
Terms for subject Technology containing shear | all forms | exact matches only
active shear stress主动剪应力
allowance for shear剪切预留量
apparent shear-strength似抗剪强度
apparent shear-strength视抗剪强度
apparent shear strength视在抗剪强度
apparent shear strength表观抗剪强度
apparent shear-strength parameter表观剪切强度参数
apparent shear stress表观剪应力
apparent shear stress似剪应力
area of high shear高剪切区
area of high shear高剪力区
area of high shear高切力区
aseismic shear wall抗震剪力墙
associated shear joints伴生剪节理
average shear modulus平均剪切模量
average shear strain平均剪应变
average threshold shear stress平均临界剪应力
b se shear基底剪力
b se shear底部剪力
bank shear河岸剪力
bar shear棒料剪床
bar shear by motor机动钢筋切断机
bar shear ring钢筋剪切环
base shear底部剪力
base shear底面剪力
base shear底面切力
base shear基底剪力
base shear coefficient基底剪力系数
base shear force总地震荷载
beam-action shear梁的剪切作用
bedding ductile shear zone顺层韧性剪切带
bolting single shear受单剪螺栓
borehole shear apparatus钻孔剪切仪
borehole shear test钻孔剪切试验
bottom shear底部剪力
bottom shear stress底部切应力
boundary shear边界剪
boundary shear stress边界剪应力
boundary shear stress边界上剪应力
box frame type shear wall箱形框架式抗震墙
box-shear apparatus箱形剪力试验机
box shear apparatus with a single surface单剪试验机
box shear test箱式剪力试验
box shear test盒式剪力试验
breaking of shear剪切破坏
brittle shear failure脆性剪切破坏
calculation of shear剪力计算
capillary-shear-induced orientation毛细管切变取向
cellular shear格状剪切
channel shear connector抗剪槽钢连接件
checkered shear wall格纹剪力墙
circle shear圆盘剪
circle shear旋转剪床
complete shear crack完全切变裂缝
complex shear modulus复合剪切模量
complex shear modulus复数剪切模量
compose rotational shear structural system旋扭构造体系组成
compressed shear压剪
concave shear凹形剪
conjugate shear angle共轭剪切角
constant shear strain等剪应变
constant shear viscosimeter恒定剪力黏度计
constant shear viscosity恒定剪切黏
contour map of shear stress剪应力等值线图
copying and punching shear machine仿形冲剪机
coupled frame shear wall structure框架剪力墙耦联结构
coupled shear wall耦联抗剪墙
coupled shear wall并联剪力墙
coupled shear wall双肢剪力墙
critical shear span ratio临界剪跨比
critical shear span ratio临界剪切跨度比
critical shear strain energy theory最大剪应变能量理论
critical shear stress临界剪应力
cross head shear test十字板剪力试验
cross head shear test十字板剪切试验
cross-hole shear wave velocity measurement跨孔剪切波速法
crystallographic shear结晶剪切
crystallographical shear结晶剪切
cubic shear box立方体匾式剪切仪
cubical shear box立方体匾式剪切仪
cyclic shear test循环剪切试验
cyclic simple shear test周期单剪试验
cyclic simple shear test循环单剪试验
cyclic torsional shear test循环扭剪试验
cyclical shear test循环剪切试验
cyclical simple shear test周期单剪试验
cyclical simple shear test循环单剪试验
cyclical torsional shear test循环扭剪试验
deformation due to shear剪力应变
deformation due to shear剪切变形
diagonal shear member受剪对角斜杆
dinking machine shear die冲切机
direct shear apparatus直接剪力仪
direct shear apparatus纯剪切仪
direct shear apparatus应力式直剪仪
direct shear method直接剪切法
direct shear strength直剪强度
direct shear test直接剪力试验
directed shear test with large shear box大型直剪试验
