
Terms for subject Agriculture containing short | all forms | exact matches only
come short短缺
cultivation of short or dwarf branches矮秆栽培
cut short捷径
cut short中止
cutting short截短修剪
harsh short staple cotton粗短纤维棉
harsh short staple cotton粗短绒棉
high-temperature short time pasteurization高温短时[间]灭菌法
intensive short rotation forest集约短期轮伐林
long short广角拍摄{显技}
many short erect branches多直立短分枝指稻品种
many short erect tillers多直立短分蘖指稻品种
period of short supply缺少供应期
period of short supply青黄不接期
ratoon cropping of short-season rice variety早[熟]稻再生栽培
rice short米糠
short-access storage快速存取存储器
short and active tillering variety多短分蘖品种
short and moderate tillering variety中等短分蘖品种
short and sturdy culm矮壮秆
short and sturdy straw矮壮秆
short arm短[染色体]臂
short auricle短叶耳 (auricula brevis)
short-awned短芒的 (breviaristatus)
short-awned plant短芒植株 (planta breviaristata)
short-awned variety短芒品种
short bag短小乳房奶牛
short bearing branch短果枝
short berry无核浆果
short-boom loader短臂装载机
short-branched短枝的 (brevirameus)
short calyx tube短萼管 (tubus calyculus brevis)
short cane短梢
short cane短种蔓
short cane cutting短梢插
short cane pruning短梢修剪指葡萄
short catch crop短期填闲作物
short cattle barn短牛栏
short communication简讯
short concentration peak短期浓度高峰
short crop矮秆作物
short culm矮秆 (culmus humilis)
short culm mutation矮秆突变
short-culmed crops矮秆作物
short-culmed variety矮秆品种
short-culm-heavy tillering type矮秆多分蘖型水稻
short-culm-less tillering type矮秆少分蘖型水稻
short culm-much tillering type矮秆多分蘖型水稻
short culture短期栽培
short culture短期培养
short-cut bed soil速成床土指温床用土
short-cut graphic method简单图解法
short-cut method简法
short-cut pathway捷径
short cutting简化
short day短日[照]
short-day breeder短日[照]繁殖动物
short-day condition短日[照]条件
short-day crops短日照作物
short-day length短日照长度
short-day plants短日[照]植物
short-day requirement短日照需要量
short-day response短日照反应
short-day seed短日性种子
short-day treatment短日[照]处理
short-day type短日[照]型
short-day vernalization短日照春化
short dialing短拨号
short diameter小头直径木材
short-distance transport短程运输
short-distance transport短距离运输
short dry period短旱期
short duration短持续期
short-duration period短生育期
short duration sorghum生长周期短的高梁
short-duration strain短生育期品系
short-duration strain早熟品系
short-duration variety短生育期品种
short-duration variety早熟品种
short-eared短耳的 (brachyauritus)
short-eared短穗的 (brachystachys)
short-eared pig短耳猪
short fallow短期休闲
short fiber variety短纤维品种
short fiber variety短绒品种
short-flowering短花的 (brachyanthus)
short-footed短柄的 (brevipcs, brachypodus)
short format短格式
short frost bite短期霜害
short-fruited短果的 (brachycarpus)
short functional life span短功能生命周期
short functional life span短功能寿命
short genetic segment短遗传节段
short grain缺乏子粒
short grain短子粒
short grain rice短粒稻
short-grain type短粒型
short-grain variety短粒品种
short-grass land短生禾草地
short-grass plains短生禾草草原平原
short grasses矮生禾
short growth duration短生育期
short growth period短生长期
short-haired短毛的 (brachytrichus)
short head短穗 (spica brevis)
short-horned短角的 (brevicornus)
short-horned grasshopper
short inner glume短内颖 (gluma interior brevis)
short interface短界面
short internode短节间 (internodium breve)
short interval application短间隔期散布
short interval application短间隔期撒药
short kernel rice短粒稻
