
Terms containing shoot | all forms | exact matches only
agric.above-ground shoot地上茎 (caulis, epigaeus)
tech.accessory shoot辅助枝
avia.accuracy of the shoot实际射击准确度
agric.adventitious shoot不定枝 (ramulus adventivus)
bot.adventitious shoot不定枝
tech.aerial shoot地上茎
desert.aerial shoot地上枝
agric.aerial vegetative shoot地上营养枝 (ramulus vegetativu aerius)
agric.aerophilous shoot气生苗
golf.age shoot年龄杆老年人打球杆数和其年龄一样
avia.air-to-air tracer-line snap-shoot symbology空示迹线快射瞄准符号
agric.albino shoot白化茎
agric.annual shoot当年生枝
biol.apple shoot borer苹沟胫天牛 (Apriona cinerea Chevrolet,天牛科)
tech.ash shoot出灰槽
tech.ash shoot出渣槽
tech.ash shoot除灰槽
agric.autumn shoot秋梢
agric.autumnal shoot秋生枝
agric.autumnal shoot秋枝
agric.autumnal shoot秋梢
agric.axial shoot主枝 (ramulus axialis)
agric.axial shoot主苗
agric.axillary shoot腋生枝 (ramulus axillaris)
tech.azimuth of shoot array炮排方位角
agric.bamboo shoot
biol.bamboo-shoot cutworm笋夜蛾 (Atrachea vulgaris distincta Walker,夜蛾科)
ecol.bamboo shoot development竹笋发育
tech.bearing shoot结果枝
agric.bored shoot螟害株指甘蔗受螟虫蛀孔
agric.bored shoot虫蛀株
agric.bourse shoot果台枝
China, lawbuild bases for seed of forage or grass shoots or tissue草种基地建设
agric.bull shoot过底笋指甘蔗
agric.cacao swollen shoot可可肿枝病毒病
biol.central-shoot borer单斑白螟 (Scirpophaga monostigma Zeller,螟蛾科)
biol.central-shoot borer蔗白螟 (Scirpophaga nivella Fabricius)
agric.chopped shoots剉条
anim.husb.chopping shoot tip剪梢
biol.cinchona shoot borer金鸡纳蛀茎象甲 (Alcides cinchonae Marshal,象甲科)
dril.clean out & shoot清井并射孔
tech.coal shoot放煤槽
tech.coal shoot装煤槽
biol.cocoa swollen shoot virus可可芽肿病毒 (Theobroma virus (Posnette); Marmor theobrome (Posnette))
anim.husb.cocoon in mulberring shoots条中茧
agric.competitive shoot竞争枝
bot.coppice shoot萌条
agric.coppice shoot
bot.coppice shoot幼龄林
agric.current shoot新梢
tech.current shoot树木的新梢
gen.cut down the shoot封角
agric.cut shoot桑树伐条
tech.cut shoot伐条
construct.cuttings shoot切〔刀〕 屑槽
auto.cuttings shoot屑槽
tech.cuttings shoot承屑盘
tech.cuttings shoot切屑坑
auto.cuttings shoot机床承屑盘
tech.cuttings shoot出屑槽
agric.deferred shoot迟出条
anim.husb.density of growth shoots生长条密度
agric.differentiation period of shoot新梢分化期
agric.diminishing shoot renewal减少枝条更新
agric.drooping shoot垂枝 (ramus pendulus)
avia.droops shoot水平轰炸
avia.droops shoot水平轰炸机
agric.dry shoot weight地上部干重
agric.dry shoot weight茎干重
life.sc.dwarf shoot短枝
agric.dwarf shoot短枝 (ramulus pusillus)
tech.dwarf shoot矮枝
agric.ear shoot穗枝 (ramus spicatus)
agric.early shoot早期嫩梢
biol.early shoot borer甘蔗螟 (Chilo zonellus Kapur.,螟蛾科)
anim.husb.easy shoot-rearing apparatus简易条桑育装置
agric.easy shoot-rearing apparatus简易条桑育装置{蚕}
biol.elder shoot borer接骨木夜蛾 (Achatodes zeae (Harris),夜蛾科)
agric.elongated shoot延长枝 (ramus elongatus)
tech.elongated shoot延长枝
agric.enriching shoot强枝
tech.epicormic shoot夏芽生长的枝条徒长枝
tech.epicormic shoot夏芽
tech.escape shoot救生袋
agric.extending shoot延长枝
tech.extending shoot长新梢
agric.fall shoot秋生枝
agric.fall shoot秋枝