direction of simple shear单剪运动方向
double link equivalent-strain direct shear system四联等应变直剪仪
double shear双剪 (力)
double shear剪切
double shear双面剪切
double shear双面受剪
double shear bolt双剪螺栓
double shear deformation双向剪切变形
double shear joint对接铆接
double shear method双面剪切法
double shear rivet双剪铆钉
double shear riveted joint对接铆接
double shear riveted joint双剪铆接头
dry-shear test干剪强度试验
ductile shear belt韧性剪切带
ductile wrench-shear zone平移韧性剪切带
dynamical modulus of shear动剪力模量
dynamical modulus of shear动剪切模量
dynamical shear modulus动态剪切模量
dynamical shear modulus剪力模量
dynamical shear strength动抗剪强度
dynamical simple shear test动单剪试验
dynamical triaxial shear apparatus动三轴剪力仪
edge shear边缘剪力
edgewise shear沿边剪切
effective shear有效剪力
effective shear area有效剪切面积
effective shear modulus弾性模量
effective shear modulus有效切变模效抗量
effective shear modulus有效剪切模量
effective shear strength parameter有效抗剪强度参数
elasticity of shear剪切弹性
Elrod-Maron-Krieger equation for shear rate埃尔罗德一马伦一克里格剪切速率方程
equilibrium shear compliance平衡剪切柔量
equilibrium shear modulus平衡剪切模量
equivalent base shear method底部剪力法
equivalent law of shear stress剪应力互等定律
equivalent shear modulus等效剪切模量
equivalent shear modulus of elasticity等效剪切弹性模量
experiment with clay on shear fractures扭裂缝泥巴实验
fail in shear受剪破坏
fail in shear剪切损坏
fatigue shear apparatus疲劳剪切仪
field shear box野外剪力仪
field shear test野外剪切试验
field vane shear test现场十字板剪切试验
final shear stress终切
flanged shear wall带翼缘抗剪墙
flexural shear crack弯曲剪切裂缝
flexural shear crack受弯的剪切裂缝
flexural shear crack弯曲剪切裂纹
flexural shear failure弯曲剪切破坏
flexure-shear interaction弯剪相互作用
floating shear legs人字吊杆起重船
four-node flat rectangular shear panel四节点平矩形剪切面
frame and shear wall structure框架剪力墙结构
frame-shear wall框架剪力墙
frame supported shear wall框支剪力墙
free turbulent shear flow自由剪切紊流
frictional shear joint摩擦剪节理
front shear正面冲剪
front shear正面剪切
front shear line锋面切变线
gang shear多刀剪切机
general shear failure一般剪切破坏
general shear failure全剪破坏
general shear failure总剪切破坏
general shear pattern总体剪切模式
general shear slide总体剪切滑动
generalized shear failure整体剪切破坏
green shear strength湿剪强度
guillotine bar shear铡刀式钢材剪切机
gyratory shear method旋转剪力法
hand lever shear裁纸刀
hand lever shear裁刀
hand lever shear铡刀
hand shear cutting machine手扳铡断机
hardwood shear key硬木剪力键
heterogeneous shear layer非均匀剪力层
high shear continuous mixer高剪切连续搅拌机
high shear grinding高剪切研磨
high shear grinding高切力硏磨
high shear mixer高剪切混和器
high shear modulus高切变模量
holographic lateral shear interferometer全息照相横向剪切干涉仪
holographical lateral shear interferometer全息照相横向剪切干涉仪
horizontal ductile shear zone水平韧性剪切带
horizontal polarized shear wave水平偏振横波
horizontal shear卧式剪床
horizontal shear machine卧式剪床
horizontal shear machine水平剪切机
horizontal shear machine水平剪力机
horizontal shear machine水平剪力仪
horizontal shear machine水平剪切仪
horizontal shear method水平剪力法
horizontal shear method水平剪切法
horizontal shear strength水平抗剪强度
