social planning城市社会规划
busin.social policy社会政策
busin.social position社会地位
busin.social power社会权力
busin.social premium on investment投资社会溢价
sport., psychol.social pressure社会压力
desert.social problem社会问题
busin.social production社会化生产
ecol.social production system社会生产系统
busin.social productive force社会生产力
busin.social profitability analysis社会营利分析
busin.social program社会规划
busin.social psychologist社会心理学家
tech.social purchasing power社会购买力
ecol.social rate of discount社会折现率
sport., psychol.social reaction inventory社会反应调查表
tech.social regional environment社会区域环境
sport., med.social rehabilitation社会康复
tech.social replacement capital社会的补偿资本
desert.social request社会需求
busin.social research社会研究
busin.social research inc.社会研究公司
tech.social reserve funds社会后备基金
fisherysocial responsibility社会责任
ecol.social responsibility accounting社会责任会计学
securit.social responsibility approach社会责任方式
securit.social responsibility investment社会责任投资
busin.social responsibility of banks银行的社会责任
busin.social responsibility of enterprise企业的社会责任
ecol.social responsible investment fund社会责任投资基金
busin.social role社会角色
busin.social role社会责任
tech.social security and welfare service社会保障和福利事业
busin.social security benefits社会保障福利
consult.social security contributions社会保险缴款
busin.social security expenditure社会保障支出
tech.social security funds社会保险基金
busin.social security insurance社会安全保险
busin.social security insurance社会保障保险
busin.social security payment社会保障付款
tech.social security program社会保险计划
busin.social security programme社会保障计划
tech.social security programme社会保险计划
AI.social security service社会保障服务
AI.social security services case study<-> 社会保障服务案例研究
busin.social security system社会保障制度
tech.social security tax社会保险税
busin.social security taxes and benefits社会保险税与福利受益
busin.social security-type pensions社会保险型养老金
busin.social self社会自我
multimed.social semantic web社会语义网
busin.social service社会公益服务
tech.social service system社会服务系统
busin.social setting社会环境
busin.social solidarity社会连带关系
tech.social sphere社会圈
busin.social statistics社会统计
sport., psychol.social status社会地位
busin.social status of employees雇员的社会地位
busin.social strata社会阶层
adv.social stratification社会阶层化
adv.social stratification社会分层
securit.social stratum rentiers食利阶层 (有固定年金、租金、利息收人者)
sport., psychol.social stress社会压力
agric.social structure of agriculture农业的社会结构
busin.social study社会调查
busin.social surplus rate社会收益率
tech.social surplus rate of return社会盈利率
tech.social survey社会调查
desert.social surveys社会调查
busin.social system analysis社会制度分析
tech.social system engineering社会系统工程
busin.social system school of management管理的社会制度学派
busin.social system school of management thoughts管理思想的社会制度学派
multimed.social television社交电视
consult.social trend analysis社会趋势分析
consult.social trends社会趋势
tech.social utility社会福利事业
tech.social value function社会价值函数
desert.social vole社田鼠 (阿拉伯半岛和伊朗-阿富汗沙漠)
tech.social welfare decision making社会福利决策
busin.social welfare expense社会福利费
tech.social welfare facilities社会福利设施
tech.social welfare facility社会福利设施
HRsocial welfare indicators社会福利指标
busin.social welfare insurance社会福利保险
busin.social welfare insurance社会福利事业保险
tech.social welfare policy社会福利指标
busin.social work社会工作
busin.social workshop社会工厂
busin.statistical package for the social science社会科学应用统计组合程序
desert.Statistical Package For The Social Science统计软件包
tech.statistics of social insurance社会保险统计
China, polit.strengthen social legislation加强社会领域立法
China, polit.strengthen the social safety net健全社会保障
China, polit.strengthen the social safety net完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规
China, lawsupervisory organization of social insurance funds社会保险基金监督机构
tech.surplus social purchase power社会节余购买力
busin.System of Social and Demographic Statistics社会人口统计系统
gen.Technological Forecasting & Social Change技术预测与社会变迁
gen.the Chinese Academy of Social Sciencesназв.комп. 中国社会科学院
consult.the social function of science科学的社会功能
ecol.the social responsibility report社会责任报告
busin.theory of social organism社会有机体论
tech.total social product社会总产品
tech.total value of social commodities社会商品价格总额
busin.two major parts of social production社会生产两大部类
desert.UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific联合国亚洲太平洋地区经济社会委员会 (ESCAP)
desert.UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific联合国亚洲及太平洋地区经济社会委员会
desert.UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia联合国西亚经济社会委员会
tech.unified average social rate of profit统一的社会平均盈利率
tech.United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affair联合国经济社会事务部
tech.United Nation Economic and Social Council联合国经济社会理事会
tech.United Nations Centre for Economic and Social Information联合国经济社会资料中心
tech.United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific联合国亚太经济社会
desert.United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific联合国亚洲和太平洋地区经济及社会委员会 (1974 年成立。在中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所(兰州),印度中央干旱带研究所(焦特布尔)和土库曼科学院荒漠研究所(阿什哈巴德)举办治沙培训班,为培养防治荒漠化干部做了许多组织工作。总部地址:泰国曼谷)
gen.United Nations Economical and Social Council联合国经〔济〕社〔会〕理事会
tech.United Nations Social Defence Research Institute联合国社会防护研究所
gen.United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, Department of Economics and Social Affairs联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心
avia.United States Social Security美国社会保障
tech.urban social and cultural determination城市社会文化决定论
tech.urban social benefit城市社会效益
tech.urban social planning城市社会规划
AI.useful social law有用的社会法律
gen.Waltz, which is one of the earliest social dances in Europe, was also named round dance华尔兹是西方社交舞中起源最早的一种舞蹈形式,亦称圆舞
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