
Terms for subject Finances containing single | all forms | exact matches only
book keeping by single entry单式簿记
book-keeping by single entry单式簿记
Europe's single currency欧洲单一货币 (即"欧元")
EU's single market欧盟单一市场
exit by Greece from the single currency希腊退出单一货币
net single premium一次净保险费
single-account system单账户制
single-account system单帐户制仅在一个在制品帐户统制各在制品成本单
single bank单一银行
single bill单一票据
single bond单约债券
single capital company单一资本公司
single charge付一次
single-country fund单一国家基金
single-country mutual fund单一国家互惠基金
single currency bloc欧元区
single debit单式借记法
single entry单式簿记
single-entry accounting单式会计
single-entry bookkeeping单式记账法
single-entry bookkeeping单式簿记
single-entry plan单式记账法
single factor单因素
Single-Factor Model单因素模型
single financial assets单项金融资产
single floating exchange rate单一浮动汇率 (指一国货币不与其他任何货币固定汇率,其汇率根据市场外汇供求关系来决定的制度)
single interest单项利息
single liability有限责任
single monthly mortality每月还本率
single-name note单名票据
single-name paper单名票据
single option单一期权
single payment一次偿付
single-payment bond一次赎回债券
single-period with set up cost单一期间的设置成本
single plan单一登记法
single plan of standard cost accounting标准成本会计的单一计划
single-premium endowment policies趸缴生死两全保险
single-premium life insurance趸缴保费寿险
single-premium whole life趸缴保费终身寿险
single premiums趸缴保费
single price auction system单一价格竞价市场
single proprietorship独资企业
single rate单一汇率 (凡是一国对外仅有一个汇率,各种不同来源与用途的收付均按此计算,或本币对各种外币的即期外汇交易的买卖价不超过2%者,即称为"单一汇率")
single rate单一折扣率
single-rate method单一汇率法
single-rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管制制度
single rule单一规则
single share derivative warrant单一种股份的衍生认股权证
single standard单本位
single-state municipal bond fund单一市政债券基金
single-step income statement单步式收益表
single-stock futures单一股票期货
single stock futures单一股票期货
single venture独资经营