
Terms for subject Name of organization containing service | all forms | exact matches only
Accounting and Financial Service会计及财务处
Administrative Services Division行政服务司
Africa Service非洲处
African Commodity Intelligence Service非洲商品情报处
Agreement for the Establishment of the Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa关于建立非洲水产品销售信息及合作服务政府间组织的协定
Agricultural and Food Engineering Technologies Service农业和粮食工程技术处
Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Service农业管理、销售及金融处
Agricultural Marketing service农产品销售局
Agricultural Ontology Service农业本体论服务
Agricultural Policy Support Service农业政策支持处
Agricultural Sector in Economic Development Service经济发展农业部门处
Animal Health Service动物卫生处
Animal Production Service动物生产处
Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service水产养殖管理及养护处
Asia and the Pacific Service亚洲及太平洋处
Associated Nuclear Services consulting原子能服务联合咨询公司
Audio-Visual Teaching Services Training Centre培训中心的视听教育服务
Basic Food and Agriculture Statistics Service基本粮食和农业统计处
Basic Foodstuffs Service基本食品处
Building and Office Services房舍及办公室服务处
Business and Defence Services Administration工商业和防务服务署
Business and Services Promotion Unit工商服务推广署
Catholic International Union for Social Service天主教国际社会服务联盟
Catholic Relief Service天主教服务救济组织
Central Accounting Service中央财会处
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland爱尔兰中央银行和金融服务管理局
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区渔业产品销售信息和咨询服务中心
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲区域鱼品市场信息处
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region阿拉伯地区渔产品销售信息及咨询服务中心
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region阿拉伯区域渔业产品市场信息和咨询服务中心
Chartered Institution of Building Services注册的室内环境工程学会
China Fish Marketing Information and Trade Advisory Service Center中国鱼品销售信息及贸易咨询服务中心
Church World Service世界教会服务机构
Civil Service Bureau公务员事务局
Commodity Markets, Policy Analysis and Projections Service商品市场、政策分析及预测处
Commodity Policy and Projections Service商品政策及预测处
Communication and Education Service宣传及教育处
Comparative Agricultural Development Service比较农业发展处
Conferencing and Messaging Service会议及信息处
Consumer and Marketing Service消费者及销售局
Cooperation Agreement between FAO and the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region粮农组织与阿拉伯地区渔业产品销售信息及咨询服务中心合作协定
Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service国际自愿服务协调委员会
Co-ordination and Partnership Service协调及伙伴关系处
Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Finance Department综合服务、人力资源及财务部
Corporation for National and Community Service国家和社区服务公司
Council for trade in services服务贸易理事会
Country Statistics Service国家统计处
Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency克罗地亚金融服务监管局
Crop and Grassland Service作物及草原处
Data Base and Network Services数据库及网络处
Decentralization Service权力下放处
Department of Health and Human Services医疗和社会事务部
Desert Locust Information Service沙漠蝗信息处
Development and Planning Service发展及规划处
Development of Epidemiological and Health Statistical Services流行病学和卫生统计服务部
Development Planning Service发展规划处
Distribution Service分配处
Division for Administrative and Management Services行政和管理服务司
Division of Management Information Services管理信息服务司
Division of Strengthening of Health Services加强卫生服务司
Documents Production Service文件编制处
Documents Service文献处
Economic Service Bureau经济局
Emergency Operations Service紧急行动处
Emergency Operations Service - Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean紧急行动处 - 非洲、拉丁美洲及加勒比
Emergency Operations Service - Asia, Near East, Europe and Special Emergencies紧急行动处 -亚洲、近东、欧洲及特别紧急行动
Emergency Operations Service - Horn of Africa非洲角
Environment Service环境处
Europe, Central Asia, Near East, North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean Service欧洲、中亚、近东、北非、拉丁美洲及加勒比处
Europe, Near East, North Africa and Central Asia Service欧洲、近东、北非及中亚处
Evaluation Service评价处
Farmer Cooperative Service农业合作社管理局
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service联邦仲裁与调解局
Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia俄罗斯金融市场联邦服务局
Field Programme Development Service实地计划发展处
Field Programme Monitoring and Coordination Service实地计划监测及协调处
Financial Operations and Systems Service财务活动及系统处
Financial Services Bureau财经事务局
Financial Services Commission of Mauritius Republic毛里求斯金融服务委员会
Fish Disease Information Exchange and Diagnosis Services System鱼类疾病信息交流及诊断服务系统
Fish Marketing Information Services渔业销售信息服务
Fish Utilization and Marketing Service鱼品利用及销售处
Fisheries and Aquaculture Information and Statistics Service渔业和水产养殖信息及统计处
Fisheries Management and Conservation Service渔业管理及养护处
Fishing Technology Service捕捞技术处
Food and Nutrition Service食品及营养局
Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Service粮食安全及农业项目分析处
Forest Assessment and Reporting Service森林评估及报告处
Forest Communication Service林业交流处
Forest Conservation Service森林保护处
Forest Economics Service森林经济处
Forest Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting Service森林监测、评估及报告处
Forest Policy and Institutions Service森林政策及机构处
Forest Policy Service森林政策处
Forest Products Service林产品处
Forest Resources Development Service森林资源开发处
Forestry Information and Liaison Service林业信息及联络处
Forestry Policy and Institutions Service林业政策及机构处
Gender, HIV/AIDS and Population Service性别、艾滋病毒/艾滋病及人口处
General Legal Affairs Service一般法律事务处
General Service Salary Survey一般服务人员薪金调查
General Service Staff Selection Committee一般服务人员遴选委员会
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission直布罗陀金融服务委员会
Global Forest Information Service全球森林信息服务
Global Information and Early Warning Service全球信息及预警处
Global Information and Early Warning System Service全球信息及预警系统处
Global Shared Services Centre全球共享服务中心
Global Shared Services Centre全球统一共享服务中心
Global Statistics Service全球统计处
Group of Negotiations on Services服务谈判小组
Human Resources Development Service人力资源开发处
Human Resources Legal Services Branch人力资源法律服务科
Human Resources Policy and Administrative Law Service人力资源政策及管理法处
Human Resources Support Service人力资源支持处
Human Resources Systems and Social Security Service人力资源系统和社会保险处
Humanitarian Early Warning Service人道主义预警系统
Humanitarian Early Warning Web Service人道主义预警系统
Information Management and Knowledge Sharing Services信息管理及知识共享服务
Information Service Group信息服务小组
Information Systems Service信息系统处
Infrastructure and Engineering Services Unit基础设施及工程服务科
Infrastructure and Facilities Management Service基础设施及设备管理处
Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service内陆水资源及水产养殖处
Integrated Food Security Service粮食安全综合支持处
Integrated Food Security Support Service粮食安全综合支持处
Integrated Global Ocean Services System全球海洋站综合系统
Inter-agency Procurement Services Unit机构间采购服务股
Inter-agency Procurement Services Unit机构间采购服务组
Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa非洲政府间渔产品营销信息及合作服务组织
Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa非洲区域渔产品销售及合作服务政府间组织
Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Technical Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Asia and Pacific Region亚太区域渔产品销售信息及技术咨询服务政府间组织
Internal Revenue Service国内收入署
International Civil Service Advisory Board国际公务员咨询委员会
International Civil Service Advisory Board国际公务员制度咨询委员会
International Civil Service Commission国际公务员制度委员会
International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services国际犹太社会和福利事业理事会
International Food Information Service国际粮食信息服务机构
International Institutions and Liaison Service国际机构及联络处
International Service for National Agricultural Research促进国家农业研究国际服务机构
International Standard Commodity Classification of all Goods and Services各种货物和劳务国际标准商品分类
International Standard Commodity Classification of all Goods and Services各种货物和劳务国际标准分类
International Voluntary Service国际自愿服务组织
IS ICT Service Planning and Delivery Group信息系统及信息通信技术服务规划和提供组
IS-ICT Service Planning and Delivery Group信息系统及信息通信技术服务规划和提供组
Israel Integrated Shipping Services Ltd以星综合航运有限公司
Jamaica Financial Services Commission牙买加金融服务委员会
Jersey Financial Services Commission泽西岛金融服务委员会
