
Terms for subject Table tennis containing short | all forms | exact matches only
combine long drives with short drop shots长抽结合短吊
keep the ball short连续短球
long and short lifted balls拉长短球
long and short play长短结合的打法
long and short play长短结合打法
return short with short以短回短
return short with short以短对短球
short backspin serve发下旋短球
short backspin service发下旋短球
short ball网前球
short ball短吊
short chop削球控短球
short chop用削球控制短球
short chop削短球
short court近台
short cut搓球
short cut削球控短球
short cut削短球
short cut serve发近台球
short-cut service发近台削球
short cut service发近台球
short defence近台防守
short defense近台防守
short game打短球
short-range chop近削
short range chop近削
short-range slice近削
short return回接短球
short serve发网前球
short serve发短球
short service发网前球
short service发短球
short shot攻短球
short shot短球
short stop-shot return用短球还接
short stop-shot return短球还击