
Terms for subject Economy containing short | all forms | exact matches only
a short account空头账户
a short bill短期汇票
a short-dated bill短期票据
a short-dated note短期票据
a short-established letter of credit一份金额少开的信用证
a short-invoiced shipment发票少开的货物
a short-landed cargo list短卸货物清单
a short-landed memo货差证明
a short-landed memo短卸记录单
a short-landing account短卸单
a short-landing certificate短卸证书
a short-term bond短期债券
a short-term note短期票据
adjustability of factors in short run短期中要素的可调整性
aggregative short-term investment technique积极的短期投资法
amortization schedule of low cost and short lived articles低值易耗品摊销分配表
amortization short-term investment短期投资摊销
an over-and-short account现金溢缺账户
an over-and-short account长短款账户
at short notice俟通知
balance between short and long range goods长短期目标的平衡调整
be caught up short被当场抓住
be short of供应不足 (supplies)
borrow short to lend long多头贷出
borrow short to lend long空头借进
buy short买空
cash over and short account现金超过和不足账户
collection of duty short-paid补税
come short缺少
come short by短少 (10.000 yards, 一万码)
comprehensive short-term guarantee短期信贷综合担保
content short内货短缺
content short weight内货短量
cost schedules in short run短期成本表列
cover short补进卖完的股数
definition of short run短期的定义
disruptive short-term movement破坏性的短期波动
entering short登记短期票据
equilibrating movements of short term capital短期投资的均衡动态
external short term liabilities对外短期负债
for short account股票看低
for the short account为空头账户
foreign short loans made here短期国际贷款
forward exchange for short period短期外汇期货
give short measure短份量
give short shrift立即严厉处理 (to)
give short weight短斤少两
go short缺乏 (of)
go short自己不能有 (of)
go short买空
going short做空头
identity of short-run marginal cost and short-run supply schedules短期边际成本和短期供给表列的相等
in short supply供应不足
international transfer of short-term fund短期资金的国际流动
international transfer of short term funds短期资金的国际流动
inventory short and over盘亏和盘盈 (shortages and overages)
It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美元
It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的
make short of the matter长话短说
marketable short-term短期出售的资产
money at short notice短期低息借款
money borrowed for short time短期借款
movement of international short term capital国际短期资本流动
net short-term gain短期净收益 (得利)
net short-term gain短期净利所得
offical short-term capital movement官方短期资本流动
official short-term credit官方短期信用
outturn report short over land damaged container list集装箱卸货报告中的短溢残损单
outturn report short over land damaged container list卸货清单上的短溢残损单
outturn report: short/overland&damaged container list卸货清单上的短溢残损单
over and short溢缺额 (结算余额多于或少于现金数)
over and short溢出额结算余额多于或少于实际现金数
over, short and damaged report超额、短缺和损坏的报告
period and short run cost curves时间与短期成本曲线
price and output levels in short-run短期中的价格与产量水准
private short-term capital movement私人资本短期流动
run short不足
secured short-term financing担保短期信贷
securities realizable at short notice短期可变证券
securities realizable at short notice短期可变卖证券
sell short售出期货
short-and-medium-term equipment loan中短期设备贷款
short bond短期五年之内债券
short change少找钱
short -term credit短期贷款
short credit短期赊欠
short crop低产
short-delivered goods短交的货物
short-distance freight services短距货运
short-distance land transport短距离陆路运输
short-end of a contract短期合同卖方
short exchange短期票据
short form auditor's report简易查账报告
short forward rate一个月内的短期汇率
short-haul fare短途票价
short hedging抛补 (即个人要负责将其所缺货品补回)
short hundred weight重量单位 (= 100磅)
short hundredweight均略作 (wt)
short interest空头权益
short interest卖空总额
short interest卖空头
short interest短期债总额
short interest行情看跌的人士
short interest抛空差额
short interest欠缺头寸
short interest不足被保险的利益
short land memo短卸证明
short landed cargo短卸货
"short lease" approach"收紧皮带"的方式
short-lived recession短期下降
short money短期借款
short money market短期金融市场
short of destination未抵达目的地
short period cost短期成本
short period equilibrium短期平衡
short period rate短期费率
short period supply curve短期供给曲线
