
Terms for subject Economy containing run | all forms | exact matches only
a long-run prediction长期预测
adjustability of factors in short run短期中要素的可调整性
average run length平均试验持续时间
average run time平均运行时间
Because your products are entirely suitable for our market, our next season's business will run into a considerable sum由于贵方产品完全适合我方市场,我们下季度的交易将达到相当大的金额
bull run股市活跃期
cease to run时效中止
change of long-run cost长期成本变动
commune-run undertakings社办事业
cost schedules in short run短期成本表列
definition of short run短期的定义
economy run节油车赛
forward falling long run supply curve逐渐下降的长期供货曲线
frequency run频率性试验
general run of the market市场的一般趋势
government-run facility国有生产资料
have a good great run畅销
have a good great run流行
high-run production大批生产
horizontal long-run supply curve水平的长期供给曲线
identity of long-run cost & supply schedules长期成本与供给表列的相等
identity of short-run marginal cost and short-run supply schedules短期边际成本和短期供给表列的相等
In the long run, ifs worth buying these goods at such a price从长远观点看,以此价购得此货值得
industrial enterprises run by commercial units商办工业企业
labour share of output for long run长期劳动在总生产中所占的份额
large run大批 (制品)
limited production run小批生产
limited production run小批 (制品)
long run长时间的工作
long run大批制品
long run长的运行
long-run adjustment长期调整
long-run adverse trend长期起作用的不利趋势
long run analysis长期分析
long-run analysis长期分析
long-run average cost长期平均成本
long run bill长期汇票
long-run cost curve长期成本曲线
long-run development长期发展
long-run equilibrium长期均衡
long-run equilibrium in constant-cost industry成本不变工业的长期平衡
long run marginal cost长期运行边际成本
long-run period长期
long-run persistent inflation长期持续的通货膨胀
long-run policy长期政策
long-run portfolio equilibrium长期金融资产的结构平衡
long-run price长期价格
long-run standards长期标准
long-run supply curves of the industry产业的长期供给曲线
long-run trend长期动向
loss by run-off of soil水土流失
mill run未分等级的
new product trial run fund source新产品试验基金
on the run临时的
on the run仓促而成的
on the run在逃
period and short run cost curves时间与短期成本曲线
poultry run养鸡场
precision test runs严格的试运行
price and output levels in short-run短期中的价格与产量水准
production run一批 (制品)
production run成批生产
quality of the general run大路货的质量
run a blockade冲破封锁
run a factory经营工厂
run a racket从事非法职业
run all enterprises with diligence and frugality勤俭办一切企业
run an account积下欠账
run as家庭企业方式经营 (a family concern)
run-away inflation失控的通货膨胀
run away inflation无法控制的通货膨胀
run counter to the general trend与总趋势相反
run diagram运转图解
run diagram转动图
run foul to the law触犯法律
run goods私货
run low不足
run low缺乏
run of paper出版人决定广告刊登位置
run-off coefficient径流系数
run off election决定性选举
run on银行挤兑 (a bank)
run on gold against美元挤兑 (US dollar, 黄金)
run on gold against US dollar以美元挤兑黄金的风潮
run out满期 (of)
run out告罄
run out售尽 (of)
run out用完
run out花光 (of)
run performance to one's interests同…利益相违背
run quantity一工作期所制造的产品数量
run rummer偷运酒类的人和船
run short不足
run the commune industriously and thriftily勤俭办社
run the enterprises industriously and thriftily勤俭办企业
run through浪费
run through挥霍浪费
run through挥霍
run time使用期限
run time操作时间
run up物价等高涨
run up费用 迅速增加
run up物价高涨
run up费用等迅速增加
run up a score赔买
run up a score负债累累
run up a score of 40000 dollars with朋友 40.000美元 (a friend)
run up an account登账
run up an account负债
run up an account挂账
run up an account赊欠
run way inflation无法控制的恶性通货膨胀
run wild放肆起来
run wild变野蛮
run with something追求
runs on a bank银行拚兑
She runs a chain of hotels她经营连锁旅店
She runs a flourishing hotel她经营一家旅店,生意红火
short run浇不足
short run小量〔短期〕生产
short run短的运行
short-run analysis短期分析
short-run average cost短期平均成本的行为
short-run cost curve短期成本曲线
short-run cost curve短期费用曲线
short run cost curves短期成本曲线
short-run equilibrium短期平衡
short-run equilibrium短期均衡
short-run inefficiency短期无效率
short-run production小量〔短期〕生产
short run production小量〔短期〕生产
short run production小批生产
short-run supply短期的供应
short-time run average cost短期营运平均成本
socialist state run enterprise社会主义国营企业
start of run运转初期
start of run运行开始
state run public authority国家管理局
state-run retail trade国营零售商业
The Chinese Export Commodities Fair will run from April 2nd to 6th中国出口商品交易会在4月2日至6日举行
the daily run每日运转
the short-run adjustment短期调整
the short-run effect短期效果
the short-run performance margin短期营运毛利
The two machines differ greatly: one has an electric motor, the other runs on oil这两台机器差别很大一台配有电动机,另一台靠燃油驱动
They also run mail order business他们还经营邮购业务
Though costly at present, it does pay in the long run眼前虽贵些,但从长远来说,是相当合算的
under run低于估计的产量
unit run time装置运转时间
uprising long run supply curve逐渐上升的长期供给曲线
We are granted the non-transferable license to run a beauty center我方获得了经营一家美容中心的不可过户的许可证
We regret to inform you that our stock has run out我们遗憾地通知你方存货已售完
We took a run from London to our port on the vessel我们乘船从伦敦行驶到我方港口
weekly run每周运转