
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing seat | all forms | exact matches only
back riding seat后骑坐
back seat后骑坐
back riding seat后骑坐
back upstart with backward seat后倒前上
backward seat circle后撑后回环
cross riding seat骑坐
cross seat外侧坐
cross seat position外侧坐
cross-riding seat骑坐
fall on seat坐地犯规动作
forward seat circle后撑前回环
free backward seat circle to handstand腾身回环成手倒立
free forward seat circle腾身前回环
front drop to seat drop腹弹接坐弹
front riding seat正坐
full twist to seat drop转体 360°接坐弹
half twist to seat drop半转坐弹
inner seat杠内坐
inside cross seat内侧坐
outer seat on one bar外侧坐
outer seat on one bar, swing over the parallel bar外侧坐越两杠下
outer seat on one bar with left or rightways ¹⁄₂ turn to straddle leg sitting position外侧坐向左或右转体180° 成分腿坐
outside cross seat外侧坐
riding seat骑坐
seat circle后撑回环
seat circle straddled backward分腿在外支撑向后回环
seat drop坐着网
seat drop坐弹
seat drop蹦床运动坐着网
seat drop to front drop坐弹接腹弹
seat rise to dismount前上越杠下
seat spin坐转体
side seat侧骑坐
side-straddle seat分腿骑坐
straddle seat分腿坐
straddle seat circle分腿支撑回环
swivel hips to seat drop转体 180°接坐着网
thigh seat rest外侧坐
three-quarter seat circle backward后回环³⁄₄
three-quarter seat circle backward后回环四分之三
V seat高举腿坐式平衡
V seat高举腿坐