
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing service | all forms | exact matches only
actual service condition实际营运状态
behavior in service使用状况
charge for services劳务费用
condition of service使用条件
condition of service使用情况
duration of service使用期限
engineering consultation service工程咨询服务
erection on service truss or frame work安装梁上或安装架上拼装
railway in service运营铁路
service ability功能
service area有效区
service condition营运状况
service expense for engineering machine工程机械使用费
service life寿命桥梁的 (of a bridge)
service load营运荷载
service load运营荷载
service load实用荷载
service manual使用说明书
service railway专用铁路
service stand工作架
switching service调车作业
water service pipe供水管