
Terms for subject General containing separates | all forms | exact matches only
Could you make out two separate bills for us?能给我们分别开两张账单吗?
dispatch M under separate cover将 M 另封寄发
Do you want separate bills or just one single bill?您想分开结账还是一起结账?
keep M separate from不要把 M 和 N 混在一起 (N)
keep M separate from把M和N分开 (N)
send M under separate cover将 M 另封寄发
separate M from从N中析出 (N, M)
be separate from和 N 分离〔开〕的 (N)
separate M from把M 从N分离出来 (N)
separate M from使M 和N分开 (N)
separate M from使M 脱离N (N)
separate from离开
separate M into把 M离,解成 N (N)
separate-lead-type cable心钱单独有铅皮的电缆
separate off
separate out析岀
separate out
Separate, please. And I'd like a breakdown of the bill分开结吧,还有账单要细分一下
separate squadron headquarters独立中队〔队〕部
separate the sheep from the goats把好人和坏人分开
the separate equations各个公式
This powerful electric juicer automatically separates the pulp from the juice这种大功率的电动榨汁机能够自动将果肉与果汁分离开来
Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控
Waiter, we'll have separate checks, please服务员,请为我们分开结账
We shall devote a separate chapter to the mixture专门有一章来研究这种混合物