
Terms containing separates | all forms | exact matches only
tech.air separate分解炉供风系统
securit.as separate account holder以独立账户持有人的身份
busin.assignment separate from certificate与证书分开的转让权
securit.assignment separate from certificate与财产证书分离的转让证
avia.bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator低压除水升压式空气循环制冷系统
econ.by separate cover另寄
econ.by separate cover另邮
commer.by separate cover另函寄送
econ.by separate mail另邮
tech.cargo separate net隔飘票网
tech.central separate line中心隔离线
anim.husb.coarse separate粗分离物
busin.coefficient of separate determination个别决定系数
tech.coefficient of separate determination分别测定系数
tech.color film layers-separate sensitivity彩色片分层感光度
tech.color separate分色
tech.colour film layers-separate sensitivity彩色片分层感光度
tech.colour separate分色
China, lawcombine unified and separate operation统分结合
tech.composite pile in separate lengths分段混合桩
gen.Could you make out two separate bills for us?能给我们分别开两张账单吗?
tech.crossing with separate turning lane专用转弯车道交叉口
sport., med.depress and separate test of pelvis骨盆挤压分离试验
busin.discharging report in separate port分港卸货单
gen.dispatch M under separate cover将 M 另封寄发
gen.Do you want separate bills or just one single bill?您想分开结账还是一起结账?
avia.double separate busses双独立母线
tech.fertilizer divided into separate applications分几次施肥料
tech.fracturing of separate layers分层压裂
tech.granular bed filter with separate cyclone旋风筒分装的颗粒层集尘器
tech.hydraulic jack with separate pump分离泵式液压千斤顶
tech.hydraulic jack with separate pump分离式油压千斤顶
tech.in the planning as separate flows计划中列为单独流程
China, lawin the separate possession归各自所有
busin.joint and separate responsibility共同连带责任
China, lawkeep in separate place分开存放
econ.keep separate accounts独立核算
China, lawkeep separate accounts分别记账
gen.keep M separate from不要把 M 和 N 混在一起 (N)
gen.keep M separate from把M和N分开 (N)
earth.sc.magnetic mechanical separate磁力机械分选
China, lawmake separate stipulations另行作出规定
tech.matched loading to separate one consignment from another隔离配装
tech.method of separate joint displacement个别节点位移法
tech.method of separate joint displacement节点移位法
tech.method of separate joint displacement可分节点位移法
tech.method of separate joint displacement分离节点位移法
tech.mid-separate surface seal中分面密封
mil., air.def.multi-separate loops range gate deception ECCM多个独立环反距离门欺骗干扰
tech.multiple separate locks分离式多级船闸
tech.oil separate chamber油分离槽
tech.oil separate tank分油箱
tech.oil separate tank分油槽
ecol.oil separate tank隔油池
construct.partially separate system排水系统部分分流制
busin.partnership as a separate entity作为独立实体的合伙
tech.percentage of separate sieve residue分计筛余百分数
tech.place under separate control分口管理
econ.Please send bills of lading under separate cover请另邮提单
tech.pore of liberation separate单元体间孔隙
tech.pseudo-color composition with separate exposing假彩色合成分层曝光法
tech.pseudo-colour composition with separate exposing假彩色合成分层曝光法
tech.put under separate control分口管理
tech.regulating separate stratum oil production rate分层配产
China, polit.regulations on autonomy and separate regulations submitted by the autonomous regions自治区自制条例和单行条例
econ.send something under separate cover另封寄发
gen.send M under separate cover将 M 另封寄发
avia.separate-access landing system可选取飞机间隔的着陆系统
securit.separate accountSA散户账户
commer.separate account专帐
busin.separate account分立账
securit.separate accountSA专门账户
securit.separate accountSA独立账户
securit.separate account holders独立的账户持有人
securit.separate accounting独立会计
securit.separate accounting专门会计
tech.separate accounts专账
tech.separate accounts独立核算
securit.separate accounts独立账户
tech.separate adjustment平差
securit.separate administration of business分业管理
tech.separate aggregate分级骨料
tech.separate aggregate分级集料
tech.separate air conditioner system分隔空调方式
tech.separate air conditioner system分段空调方式
