
Terms for subject United Nations containing rural | all forms | exact matches only
Agriculture and Rural Development Division农业和农村发展司
Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development亚洲非政府组织土地改革和农村发展联盟
Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展中心
Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment农业、农村发展和环境委员会
Committee on Socio-Economic Measures to Alleviate Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas城乡扶贫社会经济措施委员会
Den Bosch Agenda for Action on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development登博施可持续农业和农村发展行动纲领
Expert Consultation on Environment Health Principles for Rural Development促进农村发展环境卫生原则专家协商
Expert Group Meeting on the Development and Utilization of Local Manpower and Technology for Disability-related Services in Rural and Poverty Areas of the Asia-Pacific region亚太区域农村和贫穷地区开发利用当地人力和技术为残疾人提供服务专家组会议
Guidelines for Rural Centre Planning农村中心规划指导方针
Integrated Rural Development Unit农村综合发展股
Interagency Committee on Integrated Rural Development农村综合发展机构间委员会
Inter-Agency Committee on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展机构间委员会
Interagency Coordinated Plan of Action on Integrated Rural Development in the ESCAP Region亚太经社会区域综合农村发展机构间协调行动计划
Inter-Agency Task Force on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific亚太农村综合发展机构间工作队
Inter-Agency Task Force on Rural Development机构间农村发展工作队
Regional Inter-Agency Committee on Integrated Rural Development农村综合发展区域机构间委员会
Regional Inter-agency Coordinated Plan of Action on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展区域机构间协调行动计划
Regional Seminar on the Improvement of Rural Housing for the ESCAP Region改善亚太经社会区域农村住房条件区域讨论会
Regional TCDC Working Group on Rural Energy Planning and Development农村能源规划与开发区域技合工作组
Rural and Urban Development Division城乡发展司
rural cooperatives农村合作社
Rural Development Section农村发展科
sustainable agriculture and rural development可持续农业和农村发展
Task Force on Integrated Rural Development农村综合发展工作队
Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development Service妇女参与农业生产和农村发展处