
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing shoot | all forms | exact matches only
chopping shoot tip剪梢
cocoon in mulberring shoots条中茧
density of growth shoots生长条密度
easy shoot-rearing apparatus简易条桑育装置
leaves from the lower half of shoot下位叶
leaves from the upper half of shoot上位叶
lengthwise supplying of shoots川字形给条桑
lengthwise supplying of shoots纵列给条桑
mulberry shoot桑条
mulberry shoot harvester桑条伐条机
mulberry shoot reaper伐条机
open-air shoot rearing屋外条桑育
outdoor shoot rearing屋外条桑育
rearing with mulberry shoot条桑育
rice shoots秧苗
shaking larvae from shoot振条蚕熟时,摇动桑条,使附在其上的蚕落下,以便上簇结茧
shaking larvae out shoot振条
shoot rearing of grown silkworm大蚕条桑育
shoot rearing throughout seasons全年条桑育