agric.fall shoot秋梢
tech.feed shoot进料槽
tech.feeding shoot进料滑槽
econ.first early shoot of communism共产主义萌芽
tech.flexible shoot浇筑混凝土用柔性滑槽
agric.floral shoot花梗
agric.floral shoot花枝 (ramulus floralis)
tech.floral shoot花柄
agric.floriferous shoot花枝 (ramulus floriferus)
agric.floriferous shoot花茎
tech.flower shoot花枝条
agric.foliage shoot叶枝 (blastus frondosus)
agric.fruit-shoot ratio果-枝比值
agric.fruit-bearing shoot着果枝 (ramus fructificans)
gen.fruit-bearing shoot果林〔枝〕
agric.fruiting shoot结果枝
tech.garbage shoot垃圾滑槽
agric.globular shoot球形枝 (ramunovellus globularis)
tech.grain shoot装矿石滑槽
agric.grassy shoot草苗病指甘蔗
tech.gravity sack shoot袋装货物滑道
tech.gravity sack shoot袋装货物斜槽
agric.gray mold shoot blight赤色斑点病蚕豆
agric.green axial shoot绿色主枝
agric.green shoot嫩枝
agric.ground shoot茎枝 (turio)
agric.ground shoot根出条
agric.growing shoot正生长茎
agric.growing shoot成长茎
agric.hanging shoot下垂枝
tech.height shoot顶枝
tech.inclined shoot斜槽
biol.Indian shoot美人蕉 (Canna indica L.,美人蕉科)
ecol.induction of adventitious shoot不定芽诱导
agric.innovation shoot更新条
tech.innovation shoot更新枝
agric.juvenile shoot嫩枝
agric.juvenile shoot幼枝
agric.Lammas shoot继生枝
biol.larger pine shoot borer松干螟 (Dioryctria splendidella Herring-Schaffer,野螟科)
tech.laser shoot simulator激光射击模拟器
biol.late wheat shoot fly晚麦花蝇春麦蝇,Phorbia genitalis Schnabl.,麦蝇科
agric.lateral shoot副梢
agric.lateral shoot侧条 (ramus novellus lateralis)
desert.lateral shoot侧枝
desert.lateral shoot侧条
tech.lead shoot平屋顶,通过墙身的排水铅槽
agric.leader shoot顶梢
agric.leader shoot主干顶生枝
agric.leading shoot主枝
agric.leading shoot主干顶枝 (stolo terminalis)
tech.leading shoot主梢
anim.husb.leaves from the lower half of shoot下位叶
anim.husb.leaves from the upper half of shoot上位叶
agric.length of shoot枝条长
anim.husb.lengthwise supplying of shoots川字形给条桑
anim.husb.lengthwise supplying of shoots纵列给条桑
baseb.lob shoot轻投球
baseb.lob shoot传小高球
golf.lob shoot吊高球
agric.long shoot长枝 (ramulus longus)
life.sc.long shoot长枝
tech.long shoot长茎
avia.look down/shoot down下视/下射
biol.mahogany shoot-borer桃花心木芽斑螟 (Hypsipyla tobusta Mr. - Magiria)
agric.main shoot主茎禾谷类
bot.main shoot初生茎
bot.main shoot初生苗
agric.mature shoot成梢
agric.maximum shoot numbers最高茎数指禾谷类
agric.mean length of shoots枝条平均长度
agric.middling bearing shoot中[等]果枝
agric.midsummer shoot再生枝
agric.mid-summer shoot秋条
tech.miter shoot刨斜角木模型板
tech.mitre shoot斜角槽
tech.mitre shoot刨斜角槽导板
tech.mitre shoot线脚支架
anim.husb.mulberry shoot桑条
agric.mulberry shoot条桑
biol.mulberry-shoot gall-midge桑橙瘿蚊 (Diplosis mori Yokoyama,瘿蚊科)
anim.husb.mulberry shoot harvester桑条伐条机
agric.mulberry shoot harvester桑条收获机
anim.husb.mulberry shoot reaper伐条机
agric.mulberry shoot reaper条桑刈取机
agric.natural regeneration by shoot[天然]萌芽更新法
agric.new shoot新梢 (ramus novellus)
agric.nourishing shoot徒长枝
agric.nourishing shoot营养枝
ecol.number of emerging shoot出笋数量
agric.open shoot rearing屋外条桑育{蚕}
anim.husb.open-air shoot rearing屋外条桑育
tech.ore shoot富矿体
tech.ore shoot矿柱
