
Terms for subject Securities containing short | all forms | exact matches only
accept a short selling order接受一个卖空指令
arm's short term trading index短期正常交易指数
ban on short selling卖空禁令
ban short selling禁止卖空
banning the short-selling of stocks禁止卖空股票
behavior of pursuing short term interests利益短期化的投资行为
borrowing long and lend short借长放短
borrowing short and lending long短借长贷银行通过从存款人手中借人的短期资金,向外发放长期贷款
build short position做空
cash short and over现金余缺
close out a short position平短仓
close out a short position平淡仓
closing out a short sale卖空平仓
closing out a short sale卖空抛售
consolidation of short-term debts合并短期债务
consolidation of short-term debts整顿短期债务
cover short补进空头股数交易所
cover short position填补空仓
cover short position补仓
cover short sale补进空头销售股数 (交易所)
covered short selling有担保的卖空出售
covering short抵补卖空
dedicated short bias index专项股票作空倾斜指数
dedicated short bias strategy专项股票作空倾斜策略
designated securities eligible for short selling可进行卖空交易的指定证券
enterprise short-term bond企业短期债券
enterprise short-term bond企业短期融资券
enterprise short-term note企业短期票据
European short-credit market欧洲短期信贷市场
fall short of standard达不到标准
fall short of standard不合标准
fall-short risk不足风险
for short account用于放空账户
for short account股票看涨
foreign short-term claims国外短期债权
forward exchange for short term短期外汇期货
go short做短
go short做空
illegal short selling非法卖空活动
in shorts卖空
in shorts空头
incur short position持空仓
international flow of short-term capital国际短期资本流量
international short-term capital movement国际短期资本流动
intraday short selling当日卖空活动
intraday short selling securities短线卖空证券
intraday short selling securities即日卖空证券
investing short投资空头
lend short短期贷款
lift a short补仓
lift a short空头
lift a short空头平仓购回
long/short equity长短仓持股
long/short equity多/空权益
long /short equity strategy多头/空头权益策略
margin used by investors for short purchase and short sales投资者用于空头交易的保证金
market neutral long-short strategy市场中立多空策略
member short sale会员做空
member short sale会员抛售
members' short sale ratio会员做空比率
money at call and short notice应召即还的短期贷款
money at call and short notice短期通知放款
naked short裸式空头
naked short无担保空头
naked short selling无抵押卖空
naked short selling无担保卖空
net short position短仓净额
netting-off between long and short positions长短仓互相抵消
odd-lot short sales零股卖空
odd-lot short sales ratio零手卖空比率
odd-lot short sales ratio零股卖空比率
open short position未抛补空头仓位
over and short溢缺数量
over and short超缺额
over-and-short account现金溢缺账户
percentage level in relation to notifiable interests and short positions告知权益及短仓的百分率水平
prior short position先前的短仓
private short term capital movement私人短期资本活动
public short ratio公众空头比率
quantitative long/short funds定量多仓比空仓对冲基金
rebound short-lived短期回弹股价
registration of interests and short positions登记权益和短仓
regulated short selling受监管的卖空活动
requirement to confirm short selling order确认卖空订单的规定
revised short selling scheme修订的股份卖空计划
round lot short/ cover ratio整手卖空/补进比率
run short缺少
run short行将售完
running in the shorts空头操作
sale short against the box保险柜抵押一种融券方式,以存放在柜中的证券为抵押
sale short against the box卖空持有股
scramble for short-term funding争抢短期资金
secured short term financing担保短期融资
sell out for short空头出尽
sell short空头交易
sell short做空
sell short沽空
sell short卖空股票投机
sell short against the box卖空/抛空持有的股票
seller's short卖方抛空
seller's short卖方空头
short account无款账户
short account空账户
short against the box全部抛空
short against the box实物卖空
short an option做空期权
short bill短期债券
short black line短小阴线技术分析
short broker空仓经纪
short broker淡仓经纪
short broker participant空仓经纪参与者
short broker participant淡仓经纪参与者
short calender spread跨期短仓
short call认售短仓
short call售出认购期权
short call卖出看涨期权
short coupon短期息票债券
short cover补空
short cover补空仓
short cover补进
short cover补仓
short covering补空仓
short covering抛空补进
short-dated forward rate agreement短期的远期利率合约
short-dated government bonds政府短期公债
short description简要说明
short description简称
short description of security证券简称
short end of the market短期市场
short exempt卖空免除 (券商限制投资人卖空交易的规定)
short exempt卖空限制
short fall短缺
short-fall risk做空失败风险
short form merger简易形式的兼并
short form mortgage clause简易形式的抵押条款
short form prospectus简明招股书
short form registration简易形式的注册
short forward出售远期
short forward卖远期
short fund做空基金一种共同基金
short fund短期资金
short funded短期借人资金
short futures做空期货
short futures卖期货
short futures contract淡仓期货合同
short futures contract卖期货合同
short gilts短期金边债券
short hand relative value ratios简易相对定价比率
short hedge空头套期
short hedge空头保值
short interest卖空余额空头抛出与补进证券的差额
short interest证券交易中抛空差额
short interest position欠缺的仓量
short interest position短缺的头寸
short interest ratio卖空余额比率
short iron condor卖出铁鹰式套利
short leg认沽部分
short leg看跌部分
short leg短期
short leg空头部分
short list简要名单股票发行企业挑选承销商时,初步筛选后列出的简短备选名单
short-lived securities短期有效证券
short margin account卖空保证金账户
short margin account融资保证金账户
short margin restriction融资保证金限制
short margin restriction卖空保证金额限制
short market value空头市场价格
short market value被卖空的证券市场现价
short market value卖空市场价格
short maturity短期限
short message of mobile for reminding investors risks of stocks market通过手机短信提醒投资者有关股市的风险
