
Terms for subject Economy containing so | all forms | exact matches only
All the goods are well packed so as to avoid damage in transit所有货物都妥善包装,以免运输途中损坏
All the goods should be well packed so as to avoid damage in transit所有货物都应妥善包装,以免运输途中被损坏
Can managing director explain why the sales in the first quarter are so high?总经理能解释为何第一季度销售额如此之高吗?
He has a multiple entry-exit visa, so he may leave and come at any time他有可重复使用的出入境签证,所以他可以随时来去
However desirous we are of delivering goods ahead of schedule we cannot do so because of limited transport capacity尽管我们很想提前发货,但由于运输能力有限实难办到
If so, please send us the necessary application forms如果是这样,请将必需的申请寄来
It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美元
It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的
It's not fair to charge us so much for the samples向我方索取样品费如此之多不公道
My secretary knows Spanish, so she will interpret for us我的秘书懂西班牙语,因此她将为我们翻译
Natural disaster includes earthquake, flood, drought and so on自然灾害包括地震、水、旱灾害等等
not a quarter so as good as远不及
Please send us the missing items by air freight so as to complete the shipment请将所缺项目空运给我们,以资补足
so as to以致
so as to结果使
so far迄今为止
So far their shipping documents haven't appeared至今他们的装船单据尚耒收到
so long as如果
so long as只要
So long as this agreement remains in force, you have to pay for all taxes只要本协议仍然有效,你方必须支付一切税款
so that因此
so that为使
so that以便
so that所以
The boss attempted to intimidate his employees into doing so but in vain老板想胁迫他的雇员这样做,可是没有得逞
The contractor is warned that failure to do so may disqualify him from the contract承包商受到警告,不照此办理可能会被取消其承包的资格
The contractor must be responsible for the design, engineering, procurement n., construction and so on承包商必须负责设计、工程、采购、建造等等的工作
The damage to the goods is so serious that we cannot accept them货物的损坏如此严重,我们断难接受
The damage was caused on the voyage, so you should lodge the claim against the ship损坏是在航运中造成的,所以你方应向船方提出索赔
The goods have been packed in strong cases so that they can withstand the strain of the long voyage这些货物已包装在坚固的箱子里,这样它们才能经得起长途运输的颠波
The market is so abnormal that the purchasers are at sea how to operate市场如此反常,买主们不知所措
The package is so bulky that it can not be sent by airmail这件包裹太大,不适宜空邮
The purchaser doesn't agree to pay such a large sum, so this transaction isn't concluded买主不同意支付这样大的金额,所以没有作成这笔交易
The quality of this article can qualify for first class, so its price is quite high这种商品的质量达到一级品,所以其价格相当高
The subcontractor is given an opportunity to be present in arbitration so that he can submit evidence转包商有机会出席仲裁,这样他就能提出证据
Their bid is not satisfactory, so it prohibits business他们的递价不能令人满意,所以不能成交
There was a machinery break down so that the progress of the production has decelerated机器发生故障,因此生产速度降低了
They are not aware of why you opened the L/C so late他们不知道为什么你方这样迟才开出信用证
We are regretful to have given you so much trouble through having paid great attention to the matter虽然对此事极为注意,仍造成不少麻烦,实为抱歉
We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides本拟提交仲裁,唯望通过双方友好协商解决,故作罢
We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission我们是双方直接成交这笔业务的,因此没有佣金这回事
We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易
We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened必须指出,装船前我们仔细检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损
We haven't received a pertinent reply so far我们至今还未收到一个中肯的答复
We hope you will promote credit sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement, when it expires望促进赊销,为协议期满后续订协议铺平道路
We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment我们将在一定的时间内把我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货
We will appreciate your communicating with the shipping company at once so as to secure early delivery请立即与船运公司联系,确保早日装运
We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...我方要求你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮
You are responsible to expedite their delivery of all materials, machines, supplies and so on你方有责任促其迅速交付一切材料、 机器、供应等
You must know clearly that, in doing so, we are not establishing a precedent你方必须清楚地知道,我方这样做是下不为例的
Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的折扣
Your quotation is so high that it leaves us no margin of profit你方报价太高,这样的价格我方没有赚头