
Terms for subject Nautical containing single | all forms | exact matches only
bulk carrier of single-side skin construction单舷侧结构散货船
digital single lens reflex camera数码单镜反光相机
exposed location single buoy mooring system旷海单浮筒系泊系统
FPSO with single point mooring system卸油船 (SPM, FPSO)
FPSO with single point mooring system单点转塔系泊式浮式生产储 (SPM)
"M"type single-pull hatchboard斜置型舱盖
oceanographic research vessel for single-purpose海洋专业调查船
PAM type single-pull hatch cover套置型舱盖
"PAM"type single-pull hatchboard套置型舱盖
roll single amplitude横摇单幅值
single anchor leg mooring单锚腿系泊系统
single anchor leg system单锚腿系泊系统 (SALW SALS)
single anchoring leg storage system单锚腿储存系统
single armed propeller strut单臂轴支架
single atom iridium catalyst单原子铱催化剂
single bottom单底
single bottom structure单底结构
single-buoy mooring单浮筒系泊
single buoy mooring浮筒单点系泊系统
single buoy storage SBS system单浮筒储存系统
single buoy system浮筒单点系统
single casing riser单屏立管
single-casing steam turbine单缸汽轮机
single collar thrust bearing单环推力轴承
single convention on narcotic drugs麻醉品单一公约
single decked ship单甲板船
single end windlass单侧起锚机
single expansion engine单胀式蒸汽机
single failure DPS单个故障动力定位系统
single failure单个故障单一故障
single-flow steam turbine单流式汽轮机
single gas fuel engine单一气体燃料发动机
single harmonic content单次谐波
single hull tanker单壳油船
single-hydrofoil craft单水翼艇
single-layer board单层板
single lens reflex单镜头反光相机
single-machine traction单机拖动
single market共同市场
single operator action操作员单一动作
single-pass boiler单烟道锅炉
single-phase synchronous generator单相同步发电机
single pitch amplitudeф纵摇单幅值
single plate clutch单片离合器
single point mooring system单点式系泊系统
single point mooring system单点转塔系泊系统
single-pull hatch cover滚翻式舱盖
single-purchase winch单卷筒绞车
single-reduction gear单级减速齿轮箱
single reduction gear单级减速装置
single-reduction unit单级减速齿轮箱
single row ball bearing单排滚珠轴承
single-shaft rotor gas turbine单轴燃气轮机
single shaft turbine定轴涡轮
single side skin bulk carrier单壳散货船
single skin member单壳构件
single stage compression refrigerating system单级压缩制冷系统
single stage compressor单级压缩机
single-stage flash evaporation单级闪发
single-step planning boat单断级滑行艇
single strut shaft bracket单臂轴支架
single unit floating dock整体式浮船坞
single well oil production system单井式石油生产系统
standard type single-pull hatchboard竖置型舱盖
steam turbine single-up test汽轮机单缸试验