ecol.origin of adventitious shoot不定芽起源
anim.husb.outdoor shoot rearing屋外条桑育
mil., air.def.over shoot超调量
agric.paddy shoot稻秧
expl.pay shoot可采矿体
biol.pear shoot girdler梨茎蜂 (Janus piri Okamoto et Muramatsa,茎蜂科)
biol.pine shoot borer球果螟松斑螟,Dioryctria abietella Schiffer-Muller,螟蛾科
agric.plucked shoot打桠枝
agric.primary shoot主茎指初生枝条
bot.primary shoot初生茎
bot.primary shoot初生苗
agric.producing shoots抽薹
agric.prostrate shoot匍匐茎 (caulis prostratus)
agric.prostrate shoot平卧茎
China, lawquality of seeds of forage or grass shoots or tissue草种质量
agric.ratoon shoot宿根指甘蔗
anim.husb.rearing with mulberry shoot条桑育
agric.regeneration by stem-shoots截枝更新
agric.remove side-shoots去桠
agric.replacement shoot[结果母枝]预备枝
agric.rice shoot稻秧
tech.rice shoots稻秧
tech.rice shoots禾秧
anim.husb.rice shoots秧苗
tech.rice shoots秧田
tech.roller-fitted spiral gravity shoot装有滚柱的螺旋重力溜槽
agric.root shoot根出条
agric.root shoot根蘖
agric.root-shoot ratio地下部-地上部比
agric.root-shoot ratio根-条比
agric.root-shoot ratio根条比率地下部与地上部比 根-冠比
desert.root shoot ratio根冠比
ecol.root/shoot ratio根冠比
agric.root-shoot ration根-条定量
agric.root-shoot ration地下部-地上部定量
agric.root / shoot ration地下部-地上部定量
agric.root / shoot ration根-条定量
agric.root / shoot ration根-冠定量
agric.root-shoot ration根-冠定量
tech.rubbish shoot垃圾滑槽
bot.runners and shoots压条新植株
bot.runners and shoots压条枝
bot.runners and shoots长匐茎和嫩枝
tech.scupper shoot排水筒
nautic., tech.scupper shoot舷侧排水孔
agric.secondary shoot次级枝 (ramus novellus secundarius)
tech.secondary shoot次生茎
biol.sesame shoot borer芝麻芽蛀螟 (Antigastra catalaunalis Dup.,螟蛾科)
gen.set shoot贴刃射门
anim.husb.shaking larvae from shoot振条蚕熟时,摇动桑条,使附在其上的蚕落下,以便上簇结茧
anim.husb.shaking larvae out shoot振条
chem.shaking shoot振动斜槽
gen.shoot a bearing找到自己方位〔位置〕
gen.shoot a bolt关上〔抽开〕插销
gen.shoot a bolt射出一支箭
econ.shoot a bullet发射子弹
gen.shoot a field低空飞过机场
gen.shoot a landing练习着陆
tech.shoot a string of tools爆炸法处理卡钻
gen.shoot across掠过
gen.shoot ahead迅速超过比赛的对手
gen.shoot ahead飞速向前
gen.shoot an approach练习进场着陆
wushu.shoot an arrow at the tiger弯弓射虎
agric.shoot apex梢顶端 (apex stolonis)
agric.shoot apex茎尖
agric.shoot apex苗端
agric.shoot apex culture苗端培养
horticult.shoot apex culture茎尖培养
agric.shoot apice茎尖
agric.shoot apice梢顶端 (apex stolonis)
agric.shoot apice苗端
gen.shoot at力争
gen.shoot at射〔投〕向
tech.shoot at right angles直射
gen.shoot away打光子弹
gen.shoot away不停地射击
agric.shoot axis茎轴 (axis ramealis)
baseb.shoot ball喷射球
baseb.shoot ball内飘球
agric.shoot blight梢枯病
austral.shoot one's bolt竭尽全力
austral.shoot one's bolt尽力而为
austral.shoot one's last bolt竭尽全力
biol.shoot borer甘蔗二点螟 (Chito infuscatellus Snell,螟蛾科)
gen.shoot by从旁射〔飞,掠〕过
tech.shoot capacity注射量
agric.shoot cutting叶枝插
biol.shoot-cutting grasshopper高粱断茎蜢 (Chrotogonus trachypterus Blanch,蝗科)
desert.shoot death枝条死亡
agric.shoot differentiation stage新梢分化期
gen.shoot down废除
gen.shoot down除去
gen.shoot down终止
gen.shoot down击落〔毙,伤〕
biol.shoot-fly plant假酸浆 (Nicandra physaloides (L.) Gaertn.)
