
Terms containing snow ice | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.army snow, ice and permafrost research establishment陆军冰雪与永久冻土层研究所
earth.sc.Association for the Study of Snow and Ice冰雪研究协会
chem.coating material for prevention of ice and snow accumulation话冰雪附着涂料
chem.coating materials for prevention of ice and snow accumulation话冰雪附着涂料
avia.covered with ice and snow on runway跑道上盖满冰雪
desert.ice and snow area冰雪地
avia.ice and snow on runway机场跑道有冰雪
gen.ice and snow on runway跑道上有冰雪
desert.ice and snow resources冰雪资源
textileice and snow sports shoes冰雪运动鞋
gen.Ice & Snow Festival冰雪节
tech.ice snow pressure冰雪压力
textileice-snow blue冰雪蓝
tech.International Commission of Snow and Ice国际冰雪委员会
gen.International Commission on Snow and Ice国际冰雪委员会
earth.sc.Japanese Society for Snow and Ice日本冰雪学会
desert.maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深
tech.melt snow and ice冰雪融化水
earth.sc.National Snow and Ice Data Center国家冰雪数据中心
road.wrk.recurrent snow and ice反复冻融的冰雪
mount.snow and ice climbing冰雪作业
mount.snow and ice climbing冰雪攀登作业
avia.snow and ice on runway跑道上积雪与结冰
avia.snow and ice on runway跑道积雪与结冰
avia.snow and ice on runway跑道积雪和结冰
mount.snow and ice work冰雪作业
desert.snow depth on ice冰上雪深
tech.snow ice
tech.snow ice冻雪
desert.snow ice雪冰
hydroel.st.snow ice and permafrost research establishment冰雪及永冻层研究所
earth.sc.snow, ice and permafrost research establishment雪、冰和永冻层研究所
spacesnow-covered ice载雪冰
spacesnow-covered ice覆雪冰
desert.snow-ice mixing flow冰雪混合流