
Terms for subject Environment containing sickness | all forms
radiation sickness The complex of symptoms characterizing the disease known as radiation injury, resulting from excessive exposure of the whole body (or large part) to ionizing radiation. The earliest of these symptoms are nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea, which may be followed by loss of hair (epilation), hemorrhage, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and general loss of energy辐射病 (因受到辐射产生的复杂症状的病,是由于全身或身体大部分暴露在电离辐射中引起的。症状最初是恶心、疲劳、呕吐和痢疾,然后可能是脱发(脱毛)、出血、口腔和喉咙的炎症,以及全身乏力。)