horizontal shear stress水平剪应力
horizontal-push shear test水平推剪试验
hydrodynamic shear force流体动力剪切力
hydrodynamical shear force流体动力剪切力
impact shear strength冲击剪切强度
incomplete shear crack不完全剪切裂隙
inherent shear strength固有抗剪强度
intact shear strength未扰动剪切强度
intact shear strength完整剪切强度
intact shear strength原地剪切强度
intensity of shear剪力强度
interface shear界面受剪
interfacial shear界面剪切力
intrinsic shear strength内在剪切强度
intrinsic shear strength固有抗剪强度
intrinsic shear strength curve强度包线
intrinsic shear strength curve抗剪强度包线
intrinsic shear strength curve固有抗剪强度曲线
intrinsic shear strength envelope固有抗剪强度包络线
isolated shear wall system独立抗剪墙系统
joint for shear resistance抗剪接头
large-scale direct shear test大面积直剪试验
length shear gage定尺剪切挡板
length shear gauge定尺剪切挡板
lever shear杠杆剪力
line of shear stress剪应力线
linear shear apparatus直线剪切装置
local shear局部剪力
local shear failure局部剪力破坏
localized shear failure局部剪力破坏
localized shear failure局部剪切破坏
longitudinal shear crack纵向剪切裂隙
main shear wire主剪力线
map of shear stress trajectories剪应力轨迹图
marine shear wave profile海洋横波剖面
maximum base shear最大基底剪力
maximum live shear最大活剪力
maximum shear最大剪力
maximum shear resistance最大抗剪阻力
maximum shear strain最大剪应变
maximum shear strain最大切胁变
maximum shear strain energy theory最大剪应变能量理论
maximum shear stress criterion最大剪应力强度理论
maximum shear stress criterion最大剪应力准则
maximum shear stress yield criterion最大剪应力屈服条件
maximum shear theory最大剪力理论
maximum wind and shear chart最大风速和风切变图
mean shear strain平均剪应变
mean shear stress平均剪应力
mean threshold shear stress平均临界剪应力
member in shear受剪构件
membrane shear force薄膜切力
membrane shear force薄膜剪切
membrane shear force薄膜剪力
mode shear coefficient振型剪切系数
modulus in shear剪力模数
modulus of rigidity in shear剪切刚度系数
modulus of rigidity in shear剪切刚性模量
modulus of shear剪切模量
modulus of shear deformation剪切模量
modulus of shear resilience剪力回弹模量
modulus of shear resilience剪切冲击忍度
modulus of torsion shear扭剪模量
modulus of torsion shear扭切模量
modulus of torsional shear扭剪模量
modulus of torsional shear扭切模量
Mohr-Coulomb shear strength parameter莫尔—库仑剪切强度参数
moment shear ratio弯矩剪力比
motorized direct shear apparatus电动直剪仪
multidirectional shear多向剪切
multiple beam lateral-shear interferometer多光束横向切变干涉仪
multiple grooved shear多槽剪切机
multiple shear rivet剪铆钉
multiple shear rivet joint多剪铆钉接头
neutral wind shear中性风切变
nibbling shear分段剪切
nibbling shear冲型剪
nibbling shear振动剪
no-shear failure剪切无破坏
no-load shear strength无载剪力强度
no-load shear strength空载剪切强度 (指结构支座移动或温度变化时产生的剪切强度)
nominal shear stress额定剪应力
nominal shear stress标称剪应力
normal shear structural system直扭构造体系【地】
number of field shear test野外大剪试验点数
number of vane shear test十字板剪力试验点数
number of vane shear test十字板剪切试验点数
partial shear crack部分剪切裂缝
partial shear deformation stage局部剪切变形阶段
percent of shear cut切裁率
permissible shear容许剪力
pierced shear wall有孔抗剪墙
pierced shear wall开洞剪力墙
pierced shear wall并联剪力墙
pinking shear锯齿剪切机
planar shear平面剪切
