
Terms containing sick | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a sick market市场呆滞
exhib.air sick bag清洁袋
gen.Are you felling sick? How is your appetite?请问您哪里不舒服?您的胃口怎么样?
commer.attend upon a sick person护理病人
gen.be sick and tired ofM 厌恶 M
gen.be sick and tired ofM 对 M 不耐烦
gen.be sick and tired ofM 倦于 M
econ.be sick of going out on business对出差感到厌倦
gen.be sick to death ofM 厌恶 M
gen.be sick to death ofM 对 M 不耐烦
gen.be sick to death ofM 倦于 M
corp.gov.certified sick leave医生证明的病假
corp.gov.control card for prolonged sick leave延长病假控制卡
tech.disposal of passengers suddenly caught sick or died by accident旅客发生疾病或死亡处理
econ.Every member in our corporation has sick benefit我公司每人都享受疾病津贴
corp.gov.extended sick leave病假延长
gen.fall sick生病
gen.feel sick要呕吐
gen.feel sick恶心
China, polit.Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed forces in the Field改善战地武装部队伤者病者境遇之日内瓦公约
China, polit.Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea改善海上武装部队伤者病者及遇船难者境遇之日内瓦公约
gen.get sick生病
nurs.home sick-bed家庭病床
gen.I fell sick I've been vomiting我恶心,还不停地吐
gen.I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来了
gen.I think I'd better buy some carsickness pills since it's easy to get sick in an air-conditioning bus坐空调车容易晕车,我想还是买点晕车药比较好
nurs.individual of home sick-bed家庭病床对象
tech.iron sick铁材腐蚀
tech.nail sick钉接处渗漏
tech.nail sick因钉孔而产生渗漏的
tech.nail sick钉眼松动
tech.nail sick钉孔漏
corp.gov.non-certified sick leave无医生证明的病假
tech.on sick leave休病假
tech.paid sick leave薪资照付的病假
repr.biol.registered sick children's nurse注册小儿科护士
UN, tech.routine sick calls日常伤病员门诊
tech.salt sick盐病
anim.husb.salt sick反刍类缺钻病可能由缺钻引起,同时也缺铜及铁,症状为无食欲,皮肤粗糙,呆滞无神
tech.sick absence statistics病伤缺勤统计
tech.sick activated sludge不正常活性污泥
tech.sick aircraft有故障飞机
gen.sick at heart伤感
tech.sick bay船上医务室
tech.sick bay军舰卫生所
nurs.sick bed病床
manag.sick benefit病假津贴
busin.sick benefits疾病补贴
busin.sick benefits病假工资
tech.sick berth attendant卫生员
spacesick bird有故障的导弹
spacesick bird有故障的飞行器
refrig.sick building病态建筑
tech.sick-building syndrome设计不良建筑物综合征
refrig.sick building syndrome病态建筑综合症
environ.sick building syndrome A set of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, and dizziness, typically affecting workers in modern airtight office buildings and thought to be caused by indoor pollutants, such as formaldehyde fumes, particulate matter, microorganisms, etc.病态楼宇综合症 (包括头痛,疲劳,眼睛不适,头晕等的一整套症状,特别发生在现代密闭办公大楼的工作者身上,被认为是由室内污染物,如甲醛气体,造成颗粒物,微生物引起的。)
refrig.sick building syndrome or IAQ cases病态建筑综合症或室内空气品质案件
surg.sick cell syndrome病细胞综合征
busin.sick economy病态经济
auto.sick engine带病故障发动机
tech.sick flag检疫旗
otorhinol.sick headache偏头痛
tech.sick leave每年可拿工资的病假天数
manag.sick leave病假工资
corp.gov.sick leave病假
proj.manag.sick leave pay病假工资
textilesick leave payment病假工资
busin.sick market病态市场
interntl.trade.sick market市面呆滞
securit.sick market疲软的证券市场
tech.sick officer's quarters军官病房
manag.sick pay病假工资
agric.sick rate罹病率
anim.husb.sick rate患病率
anim.husb.sick rate发病率
nurs.sick room病室
sport., med.sick sinus syndrome病态窦房结综合征
agric.sick soil耗竭土
tech.sick soil忌地不适宜种植、生长的地
tech.sick soil耗竭土 (壤)
ecol.sick soil病土
met.sick tin锡瘟
met.sick tinα-锡
met.sick tin病锡
gen.sick to death of对…厌倦极了
nurs.sorting of the sick and wounded伤病员分类
tech.spell of sick absence伤病缺勤事例
econ.the sick economy病态经济
gen.turn sick要呕吐
gen.turn sick恶心
corp.gov.uncertified sick leave无医生证明的病假
gen.wounded and sick伤病员
China, lawwounded or sick serviceman伤病军人