
Terms containing search system | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.advanced undersea search system高级水下探搜系统
spaceadvanced underwater search system高级水下搜索系统
el.advanced underwater search system先进水下搜索系统
avia.advanced unmanned search system先进无人驾驶搜索系统
tech.advanced unmanned search system先进的无人调查系统
earth.sc.advanced unmanned search system高级自动探搜系统
navig.advanced unmanned search system新型无人搜索系统
geol.advanced unmanned search system高级无人搜索系统
avia.airborne search and rescue system机载搜索救援系统
auto.auto program search system节目自动搜索系统
el.automatic program search system节目自动搜索系统
el.combined file search system组合文件检索系统
telecom.combined file search system综合式文件检索系统
avia.computer assisted search planning system计算机辅助搜寻规划系统
spaceCospas space system for search of vessels in distress遇难船只搜索卫星系统 (苏联)
spaceCospas space system for search of vessels in distress科斯帕斯卫星系统
spaceCospas/Sarsat space system for search of vessels in distress/search and rescue satellite-aided tracking科斯帕斯-搜索救援卫星系统 (苏联、法国、美国、加拿大合作研制的)
el.document search system文件检查系统
libr.federated search system整合检索系统
el.file search system文件检索系统
earth.sc.geographic search and inquiry system地理检索与査询系统
spaceglobal search and rescue system全球搜索与救援系统
avia.global search and rescue system全球搜索与援救系统
avia.global search and rescue system全球搜寻与救援系统
telecom.information search and recording system信息查询和记录系统
el.information search system信息检索系统
avia.infrared search and track system红外搜寻和跟踪系统
avia.infra-red search and track system红外搜索和跟踪系统
el.infrared search and tracking system红外搜索与跟踪系统
tech.infrared search system红外线搜索系统
spaceinfrared search-track system红外搜索跟踪系统
mil., air.def.infrared search-track system红外搜索与跟踪系统
tech.International Maritime Organization Search and Rescue System国际海事组织搜救系统
econ.Joint Information Search and Retrieval System联合情报査询与检索系统
spacelaser designator search system激光指示器搜索系统
spacelaser search system激光搜索系统
spacelong-range search system远程搜索系统
spaceLRSTS shipborne infrared search/track system舰载红外搜索与跟踪系统
el.marine cable search system海底电缆搜索系统
fisherymaritime search and rescue system海上搜救系统
earth.sc.mass spectral search system质谱测试系统
el.mass spectral search system质谱搜索系统
tech.mass spectral search system质谱检索系统
el.movable search system移动式搜索系统
el.movable search system可移动搜索系统
gen.radio radio search system搜索雷达站
mil., air.def.radio search system无线电搜索装置
el.random program search system随机程序检索系统
tech.retrospective search system逆检系统
avia.satellite aided search and rescue system卫星辅助搜索与救援系统
spacesatellite-aided search and rescue system卫星辅助搜索救援系统
el.satellite-based maritime search and rescue system卫星基海上搜索与救援系统
earth.sc.satellite-based maritime search and rescue system基于卫星的海上探索与营救系统
spacesearch and rescue satellite aided tracking system搜索救援卫星辅助跟踪系统
spacesearch and rescue satellite system搜索和救援卫星系统
tech.search directory system call查找目录系统调用
progr.search system搜索系统〔设备〕
busin.search system检索系统
tech.search system搜索系统
el.search unit tracking and recording system搜索装置跟踪与记录系统
el.sequential circuit test search system时序电路测试搜索系统
el.signals search system信号搜索系统
tech.space system for search of distress vessels搜寻遇难船舶空间形态
el.structure and nomenclature search system结构与命名检索系统
mil., air.def.system of infrared search and tracking红外搜索与跟踪监视系统
earth.sc.tape search system磁带检索系统
el.video index search system视频索引检索系统
mil., air.def.wide-range search system宽范围搜索系统