
Terms for subject Shooting sport containing shot | all forms | exact matches only
additional sighting shot补试射
annulment of a shot射击无效
annulment of a shot弹着取消
chilled shot铅、锑合金散弹
cleaning shot试射
competition shot记分射
complained shot有抗议的弹着
contest the value of a shot对一发弹着环值有争议
copperized shot镀铜散弹
crack shot优秀射手
crack shot神枪手
dead shot神枪手
drop shot软铅弹
duel shot速射
each series of 10 shots一组10 发射完
excessive shot多射
extra sighting shot额外试射
fired shot打响的一发
fired shot打响的一发
free small-bore rifle 50m 60 shots prone自选小口径步枪 50 米 60 发卧姿射击
free small-bore rifle 50m 60 shots prone自选小口径步枪50米60发卧姿
free small-bore rifle 50m 60 shots prone英国式射击
highest value shot最高环值
indication of shots示靶
indication of shots报靶
invalid shot射中无效
irregular shot非正常发射
keyholed shot横弹孔
10m air pistol shot10米气手枪射击
misplaced shot错射
position of a shot弹着点
position of shot弹着点
questioned shot有问题弹着
record shot记分射
repeat a shot重射
repeated shot重射
rifle shot步枪射程
rifle shot步枪弹
scoring shot记分射
shot during the turning转靶时射发
shot-for-shot shoot-off一分一分的同分决赛
shot hole弹孔
shot in dispute有争议的弹着
shot in dispute疑问弹着
shot location弹着点
shot mark弹痕
shot number发数
5-shot string5发1组
5-shot string五发一组
shot target射过的靶
shot target已射过的
shot value弹着环数
sighting shot试射
skid shot打滑弹
skid shot由于靶子转动而形成的椭圆形弹孔
skid shot椭圆形弹孔
surplus shot超额射
surplus shot多射
surplus shot超过规定次数的多射
ten shot string10 发一组
tip shot横弹孔
valid shot有效发
valid shot有效发射
valid shot射中有效
value of shots环值评定
warming shot适应性预射
warming shot预热枪管射击
warming-up shot预热枪管射击
warming-up shot热枪射击