refrig.separate air conditioner system分散布置空调器方式
tech.separate air friction clutch and brake units分离式空气摩擦离合制动装置
refrig.separate air system独立式空气系统
tech.separate amplifier分立式放大器
tech.separate application分开涂胶
chem.separate application分开涂胶法
tech.separate application分别敷用
tech.separate-application adhesive分施胶黏剂
tech.separate-application adhesive分涂型胶粘剂
tech.separate assembly分别汇编
comp.separate assembly独立汇编程序
chem.separate base单独底座 (plate)
tech.separate base单独底座
busin.separate bill of lading分提单即将提单分成两套或两套以上提单
tech.separate blade分离叶片
tech.separate block间隔铁 (护轮机)
tech.separate board分隔板
tech.separate built-in cooking unit分立式内装灶具
tech.separate burner分隔式燃烧器
tech.separate bus分离总线
tech.separate cargo tank分立液货舱
tech.separate carrier分离载波
tech.separate carry adder分离进位加法器
tech.separate carry representation分离进位表示法
tech.separate cast test bar单铸试件
tech.separate chamber隔腔
tech.separate charging单独加料
tech.separate checks分列式账单
agric.separate chromosome单独的染色体
railw.separate-circuit controlling分线控制
securit.separate client分散的顾客
securit.separate client独立客户
securit.separate closing teams独立结算组
tech.separate code分离码
tech.separate collection分别收集
ecol.separate collection分类收集
tech.separate collection of refuse垃圾分类收集
tech.separate collector分离式集热器
tech.separate combustion chamber分燃室
tech.separate compensation单独补偿
tech.separate compensation特别报酬
tech.separate compilation分离编译
tech.separate compilation个别编译
tech.separate conditioning单独调节
tech.separate connection单独连接
tech.separate connection单独联结
tech.separate contract项外工程合同
tech.separate contract另项工程合同
tech.separate contract单项分包
tech.separate contract分工承包
tech.separate contract分工种承包
tech.separate contract按工种承包
tech.separate contract合同
tech.separate contract单项合同
tech.separate contract分项承包 (合同)
tech.separate contract分项招标合同
tech.separate contract分类合同
tech.separate contractor分项承包商
tech.separate contractor单项承包商
railw.separate control lift guidance悬浮导向分别控制
math.separate controlled integrator单独控制积分器
mil., air.def.separate correspondence分离对应通信
busin.separate cost可分成本
busin.separate cost单独成本
tech.separate curb分式路缘
China, lawseparate custody分开关押
China, lawseparate custom territory单独关税区
securit.separate customer单独客户
securit.separate customer证券独立客户
commer.separate customs territory独立关税区
tech.separate cut-off valve独立停气阀
tech.separate cylinder分段汽缸
tech.separate cylinder分铸汽缸
tech.separate data分散数据
tech.separate data processing分散数据处理
securit.separate debt单独债项
securit.separate debt独立债项
tech.separate demodulation分开解调
tech.separate device分离装置
tech.separate digestion tank单独消化池
tech.separate digestion tank分离消化池
tech.separate digestion tank分开消化池
ecol.separate digestion tank分离消化池污泥处理
nautic., tech.separate discharge独立排水孔
tech.separate dispersion局部分散
tech.separate dispersion matrix分离差量矩阵
tech.separate drainage system分流制排水系统
tech.separate drawing分色清绘
tech.separate drive单独驱动
tech.separate efficiency分部效率
tech.separate electric motor单独电动机
chem.separate electrical motor单独电机
tech.separate electrical motor单独电动机
tech.separate elements tread分格纹
tech.separate end bracket独立端肘板
securit.separate entity独立实体
busin.separate entity assumption企业个体假定
tech.separate entity system纳税单位分列计税制
busin.separate entry单独实体
busin.separate equation独立方程
securit.separate estate独占财产
securit.separate evaluation单独评估
securit.separate evaluation独立评估
busin.separate event单独事件
tech.separate excitation他激 (电)
tech.separate excited分激
tech.separate-excited block oscillator他激式间歇振荡器
tech.separate excited motor分激电动机
tech.separate exciter独立励磁机
tech.separate exciter他励励磁机
tech.separate export department分设出口部
tech.separate face mask眼鼻面罩
tech.separate facility分隔设施
tech.separate families可分类
anim.husb.separate fibril of cocoon laver茧层分离细纤维
tech.separate flat成套住房
busin.separate flat独立单元住房
