
Terms containing run off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
spaceprobability of run off target目标流失率
busin.run off coefficient经流系数
math.run off data system输出数据系统
econ.run off election决定性选举
bridg.constr.run off rails脱轨
textilerun off stitching〔粤〕落坑
textilerun off stitching缉线上、下坑
textilerun off stitching缝纫偏离滑落
steel.run off table引出板
footb.run off the ball跑位
gen.run off the metals火车出轨
auto.run off the road汽车驶出道 (way)
bridg.constr.run off the track脱轨
auto.run off the track驶出赛道
auto.run off the track赛车偏离线路
busin.run off with money卷款潜逃