planar shear deformation平面剪切变形
plane of radial shear径向剪力面
plane of shear剪力面
plane of shear fracture扭裂面
plane of shear fracture剪切破裂面
plane of shear fracture剪裂面
plane shear failure平面剪切破坏
plane strain shear diagram砂的平面变形剪力图
plane strain shear diagram平面变形剪切图
plastic shear modulus塑性剪切模量
plate shear剪板机
plate-shear test平板剪切试验
Plywood shear wall胶合板抗剪墙
Plywood shear wall胶合抗剪墙
pocket shear meter小型十字板剪切仪
polarized shear wave velocity极化剪切波速
primary shear plane主剪力面
primary shear wire主剪力线
principal shear stress主切应力
process of field shear test野外剪切试验方法
proportional limit of shear前切比例极限
punching shear冲剪力
punching shear冲切
punching shear冲压剪切
punching shear area冲剪面积
punching shear stability test冲剪应力稳定性试验
punching shear stress冲切力
punching shear stress冲剪力
pure plane shear wave纯平面剪切波
pure shear纯剪力
pure shear strain纯剪应变
quick consolidated shear test快固结剪力试验
quick shear土的快剪
quick shear test土的快剪 (试验)
quick shear test快速压缩试验
quick triaxial shear test三轴快剪试验
radial shear径向剪力
radial-shear interferometer径向剪切干涉仪
radial shear zone辐向剪切带
radial shear zone径向剪切带
radial shear zone of city城市径向剪切带
rail shear钢轨推凸机
rate of horizontal shear水平剪切速率
rate of shear切变率
rate of shear剪切率
recoverable shear可回变剪切
recoverable shear可回复剪切
redistribution of shear剪力再分配
region of maximum shear最大剪力区
regressive shear thickening递降剪切稠化
regressive shear thinning递降剪切稀化
remolded undrained shear strength重塑不排水抗剪强度
remolded undrained shear test重塑不排水抗剪试验
remoulded undrained shear test重塑不排水抗剪试验
repetitive shear test重复剪切试验
repetitive shear test单点剪切试验
residual shear resistance剩余剪抗
residual shear strength剩余剪切强度
residual shear strength剩余抗剪强度
residual shear stress criterion残余剪切应力准则
resisting shear抗剪切
resolved shear stress分解剪应力
response shear反应剪力
reversed shear反向剪力
rigid-frame type shear wall框架式剪力墙
rigid-frame type shear wall刚架式抗震墙
ring shear环剪
ring shear apparatus环形剪力仪
ring shear apparatus环状剪切仪
ring shear machine环形剪力仪
rivet in double shear铆钉
rivet in multiple shear多面剪切铆钉
rivet in shear受剪铆钉
rivet in single shear单剪铆钉
rivet in single shear单剪铆钉
riveting double shear双剪铆钉
rock shear test岩体剪断试验
rock slump shear test岩石的崩落剪切试验
rolling shear滚动剪切
rolling shear滚剪机
rotary shear旋转剪床
rotary shear滚轮剪切机
rotary shear line回转式剪切作业线
scale of flow shear force水流剪力比例
scale of shear force of sediment initiation motion泥沙起动剪切力比尺
scroll shear涡形剪床
scroll shear曲线剪床
scroll shear角剪
scroll shear涡形剪切机
section of shear剪切面 (积)
seismic shear wave地震剪力波
short beam shear短梁剪切
short beam shear strength短梁剪切强度
simple direct shear test纯剪试验
simple shear纯剪切
simple shear纯剪力
simple shear单剪 (力)
simple shear简单剪切
simple shear apparatus单剪仪
simple shear strain简单剪切应变
simple shear test纯剪试验
single shear单剪 (力)
single-shear bolt单剪螺栓
single-shear double rivet joint单剪双行铆接
single-shear joint单剪连接
single-shear joint单剪接头
single-shear method单面剪切法
single shear rivet受单剪的铆钉
single-shear rivet单面受剪铆钉