tech.separate flat独立单元 (住房)
ecol.separate flow and return system热水
tech.separate flow and return system热水、回水分流管系统
ecol.separate flow and return system回水分流管系统
refrig.separate flow and return system进水与回水分流管系统
tech.separate flow system分流管系
agric.separate flower单性花 (flosunisexualis)
tech.separate flushing旁侧给水冲洗
gen.separate M from从N中析出 (N, M)
gen.be separate from和 N 分离〔开〕的 (N)
gen.separate M from把M 从N分离出来 (N)
gen.separate M from使M 和N分开 (N)
gen.separate M from使M 脱离N (N)
gen.separate from离开
China, lawseparate from each other相互分离
China, lawseparate from the group脱团
tech.separate function分离函数
busin.separate fund分开基金
tech.separate galvanometer分装式检流计
tech.separate game分离对策
tech.separate gang单独工区
tech.separate gas holder单独储气器
tech.separate gate分离栅
tech.separate gate type分离栅极型
econ.separate gold from sand沙里淘金
China, polit.separate government administration from enterprise management政企分开
tech.separate grade分离式立体交叉
tech.separate grade crossing立体交叉道
tech.separate grade crossing立体交叉路 (口)
busin.separate grade crossing立交桥
tech.separate grade crossing分离式立 (叉)
tech.separate gravity structure分离式重力结构
tech.separate gravity structure独立式重力结构
tech.separate grinding分别粉磨
tech.separate grinding单独粉磨
agric.separate haulm elevator甜菜收获机茎叶分离升运器
tech.separate head分开头
tech.separate heater valve旁热式真空管
construct.separate heterodyne他激〔分激,独立本机振荡〕 外差法
tech.separate heterodyne分激外差法
tech.separate heterodyne他激外差法
mil., air.def.separate heterodyne detection分激外差法检波
tech.separate heterodyne reception method分激外差式接收法
tech.separate house独立式房屋
commer.separate import licence分别进口许可证
busin.separate income个别收入
securit.separate instrument单独工具
securit.separate instrument独立文书
tech.separate intensifier system分离式增压器
gen.separate M into把 M离,解成 N (N)
busin.separate into groups化整为零
earth.sc.separate ion formation and drift分离的离子形成和漂移
railw.separate journal box分离式轴箱
busin.separate jurisdiction分别管辖权
tech.separate layer隔离层
tech.separate layer fluid production rate分层产液量
tech.separate layer quantitative oil production分层定量采油
tech.separate lead-sheathed cable分铅包型电缆
gen.separate-lead-type cable心钱单独有铅皮的电缆
econ.separate legal entities独立的法定实体
commer.separate legal entity独立法定单位实体
busin.separate legal entity独立法律实体
securit.separate legal entity独立法人实体
busin.separate lending operating单独的贷款业务
busin.separate lending operations单独贷款业务
tech.separate lifting forces分项浮力
tech.separate-line calciner离线分解炉
tech.separate line calciner kiln双列预分解炉窑
tech.separate lining离壁衬砌
securit.separate listing单独上市
tech.separate loading分装式
CNCseparate loading分装
tech.separate local oscillator独立本地振荡器
tech.separate lubrication局部〔独立,点〕润滑
tech.separate lubrication分别润滑法
tech.separate lubricator个别润滑器
tech.separate luminance camera分离亮度摄像机
tech.separate machine分割机
tech.separate manuscript分色原图
tech.separate mesh分离网
tech.separate mesh electrode分离电极
mil., air.def.separate mesh type分离网络型
tech.separate mesh vidicon分离网式视像管
tech.separate mesh vidicon pickup tube分离网光导摄像管
shipb.separate method of assembling分离组装法
tech.separate mode分离模式
tech.separate modelling分离式模型
tech.separate motor独立式电动机
tech.separate nozzle gas cutter串列式喷嘴气割机
tech.separate of sewerage分流下水道系统
gen.separate off
CNCseparate oiling部分加油
CNCseparate oiling分别加油法
avia.separate operating agency独立机构
tech.separate optic element分离光学元件
tech.separate optical element分离光学元件
gen.separate out析岀
tech.separate out析出
gen.separate out
tech.separate oven独立式烤箱
tech.separate ownership分户单独所有权 (土地)
securit.separate ownership from managerial authority所有权和从经营权分离
earth.sc.separate parcel破宗[地]【土】
avia.separate parts list分类零件表
econ.separate payment分别付款
busin.separate payment of freight水陆联运的分段收运费
tech.separate phase分离相
tech.separate phase独立相
tech.separate phase operating relay分相动作继电器
tech.separate pipe transmission分管输送