biol.shoot-fly plant假酸浆属 (Nicandra Adans,茄科)
econ.shoot for追求
econ.shoot for争取
econ.shoot for为... 而努力
econ.shoot for力争
securit.shoot for为……而努力
econ.shoot for a progress力争进步
tech.shoot for oil石油地震勘探
gen.shoot forth抽芽
gen.shoot forth射出
agric.shoot frequency茎叶频数
agric.shoot frequency地上部频数
agric.shoot from stock砧萌
agric.shoot from stock砧芽
agric.shoot growth茎枝生长
agric.shoot growth枝条生长
agric.shoot growth rate枝条生长速度
agric.shoot hemiparasite茎兼性寄生物
agric.shoot hemiparasite茎半寄生物
tech.shoot knot渔网结
tech.shoot loose散卸
agric.shoot mass茎量
agric.shoot morphogenesis枝梢形态形成
agric.shoot mutation茎突变
agric.shoot mutation茎变态
tech.shoot mutation梢变
tech.shoot off刨光
gen.shoot off信口开河
gen.shoot off打掉
tech.shoot off刨去
gen.shoot off击落〔毙〕
gen.shoot out突然伸岀
agric.shoot out削除花梗
gen.shoot out击毙
gen.shoot out用武力解决
gen.shoot out起弧
gen.shoot out发,放射出
ecol.shoot pest枝梢害虫
tech.shoot pipe管子射孔
agric.shoot pole苗极
agric.shoot pole苗端
agric.shoot-productive ability发枝力
agric.shoot-productive ability分枝力
gen.shoot questions提出一连串的问题
anim.husb.shoot rearing of grown silkworm大蚕条桑育
anim.husb.shoot rearing throughout seasons全年条桑育
agric.shoot-root ratio根茎比率地下部与地上部比率
agric.shoot-root ratio根条比率
tech.shoot-root ratio条根比率
tech.shoot squeeze molding machine射压造型机
gen.shoot straight准确地射中
gen.shoot straight言行正直
gen.shoot straight瞄准打
gen.shoot straight打得准
agric.shoot surface area茎表面面积
agric.shoot system茎轴系 (统,systema ramificationis)
tech.shoot system茎轴系统
econ.shoot term balance短期平衡表
agric.shoot-term goal短期目标
baseb.shoot the ball into the opponent's goal射球入对方球门
gen.shoot the breeze说大话
gen.shoot the breeze吹牛
gen.shoot the breeze闲聊
sport.Shoot The Cans嘉年华游戏百发百中
econ.shoot the roll花完了钱
gen.shoot the sitting pheasant欺侮善良无辜者
nautic.shoot the sun测量太阳高度
tech.shoot the well井底爆破
tech.shoot the well井底
agric.shoot thorn枝刺 (spina ramealis)
agric.shoot tip梢顶端 (apex stolonis)
agric.shoot tip苗端
agric.shoot tip茎尖
life.sc.shoot tip culture茎尖培养
agric.shoot tip grafting茎尖嫁接
horticult.shoot-tip grafting顶枝嫁接
agric.shoot tip layering茎尖压条 (法)
agric.shoot tip meristem茎尖分生组织
gen.shoot to pan'to把岩石爆破得很细从而刮土机可把岩屑运走
gen.shoot trouble寻找〔消除〕故障
tech.shoot up飞涨
tech.shoot up射 〔喷,涌〕出
gen.shoot up发芽
gen.shoot up高耸
econ.shoot up价格等暴涨
gen.shoot up急〔直〕升
gen.shoot up上冒
securit.shoot up激增
gen.shoot up射向天空
tech.shoot upward喷〔涌〕 出
gen.Shoot upward冲上去
ecol.shoot used bamboo plantation笋用林
gen.shoot one's way用战争〔武力,威胁〕来达到目的
gen.shoot wide of the mark离目标很远
gen.shoot wild乱射
sport.shoot with a bow弓射
sport.shoot with a crossbow弩射
agric.short shoot短枝 (ramulus brevis)
tech.short shoot短枝
agric.side shoot副梢
agric.side shoot侧芽苗指甘蔗
agric.side shoot二次枝
agric.side shoot侧枝
agric.single shoot sett单芽蔗秧苗根具有4至5 片叶的
gen.slide shoot滑射
gen.sliding shoot滑射
avia.snap-shoot sight快速射击瞄准具