single shear rivet单剪铆钉
single-shear rivet剪铆钉
single-shear rivet joint单剪铆接
single-shear riveting单面剪铆接
single-shear single-rivet joint单剪单行铆接
single shear streng th单剪强度
slab shear blade扁坯剪切机刀片
slitting shear machine切条机
speed of shear剪切速度
spiral shear connector螺旋形剪力接合器
square shear box方形剪切盒
standard shear coefficient标准剪力系数
standard shear value标准抗剪
steady shear compliance稳剪切柔量
steel shear key钢剪力链
steel shear wall钢剪刀墙
story shear楼层剪力
story shear coefficient层剪力系数
story shear coefficient at yield state屈服点楼层剪力系数
story shear coefficient at yield state屈服点楼层剪切系数
story shear force of yield state屈服状态楼层剪力
stress controlled direct shear apparatus应力控制式直
stress shear dilatancy theory应力剪胀理论
strong shear capacity and weak bending capacity强剪弱弯
submersible shear strength tester水下剪切强度测试器
tangential shear切向剪力
tensile shear crack受拉剪力裂缝
tensile shear strength拉伸剪切强度
tensile shear test拉伸剪切试验
tenso-shear boundary张剪边界
tenso-shear joint张剪性节理
tenso-shear structural plane张扭性结构面【地】
thickness shear厚度切变
thickness shear vibration electro-mechanical coupling factor厚度切变振动机电耦合系数
thickness shear vibration mode厚度切变振动模式
true critical shear stress真临界剪应力
true triaxial shear apparatus真三轴剪力仪
turbulent shear湍流剪力
turbulent shear flow紊动剪切流
turbulent shear flow紊剪流
turbulent shear force湍流剪切力
turbulent shear stress湍流切应力
ultimate shear极限剪力
ultimate shear moment最大剪力矩
ultimate shear resistance极限抗剪力
ultimate shear strength极限剪切强度
ultimate shear stress极限剪应力
unconfined shear strength无侧限剪切强度
unconsolidated-drained shear test不固结排水剪切试验
unconsolidated-undrained triaxial shear strength不固结不排水三轴剪切强度
undrained shear不排水剪力
undrained shear strength of soil土的不排水剪切强度
undrained shear test不排水抗剪试验
uniaxial shear strength单轴抗剪强度
vane shear apparatus十字板剪切试验机
vane shear apparatus十字板剪力试验机
vane shear apparatus土的十字板剪力试验机
vane shear apparatus十字板仪
vane shear apparatus十字板剪切仪
vane shear borer十字板剪力仪
vane shear borer十字板剪切仪
vane shear strength十字板剪力强度
vane shear strength十字板剪切强度
vane shear test上的十字板剪力试验
vane shear test of soil土壤十字板剪力试验
vane shear tester十字板剪力仪
vane shear tester十字板剪切仪
velocity of shear wave横波波速
velocity shear速度切变
velocity shear boundary速度切变界限
vertical polarized shear wave垂直偏振横波
vertical shear垂直切力
vertical shear垂直剪力
vertical shear竖直剪切
vertical shear竖向剪切
vertical shear beam model竖向剪切梁模型
vertical shear method竖向剪切法
vertical shear model竖向剪切模型
vertical shear strength垂直抗剪强度
vertical shear stress垂直剪应力
vertical shear test垂直剪切试验
vibratory linear shear apparatus振线剪切机
viscous shear黏性剪力
wall shear stress边壁剪应力
wall shear stress壁剪应力
weakest shear plane最弱剪切面
weighted shear modulus of soil土加权剪切模量
winch shear pin绞车安全销
wrench-shear fracture扭剪破坏
wrench-shear fracture扭剪破裂
zero shear零剪力
zero shear point零剪力点
zero shear viscosity零剪切黏度
zigzag type shear wall交错布置的剪力墙
zigzag type shear wall交错型剪切墙
zone of radial shear辐向剪力区
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