tech.separate plate分隔板
tech.separate platform侧式站台
gen.Separate, please. And I'd like a breakdown of the bill分开结吧,还有账单要细分一下
railw.separate power source独立电源
railw.separate power supply分散供电
tech.separate printing分色印刷
agric., stat.separate probable error method单独概差法
expl.separate processing对某一需要爆破的物体单独处理 (of an object to be blasted)
avia.separate processor单独处理机
tech.separate processor mode分隔处理方式
busin.separate program单个程序
securit.separate property独立财产
busin.separate property可单独支配的财产
securit.separate property专门财产
securit.separate prospectus独立股票发行说明书
securit.separate prospectus独立招股书
tech.separate ratio estimate分别比率估计值
tech.separate reactor分离反应器
tech.separate regression estimate分别回归估计值
tech.separate regulation单行法
tech.separate regulation单行规定
tech.separate regulation单行条例
China, polit.separate regulations单行条例
securit.separate return limitation year独立回报限制年度
agric.separate ridge ploughing耲耕腹耕
agric.separate ridge ploughing分垄耕作
tech.separate ring分离型套圈
tech.separate roller分离辊
tech.separate room单间 (餐馆中与大餐厅分开的小间)
tech.separate room heating单室采暖
securit.separate safekeeping分户保管
tech.separate sanitary sewer分流污水管 (道)
tech.separate-scheme data分离横式数据
tech.separate school非公立学校
tech.separate sea lane分隔航道
tech.separate sewage system污染分流系统
tech.separate sewage system分流制污水系统
agric., water.suppl.separate sewage system分流沟渠系统
tech.separate sewage system分流下水道系统
tech.separate sewage system分流制排水系统
tech.separate sewer单用下水道
tech.separate sewer单用污水管
tech.separate sewer分流沟道
tech.separate sewer分流污水道
tech.separate sewer分流制下水道
ecol.separate sewer分流制污水管
tech.separate sewer system分流制下水道系统
tech.separate sewer system分流式下水道系统
tech.separate sewerage分流排水系统
tech.separate sewerage分流式排水
tech.separate sewerage system单用污水系统
tech.separate sewerage system分流制 (污水系统)
tech.separate sewerage system分区污水系统
tech.separate sewerage system分流式下水道系统
tech.separate sewerage system分流式污水系统
ecol.separate sewerage system分流制下水系统
tech.separate sewerage treatment system分区污水处理系统
securit.separate share trading account独立股票交易账户
tech.separate sheet分幅
tech.separate signal phase交通灯的分隔信号相
mil., air.def.separate signaling system独立信号系统
tech.separate slit image分离的狭缝像
tech.separate sludge digestion分离式污泥净化 (法)
tech.separate sludge digestion分池污泥消化
tech.separate sludge digestion分离式污泥消化
ecol.separate sludge digestion专用污泥消化
tech.separate sludge digestion单独污泥消化
ecol.separate sludge digestion分离污泥消化
tech.separate sludge digestion tank分池污泥消化池
tech.separate sludge digestion tank分离式污泥消化池
tech.separate sludge digestion tank分隔式污泥消化池
tech.separate sludge digestion tank单独污泥消化槽
tech.separate sluiceway structure单独泄水结构
tech.separate sluiceway structure单独冲淤结构
tech.separate sources不同来源
tech.separate spillway单独溢洪道
gen.separate squadron headquarters独立中队〔队〕部
econ.separate statement单独声明
tech.separate statement附加声明
securit.separate status独立资格
tech.separate Stirling cycle refrigerator分置式斯特林循环制冷机
tech.separate storage rings分离存储环
tech.separate storm sewer分流制雨水沟渠
tech.separate storm sewer分流制雨水管
tech.separate stratum control分层管理
expl.separate stress个别应力
expl.separate stress单独应力
agric.separate surface分离面
tech.separate switchboard分立的交换台
tech.separate system分流排水系统
ecol.separate system雨水污水分流系统
tech.separate system雨污水分流制
tech.separate system污水分流系统
busin.separate system单独系统
tech.separate system离散系统
tech.separate system分流系统
avia.separate system可分系统
tech.separate system of sewage污染分流系统
tech.separate tank分离池
China, lawseparate the examination of a loan from the actual provision of the loan审贷分离
econ.separate the good ones from the bad ones分清好坏
agric.separate the seedlings for planting分秧
gen.separate the sheep from the goats把好人和坏人分开
tech.separate thrust collar斜挡圈
tech.separate tracing分色原图
avia.separate tracking and illumination radar独立跟踪和照明雷达