biol.sorghum shoot fly高粱黄潜蝇 (Anatrichus erinaceus Meigen,潜蝇科)
agric.sorting shoot分级枝条
agric.spare shoot[结果母枝]预备枝
gen.spike-over shoot上冲
agric.spinal shoot刺枝
tech.spiral gravity shoot螺旋形重力滑槽
tech.spiral gravity shoot螺旋形重力滑道
tech.spiral shoot螺旋式垃圾溜槽
tech.spiral shoot螺状滑道
agric.spring cycle shoot春梢
agric.spring cycle shoot春枝
agric.spring shoot春生枝 (ramulus vernalis)
tech.square shoot方形
tech.square shoot木水落管
tech.square shoot方形木水落管
agric.stem-shoot forest截枝林
agric.sterile shoot不结果枝 (ramulus sterilis)
agric.sterile shoot败育枝
tech.sterile shoot不结果实枝
agric.stool shoot根蘖
econ.straight shoot用最直接的办法办理的手续
busin.straight shoot直接手续
tech.strong shoot强枝
bot.stump shoot根糵
agric.subapical shoot副顶枝
agric.suberized shoot[木]栓化枝条 (ramus suberisus)
agric.sublateral shoot副梢
agric.submain shoot副主枝 (ramus subprimarius)
agric.subterranean shoot地下苗 (ramus novellus subterraneus)
agric.subterranean shoot地下苗蘖枝
agric.subterraneous shoot地下苗 (ramus novellus subterraneus)
agric.subterranneous shoot地下苗蘖枝
agric.succession of shoots枝顺序性
agric.sugar pea shoot豌豆苗
biol.sugarcane shoot borer绿鳞象甲 (Hypomeces squamosus Herbst,象甲科)
agric.summer shoot夏枝
agric.summer shoot夏蘖枝
agric.summer shoot二次枝 (ramulus aestivus)
agric.summer shoot夏梢
agric.summer shoot夏苗
agric.sweet potato shoot甘薯苗
agric.sweet potato shoot pulling甘薯拔苗
agric.sweet potato times of shoot pulling甘薯拔苗次数
tech.swivel shoot溜槽弯脖
tech.swivel shoot回转溜槽
agric.swollen shoot肿枝病 (ramulus tumidus)
gen.take a shoot走近路
gen.take a shoot船不在大河行驶而在激流中驶过
tech.tangled shoots乱枝
tech.tangled shoots乱生枝
biol.tea shoot borer茶梢蛀蛾 (Payametriates theae Kus.,螟蛾科)
agric.terminal shoot顶梢 (ramulus terminalis)
agric.tertiary rice shoot稻第三次分蘖
agric.thalloid shoot叶状枝 (ramulus thalloides)
gen.the whole shoot全部
gen.the whole shoot一切
agric.top shoot顶幼枝
agric.top shoot顶梢
tech.total over shoot offset总过冲偏移量
agric.total shoot mass总茎量
busin.Trouble Shoot检修故障
chem.trouble shoot查找故障
busin.trouble shoot解决商业上纠纷
busin.trouble shoot故障寻找
busin.trouble shoot排除敌障
tech.trunk shoot树干枝条
tech.tufted shoot丛生嫩枝条
agric.tufted shoots丛生嫩枝条
agric.underground shoot地下枝 (ramus subterraneus)
baseb.up shoot上升球
baseb.up shoot上曲球
agric.vegetable shoot营养枝 (ramus vegetativus)
agric.vegetative shoot营养枝
tech.vibra shoot振动槽
biol.viburnum shoot sawfly荚蒾茎蜂 (Janus japonicus Sato,茎蜂科)
agric.vine shoot葡萄蔓
tech.water shoot排水沟
tech.water shoot屋檐排水槽
tech.water shoot滴水石
tech.water shoot放水槽
bot.water shoot徒长枝
tech.water shoot排水管
bot.water shoot萌条
agric.weight of 100 plucked shoots百芽重
tech.wet shoots湿枝
biol.wheat shoot beetle麦苗甲虫 (Empleurus nubilus Fabricius,叶甲科)
tech.width of seedling shoot苗宽
agric.winter bamboo shoot冬笋中国南方特产
agric.wring shoot扭伤枝条
agric.year old shoot一年生枝 (ramulus annuus)
agric.young shoot嫩梢指茶菁
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