short position空头 (地位)
short quotation短期汇兑率
short-range decisions短期决策
short range ocean transportation近洋运输
short range planning短期经营计划
short-range profit planning短期利润计划
short rate短期保险率
short ream纸张短令 (= 400张)
short receivable短期存款
short residence time短暂停留时
short run浇不足
short run小量〔短期〕生产
short run短的运行
short-run analysis短期分析
short-run average cost短期平均成本的行为
short-run cost curve短期成本曲线
short-run cost curve短期费用曲线
short run cost curves短期成本曲线
short-run equilibrium短期平衡
short-run equilibrium短期均衡
short-run inefficiency短期无效率
short run production小量〔短期〕生产
short-run production小量〔短期〕生产
short run production小批生产
short-run supply短期的供应
short scale production小批生产
short shipped短装
short-shipped goods短装货物
short-sighted policy缺乏远见的政策
short term bill短期汇票
short-term bill短期证券
short-term bill短期票据
short-term bond短期债券
short-term capital gain or loss短期资本收支益损
short-term capital movement短期资本运动
short-term capital movements短期资本流动
short-term cash flow budget短期现金流转预算
short-term claim on foreigners国外短期债券
short-term credit market短期信用市场
short-term debenture短期公司信用债券
short-term debt短期负债
short-term debt短期债款
short-term debt 3 months to 1 year短期债务1-3年
short-term deposits短期存款
short-term earning assets短期获利资产
short-term food aid policy短期食物援助政策
short-term fund短期资本
short term funds短期资金
short-term funds短期基金
short-term hunger短期饥饿
short-term hunger暂时性粮食不安全
short-term instability短期不稳定
short-term insurance短期保险
short-term interest rates短期利率
short-term lending market短期贷放市场
short-term liabilities短期债务
short-term loan短期贷款
short-term loans短期贷款
short-term nonliquid claims短期非流动债权
short-term note短期票据
short-term obligations短期债务
short-term plan短期计划
short-term project短线工程
short-term project短期计划
short-term project短期方
short term receivables短期定期储蓄
short-term relief短期资金
short-term storage短期储备
short-term time deposit短期定期储蓄
short-term treasury bill短期库券
short term treasury bond短期国库券
short-term trend短期动向
short-term warranty短期保单
short-term yield project短期内能提高产量的项目
short-term yield project短期收益项目
short time credit短期信用
short-time fluctuation短期变动
short time loan短期贷款
short-time run average cost短期营运平均成本
short ton短吨 (= 2000磅)
short wave短波曲线工业图表
short-wave communication technology短波通讯技术
short weight短重
shortest processing time最短处理时间
snap up the goods in short supply抢购紧缺物资
squeeze the short扎空头
squeeze the short交易所轧空头
supply foils short of demand供不应求
system of short contract短期契约制度
talk short简短地说
The analyses on the market situation indicate that some competitors are selling short because of low prices市场形势分析表明一些竞争者由于价格下跌而卖空
The cargo was short-weighted. We have to lodge a claim against you to the amount of £5000货物短重,我们只好向你方提出5000英镑的索赔
The letter of guarantee will arrive in the short term保证书近期到达
The owner of the ship is not responsible for short-weight and therefore he should be released from the arbitration proceeding at once船主不对短重负有责任,因此应尽快从仲裁程序中解脱出来
the short-dated securities短期证券
the short-landed cargo短卸货物
The short landing of two cases is obviously the fault of the carriers少卸两箱显然是运输公司的过失
the short period premium rates短期保险费率
the short-run adjustment短期调整
the short-run effect短期效果
the short-run performance margin短期营运毛利
the short stock跌价时抛出的股票
the short-term capital balance短期资本收支差额
the stabilizing short-term capital movement稳定性的短期资本流动
the unduly short-haul traffic过近运输
There are no signs that the price of gold will fall within short没有迹象表明短期内金价会下跌
Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打
We agree to compensate you for the claim on short shipment by 7% of the total value就你方提及的因装载不足索赔一事,我方同意赔偿总值的7%
We shall not relinquish any claim for short weight, inferior quality and demurrage我方不会放弃对短重、质次和滞留费的索赔
What if the volume of business falls short of the agreed amount?如果营业额不足双方同意的金额怎么办?
Your L/C is short to the extent of $1800你方信用证少开金额达1800 美元