
Terms for subject Textile industry containing school | all forms | exact matches only
canvas school bag帆布书包
High School of Fashion Industries时装工业高等学校
mercantile school重商主义学派
model school模特培训学校
old school tie校友领带
old school tie昔时小学生领带
school-age's wear学生装
school age's wear少年服装
school-age's wear少年服装
school badg校徽
school badge校徽
school bag书包
school bag布书包
school cap学生帽
school dress女学生连衣
school girl blouse女学生上衣
school girl look女生风貌
school girl look女生款式
school girl look女学生款式
school jumper女生背心裙
school jumper女学生背心裙
school jumper学生服背心裙
school of commerce商业学校
school of commerce商学院
school of economic theory经济理论学派
school of foreign trade外贸学院
school of foreign trade对外贸易学校
school ring学生戒指
school ring校名戒指
school shirt学生制服衬衫
school shoes校鞋
school shoes校服鞋
school skirt女学生裙
school sweater嵌字毛衣
school sweater字母毛衣
school sweater校园毛衣
school uniform学生制服
school uniform学生装
school uniform校服
school uniform cloth学生呢
school uniform doth学生校服
school wear学生服
school wear校服
school wear学生装
summer school wear夏季校服
vestibule school技工学校