short land零碎地
short-lasting induced adaptation短期诱导适应
short-leaved短叶的 (brevifolius, brachyphyllus)
short life cycle短生活周期
short list in a census供最后挑选的名单在一个普查中
short-lived暂时的 (fugax)
short-lived短生的 (ephemerus)
short-lived annual grasses短生一年生禾草
short-lived cell短命细胞 (cellula ephemera)
short-lived isotope短效同位素
short-lived leaves短命叶 (foli ephemerae)
short-lived metabolic process短时间代谢过程
short-lived microcrystal暂时微晶体 (microcrystallum ephemerum)
short-lived seed短寿命种子
short-lived soft leaf短命软叶 (folium malacoides ephemerum)
short-lived tissue短命组织 (tela ephemera)
short-lobed短裂片 (brevilobus)
short lodicule短浆片 (lodicula brevis)
short log短原木木材
short-long-day plant中日性植物短长日照都适应的植物
short method简法
short-nerved短脉的 (brachyneurus)
short oats短燕麦 Avena brevis
short outer glume短外颖 (gluma exterior brevis)
short ox stall短牛栏
short period intercropping短期间作
short period interspersion短周期散布
short-petaled短瓣的 (brachypetalus)
short pieces碎块
short pieces碎片
short-pitman mower短连杆式刈草机
short plant矮[小植]株
short-pointed短凸尖的 (brevicuspis, brachycuspis)
short production短期栽培
short production短期生产
short pruning短剪
short-range cell communication短距离细胞联系
short range force短程力
short range force短距离力
short-range order近距离有序
short-range sprinkle短射程喷灌机
short-range structure近程结构
short-range structure近距离结构
short road短路
short road近路
short rotation forestry短期轮伐林地
short-season rice早[季]稻
short shoot短枝 (ramulus brevis)
short shrill sound碾轧声
short-stalk hybrid矮秆杂种
short-stalk variety矮秆品种
short-stalked矮秆的 (brevicaulis)
short-stalked variety矮秆品种
short stand短颈枷畜栏
short staple短绒
short-staple cotton短绒棉
short stapled短纤维的
short stapled短绒的
short stature矮秆型
short stature矮株型
short-stature gene矮株型基因
short stature trait矮株型性状
short stature type矮株类型
short-statured strain矮株型品系
short-statured strain矮秆型品系
short-statured variety矮株型品种
short-statured variety矮秆型品种
short-stem crop矮秆作物
short-stem kaoliang矮脚高粱
short stem-cut芽插
short-stemmed短花筵的 (brevicapus)
short stipule短托叶 (stipula brevis)
short straw矮秆
short-straw rice variety稻矮秆品种
short-straw sieve上筛
short string短串
short-styled短花柱的 (brevistylus)
short-styled flower短花柱花 (flos brevistylus)
short-term biochemical reaction短期生化反应
short-term buffering短期缓冲
short-term credit短期信贷
short-term crops短期作物
short-term leys短期草地指轮作中的草地
short-term oscillation短期摆动
short-term oscillation短期颤动
short-term oscillation短期变动
short-term pasture短期牧场
short-term prophecy短期预报
short-term regulatory measure短期调节措施
short-term rotation小倒茬
short-term rotation短期轮作
short-term storage短期存储
short-term storage短期贮藏
short-term variety早熟品种
short-thorned短距的 (brachycentrus)
short-time average magnitude短期平均幅度
short-time energy短期能量
short-time work短期作业
short time work短期作业
short-tined buckrake短齿集堆机
short tip awn短顶芒
short ton美吨 (= 907.20 千克= 2 000 磅)
short-toothed短齿的 (brechyodontus)
short-wave solar radiation太阳短波辐射
short wavelength ultraviolet lamp短波长紫外灯
short-winged短翼的 (brevialatus, brachypterus)
short wool breed短毛种
short-wooled疏绵毛状的 (lanuginosus)
shortest connection network最短连接网络
shortest path algorithm最短路程算法
shortest range forecast最短期预测
shortest range forecast最短期预报
small short hemp plant夹棵麻