
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing shipment | all forms | exact matches only
additional shipment加载
allotted time of shipment装运期限
cargo consignment, accept carriage, shipment, unloading and delivery货物托运、承运、装运、卸货和交货
cargo received for shipment B/L备运货物提单
cash before shipment装运前付现款
Could you possible effect shipment more promptly?你方能不能再提前一点交货呢?
declaration of shipment装运通告
defer shipment延期装运
delay in shipment延迟装运
delay shipment延期装运
delayed shipment延迟装运
electronic material shipment requirement电子器材运输要求
entrusting-deed for shipment装运委托书
harbor of shipment装货港
installment shipment分批分期装运
lightening shipment减载
place of shipment装运地点
proper shipment装运适当
report of ship's shipment船舶装运报告
request of shipment装运申请
shipment by cheapest route选最便宜路线装运
shipment by installments分批、分期装运
shipment by installments分批分期装运
Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.我们在收到贵方信用证后两三个星期内就能发货
shipment contract装运合同
shipment contract装运契约
shipment number装运批号
shipment request form装运申请书
shipment schedule装运时间表
shipment state装运状况
subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安达装运港为准
subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安全到达装运港为准
surveyed before shipment装运前验讫
The earliest shipment we can make is early March.3 月上旬是我们能办的最早交货日期。
through ticket of through shipment联运通票
We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.如果贵方能提前交货,我们才可接受贵方价格
We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.如果你们答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证