
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing second | all forms | exact matches only
bridge of second track第二线桥梁
Castigliano's second theorem works卡斯提里阿诺第二定理
Centimetre-Gram-Second unit厘米-克-秒单位
metre per second秒米米每秒
non-linear second order inelastic analysis非线性二次非弹性分析
polar second moment of sectional area截面极惯性矩
reserved second line预留第二线
second approximation二次近似
second area moment method二次面积矩法
second base map二底图
second class highway二级公路
second class railroad二级铁路
second derivative二阶导数
second mode of vibration第二振型
second moment of area面积二次矩
second moment of area二次面积矩
second moment of area断面二次矩
second moment of sectional area截面惯性矩
second moment of sectional area截面二次矩
second-order analysis二次分析
second-order effect二 次效应
second order elastic analysis二阶弹性分析
second-order equation二阶方程
second-order formula二阶公式
second order inelastic analysis二次非弹性分析
second-order moment二次矩
second-order parabola二次抛物线
second-order plastic analysis二次塑性分析
second order theory二次理论
second power二次幂
second track第二线轨道