Knowledge Management and Library Services知识管理及图书馆服务
Knowledge Standards and Services知识标准及服务
Korea Financial Services commission韩国金融监管服务局
Korean Conference Service Centre高丽会议服务中心
Korean Conference Service Centre高丽会务中心
Land and Plant Nutrition Management Service土地及植物营养管理处
Land Tenure Service土地所有制处
Latin America and the Caribbean Service拉丁美洲及加勒比处
Latin America, the Caribbean, East Asia and the Pacific Service拉丁美洲、加勒比、东亚及太平洋处
Library and Knowledge Services Branch图书馆及知识服务处
Malta Financial Services Authority马耳他金融服务管理局
Management Support Service管理支持处
Marine Resources Service海洋资源处
Market News Service市场新闻部
Meeting Programming and Documentation Service会议规划及文件处
Member Services Officer成员服务官员
Moody's Investors Service穆迪投资者服务机构
Near East, North Africa, Europe, Central and South Asia Service近东、北非、欧洲、中亚及南亚处
Negotiating group on maritime transport services海上运输服务谈判小组
Network of Regional Fish Marketing Information and Technical Advisory Services区域鱼品销售信息和技术咨询服务网络
Network Services Officer网络服务官员
New York Computing Service纽约计算机服务处
New York Computing Service纽约计算服务中心
Nutrition Assessment and Planning Service营养评估及规划处
Nutrition Planning, Assessment and Evaluation Service营养规划、评估及评价处
Nutrition Programmes Service营养计划处
Office of Chief - Shared Services Centre主任办公室 - 共享服务中心
Office of Conference and General Services大会及一般服务办公室
Office of Languages Services语言服务办公室
Office of Library and Health Literature Services图书馆及卫生文献服务办公室
One Global Shared Services Centre全球共享服务中心
One Global Shared Services Centre全球统一共享服务中心
Operations and Resource Mobilization Service执行及资源筹集处
payment for environmental services from agricultural landscapes农业景观环境服务付费
payment for environmental services from agricultural landscapes农业景观中的环境服务付费
Plant Protection Service植物保护处
Policy Assistance Service政策援助处
Policy Assistance Support Service政策援助支持处
Policy Coordinating Service政策协调处
Procurement Service采购处
Programme and Budget Service计划及预算处
Programme Support Service计划支持处
Public Health Service公共卫生署
Public Service Commission公务员任用委员会
Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service原料、热带及园艺产品处
Records Management Services记录管理处
Research Development Service研究发展处
Resources Mobilization Service Europe, Middle East and Africa资源筹集处
Rural Institutions and Extension Service农村机构及推广处
Security Service保安处
Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Service种子及植物遗传资源处
Service for Exchange of Economic Data交换经济数据服务
Shared Services Centre共享服务中心 – 布达佩斯分中心
Shared Services Centre共享服务中心
Shared Services Centre - Budapest Hub共享服务中心 – 布达佩斯分中心
Shipping Services运输处
Socio-economic Statistics and Analysis Service社会经济统计及分析处
South Africa Financial Services Board南非金融服务委员会
Southern and Eastern Africa Service南部及东部非洲处
Special Emergency Programmes Service特别紧急计划处
Special Industrial Services特别工业服务处
Special Relief Operations Service特别救济行动处
SPFS Management and Coordination Service粮食安全特别计划管理及协调处
Staffing Service Teams人员配备服务组
State Administration of Civil Service国家公务员局
Surveys and Statistical Development Service调查及统计发展处
Technical Assistance Recruitment Service技术援助招聘处
Technical Cooperation Programme Service技术合作计划处
Technical Services Branch技术服务处
Technical Services Unit技术服务组
Technical Support Services技术支持服务
Technical Support Services技术支持处
Unemployment Insurance Service失业保险局
Union of General Service Staff一般服务人员工会
United Nations Humanitarian Air Services联合国人道主义空中服务
United Nations Office for Project Services项目署
United Nations Office for Project Services联合国项目事务署
United States Postal Service美国邮政局
U.S. Training and Employment Service美国训练和就业管理局
User Services Administration Support Officer用户服务行政支持官员
Veterinary Services Group兽医服务组
Visitors' Service来访者服务处
Water Resources, Development and Management Service水资源、开发及管理处
Western and Central Africa Service西部及中部非洲处
Working party on professional services专业服务工作组
Working Party on Telecommunication and Information Services Policies电讯及信息服务政策工作组
World Climate Applications and Services Programme世界气候应用及服务计划
World University Service世界大学服务社