short of funds资金短缺
short of liquidity流动资金短缺
short of liquidity流动资金紧缺
short of the market市场空方
short of the market持有卖空头寸
short open contract未平短仓合同
short option短仓期权
short option contract空头期权合同
short option contract短仓期权合约
short order短订单
short paid款未还够的
short period premium短期溢价
short period premium短期保费
short position淡仓
short position欠仓
short position空头短盘
short position短头寸
short position证券或期货交易空仓
short positioned derivative interests短仓衍生工具权益
short positions to be disclosed需披露的空仓
short purchase空头补人
short put卖出认沽期权
short put卖出看跌期权
short put option卖出看跌期权
short range investment短期投资
short ratio空头余额比率
short interest ratio空头净额比
short red line短小阳线技术分析
short risk缺货风险
short risk短量风险
short run economic disturbance短期经济失调
short run investment短线投资
short run operating activity短期经营活动
short run outlook短期前景
short-run returns短期回报
short-run volatility短期不稳定性
short-running cash planning短期资金计划
short sale against the box实仓抛空
short sale against the box实仓销售一空
short sale mechanism空头销售机制
short sale rule空头出售规则
short sale rule卖空规则
short sale trading短线交易
short-sale volume卖空交易量
short saleable shares可卖的空股票
short sell securities卖空证券
short seller买空卖空者
short sellers of bank shares银行股卖空者
short selling卖空策略
short selling融券交易投资者借人股票卖出
short selling抛空
short selling against the box实仓抛空
short selling against the box实仓销售一空
short-selling curbed限制做空行为
short selling facilities卖空服务
short-selling fund卖空基金
short-selling limits卖空限制
short selling of securities on behalf of clients代客沽空
short selling of securities on behalf of clients代客户卖空证券
short selling of shares融券
short selling order卖空委托
short selling order卖空指令
short selling pilot scheme股份卖空试验计划
short selling restricted限制沽空
short selling restricted限制卖空
short sold position卖空盘限额
short sold position抛空盘限额
short spread卖出价差
short squeeze空头挤压
short squeeze被迫做空
short sterling短期英镑
short stock空头股票
short straddle抛空套期
short strangle空头宽跨式套利
short swing短期趋势
short swing短期
short swing短线
short swing profit短线交易利润
short swing profit rule短期盈利规则
short swing trade短线交易
short swing trading rule短线交易规定
short synthetic call卖出合成看涨期权
short synthetic futures合成空头期货
short synthetic puts合成空头看跌期权
short tap短期政府债券
short tender空头卖价
short tender借股竞标
short-term auction rate短期拍卖率
short-term balance短期余额
short-term borrowing短期贷款
short-term borrowing between banks银行间拆借
short-term business loan短期经营贷款
short-term capital gain&loss短期资本损益
short-term capital movement短期资本变化
short-term claims against U. S. gold可以兑换美国黄金的短期债券
short-term credit company短期信用公司
short-term credit company短期信贷公司
short-term credit instrument短期信用工具
short term debt短期债务
short-term debt instrument短期债务工具
short-term discretion短期自由裁量权
short-term discretion短暂酌情处理权
short-term draft短期汇票
short term earning asset短期获取的资产
short-term finance market短期融资市场
short-term financing短期筹资
short-term fixed income短期固定收人
short-term floating-rate debt短期浮动利率债务
short-term funds market短期资金市场
short-term funds market短期拆借市场
short-term government bond短期政府债券
short-term government security短期政府证券
short term high quality fund短期优质基金一种共同基金
short-term indexed liability transaction短期指数化债务交易
short-term indicator of economic condition短期经济状况指标
short-term interest free loan短期无息贷款
short-term interest rate options短期利率期权
short-term investment management plan短期投资管理计划
short-term investment pool短期投资池
short-term investment service短期投资服务
short-term investor短期投资者
short-term lender短期放贷者
short-term loan market短期信贷市场
short-term money market rate短期货币市场利率
short-term mortgage短期抵押
short-term moving average短期平均变化
short-term nonliquid claim短期非流动债权
short-term note短期期票
short-term note issuance facility短期票据发行机构
short-term obligation短期债券
short-term price短期价格
short-term public loan短期公共贷款
short-term registration短期注册
short-term reserves短期准备金
short-term revolving letter of credit短期循环信用证
short-term security短期证券
short-term solvency ratio短期偿债能力比率
short-term strategy短期策略
short-term trade短线交易
short-term trade短期交易
short-term trading by the directors and senior management董事高管短线交易公司股票
short-term trading index短线交易指数
short-term trading oscillator短期交易振荡指标
short-term trust短期信托
short test卖空测试
short the basis基差做空
short time draft短期汇票
short turnover短仓成交量
short turnover短仓交易量
short up强劲增长
short vs. long positions空头与多头
shorts in play from overnight空头自昨夜一直留在场内
specialist's short sale ratio造市商卖空比率
specialist's short sale ratio专家经纪公司卖空比率
squeeze bears or short positions轧空头
squeeze bears or short positions轧空
squeeze the short逼空
synthetic short futures合成空头期货
take short position抛空
take short position卖空
taking of a short future买人短仓期货
tender offer and short-swing profit股权收购与利润短期趋势
top-rate short-term corporate bonds最高评级的短期公司债券
tracing short-term rate跟踪短期利率
tracking short-term interest rate跟踪短期利率
ultra-short bond超短期债券
ultra short term bond fund超短期债券基金
unauthorized short selling非法卖空
unauthorized short selling非经许可的卖空
uncovered short selling非法卖空证券
uncovered short selling无担保卖空交易
uncovered short selling无担保的卖空