
Terms for subject Space containing search system | all forms | in specified order only
advanced underwater search system高级水下搜索系统
Cospas space system for search of vessels in distress遇难船只搜索卫星系统 (苏联)
Cospas space system for search of vessels in distress科斯帕斯卫星系统
Cospas/Sarsat space system for search of vessels in distress/search and rescue satellite-aided tracking科斯帕斯-搜索救援卫星系统 (苏联、法国、美国、加拿大合作研制的)
global search and rescue system全球搜索与救援系统
infrared search-track system红外搜索跟踪系统
laser designator search system激光指示器搜索系统
laser search system激光搜索系统
long-range search system远程搜索系统
LRSTS shipborne infrared search/track system舰载红外搜索与跟踪系统
satellite-aided search and rescue system卫星辅助搜索救援系统
search and rescue satellite aided tracking system搜索救援卫星辅助跟踪系统
search and rescue satellite system搜索和救援卫星系统