tech.separate trade contractor system分行业承包制
securit.separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities注册证券本息分离出售
securit.separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities注册证券本息独立交易
expl.separate transport and hoisting分级运提将煤分为不同粒度,粗粒〈筛上品〉用普通机械,细粒〈筛下品〉用水力机械运提的方式
tech.separate turning lane分隔式转弯车道
tech.separate turning lane分离式转弯车道
tech.separate twin box-girder分离式双箱大梁
tech.separate twin box-girder bridge分离式双箱桥梁
tech.separate type room air conditioner独立式房间空气调节器
tech.separate type room air conditioner分体房间空调器
tech.separate type scanning field alternative gradient accelerator分离型扫描场交变陡度加速器
tech.separate unit分立单元
tech.separate valve box type piston pump独立阀箱式活塞泵
tech.separate vent单独透气
tech.separate vent pipe单独通风管
tech.separate vent pipe单独通气管
tech.separate vent pipe单独透气管
tech.separate ventilation单独通风
tech.separate ventilation分区通风
tech.separate ventilation外通风
multimed.separate videoS 视频输入
multimed.separate video connectorS 视频信号连接器分离式电视[视频]信号连接器
tech.separate VM cycle refrigerator分置式威勒米尔循环制冷机
tech.separate wastewater treatment system分区污水处理系统
tech.separate water supply分散式给水
construct.separate water supply system分区给水系统
tech.separate water supply system分区给水系统
ecol.separate water supply system分开供水系统
tech.separate water volume析水量
tech.separate weighing分别称量
tech.separate winding分离线圈
tech.separate winding分绕绕组
tech.separate wood fibre分隔木纤维
tech.separate work另项工程
tech.separate work项外工程
tech.separate work额外工程
tech.separate zone分隔带
tech.separate-zone producer分层采油井
tech.separate zone production分层开采
tech.separate zone waterflooding分层注水
tech.sewerage of separate system分流制排水工程
tech.sewerage of separate system分流制下水道
avia.simple-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator低压除水简单式空气循环制冷系统
desert.soil separate土壤粒组
agric.soil separate土粒分组
tech.soil separate土壤成分
tech.soil separate土壤粒级
tech.soil separate土壤颗粒分组
soil.soil separate土壤组分
agric.soil separates土壤粒级
busin.specific-separate entity assumption特定独立主体假定
tech.strictly separate严格分离
tech.tax on separate income分类所得税
econ.taxation on separate income对分类所得征税
busin.taxation on separate income分类所得税
econ.taxation, separate assessment单独付税夫妻二人一般作为一个人看待,但任何一方也可声明单独征税,这时津贴补助费按比例平分,税由双方共同负责
tech.texture separate质地分级
econ.The goods are to be shipped in four lots of 30 tons each on separate bills of lading货物分四批装运,每批30吨,提单分开
econ.the separate capital method金额个别计算法
gen.the separate equations各个公式
econ.the separate management分散经营
gen.This powerful electric juicer automatically separates the pulp from the juice这种大功率的电动榨汁机能够自动将果肉与果汁分离开来
avia.three-wheel bootstrap-cycle refrigeration system with separate low-pressure water separator低压除水三轮式空气循环制冷系统
econ.To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考
gen.Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控
tech.two storied building with separate entrances上下层分别设置出人口的房屋
tech.two storied dwelling house with separate entrances上下层分別设置出人口的住宅
lawunder separate cover在另函〔另包〕内
econ.under separate cover另邮
econ.under separate cover另寄
commer.under separate cover另邮寄送
busin.under separate cover零寄
tech.unit separate regulation单机调节
railw.untwining at separate grade crossing立交疏解
tech.untwining at separate grade crossing立体交叉疏解【铁】
gen.Waiter, we'll have separate checks, please服务员,请为我们分开结账
econ.We don't think we should separate these two questions我们认为不应把这两个问题分开
econ.We have sent you our price-list of light industrial goods under separate mail我们已另行邮寄我方轻工业品价目单
gen.We shall devote a separate chapter to the mixture专门有一章来研究这种混合物
commer.We're sending vou samples under separate cover我们将另函寄送样品
commer.We've forwarded you by separate airmail three samples for this article我方已另空邮这一商品的三个样品
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