
Terms containing setback | all forms | exact matches only
ecol.air quality setback因空气质量而把建筑物后移
fin.boom setback景气下降
el.mach.brush setback电刷后
tech.building line setback建筑沿街后退线
tech.building setback line建筑后退线
tech.building setback line建筑收进线
tech.building setback restriction建筑后退线规定
tech.business setback经济衰退
commer.drastic setback市价暴跌
econ.drastic setback市价暴落
busin.drastic setback暴落
securit.drastic setback市价骤降
tech.electrode setback电极内缩长度
tech.line of setback避车线
tech.night setback自动控制温度控制点的夜间降低
tech.night setback夜间沉降
tech.night setback夜间降温
refrig.night setback and morning warm-up夜晚低温和清晨预热
refrig.nighttime setback夜间低温控制
refrig.nighttime setback mode夜间低温控制模式
dril.pipe setback靠在指梁上排放的立根
oilpipe setback立根盒
tech.pipe setback立根垫
tech.pipe setback立根架
dril.pipe setback capacity指梁排放容量
dril.pipe setback capacity立根盒容量
oilpipe setback load立根盒载荷
el.power setback降低功率
el.power setback功率下降至预定值
tech.primer setback底火后退
dril.rated setback load立根盒额定负荷
oilsetback area排放钻杆立根处
tech.setback building台阶式建筑
tech.setback building由红线后退进去的房屋
tech.setback building退进房屋
tech.setback building阶梯形建筑物
tech.setback building line建筑收进线
tech.setback building line后退建筑线
tech.setback buttress收进式扶垛
tech.setback buttress角扶壁
tech.setback buttress从墙角收进的扶垛
oilsetback capacity立根盒容量
tech.setback corner joint内收转角缝
oilsetback device排立装置
oilsetback device后退装置
tech.setback distance of outer wall外墙退后距离
tech.setback force后退力
tech.setback frame阶梯形框架
tech.setback front axle后移前轴
oilsetback horizontal load立根水平载荷
tech.setback levee套堤
tech.setback line道路两侧的建筑限制线
tech.setback line建筑收进线
tech.setback line退入界线
construct.setback line建筑收进线
tech.setback line收进线
tech.setback line后退建筑线
tech.setback line房屋后退线
tech.setback motion后退运动
tech.setback of building line建筑线的后退
tech.setback of building line建筑线的缩进
refrig.setback of night shutdown operation夜间停机运行的温度调低
tech.setback of piping靠在指梁上的管子
tech.setback of tubing靠在指梁上的管子
tech.setback ordinance缩进规定
tech.setback ordinance后退条款
tech.setback pin惯性销
tech.setback scale零点调整刻度盘
tech.setback scale零调整刻度盘
tech.setback type台阶式
commer.Since that time there has never been any setback in production从那时起生产上就一直没有倒退过
tech.slow setback缓慢逆转
econ.suffer a setback失利
auto.wheel setback angle退缩角
auto.wheel setback angle轴偏角