
Terms for subject Textile industry containing sell | all forms | exact matches only
buy-sell agreement买卖合同
buy-sell agreement买卖协议
buy-sell contract买卖契约
buy-sell contract买卖合同
buy-sell for goods商品买卖
buy-sell for goods货物买卖
buy-sell for service服务贸易
buy-sell for service服务买卖
buy-sell for technology技术贸易
buy-sell for technology技术买卖
combining production with sell产销结合
goods sell畅销
merchandise sell货物买卖
merchandise sell商品买卖
sell at a bargain廉价岀售
sell at a high-figure高价出售
sell at a low price廉价岀售
sell at a premium溢价岀售
sell at a profit赚钱销售
sell at less than cost亏本出售
sell at the close收盘时出售指令
sell at the close收盘时出售
sell by auction竞拍
sell by grade按级别出售
sell by the yard按码出售
sell by weight按重量出售
sell cheap廉价出售
sell flat无息出售
sell for a lump sum一揽子出售
sell for cash现金出售
sell for cash down现款出售
sell for forward delivery出售期货
sell for future delivery出售期货
sell fraudulently骗卖
sell goods卖货
sell goods售货
sell like hot cakes畅销
sell like T-shirts畅销
sell on account赊售
sell on account赊卖
sell on account赊销
sell on commission经销
sell on credit赊卖
sell M on credit赊售 M
sell on credit赊销
sell on credit赊售
sell on the spot现货销售
sell on trust赊销
sell short低估
sell to the trade卖给同行
sell under price降价卖出
sell under price低价出售
sell well畅销
super sell超级推销《销售》
super sell特畅销