
Terms for subject Agriculture containing run | all forms | exact matches only
artificial spawn run area人工[食用菌]栽培种场
back-run反转的 (reversus)
camp run圆材堆
cattle run牛通道
cattle run一定时期内上市牛数
cattle run畜牧场
computer run chart计算机运行表
distant run-water-sprinker远距喷水机
double-run feed内槽轮排种器
dry run空运行
edit run program编辑运行程序
feed run排种器
field-run plant正常植株
fowl run养鸡场
fowl run养禽场
gin run轧花机轧棉棍
hen run养鸡场
kiln run一次干燥材积
long run长期的
long-run economic projection长期经济计划
loss by run-off水土流失 (of soil)
machine run机器运转
mill run制材量锯材厂
mill run出粉量磨粉厂
object run目标运行
outdoor run围场
outdoor run放牧场
outdoor run户外养鸡场
plant left to run to seed留种植株
rate of run-off径流系数
run a farm管理农场
run a line定线{测}
run away离开
run away失控
run away飞车
run-away task超越任务
run-away velocity发动机飞车转速
run away with行进速度过快而不易控制
run away with获得无根据的结论
run away with用尽
run back回排指排字
run data运行数据
run down破烂
run down追获
run down用完
run down相撞
run down电池变弱
run duration运行周期
run duration运行时间
run end-point运行终点
run end-point运行端点
run engine起动机
run honey液体蜜
run honey液态蜜
run in注人
run indicator运行指示灯
run-length data行程数据
run location运行定位
run-of-bank sand河滩沙
run-off area径流面积
run-off coefficient流失[量]系数
run-off curve径流曲线
run-off dell流失谷地
run-off ditch泄水毛沟
run-off ditch排水毛沟
run-off factor径流系数
run-off in depth径流深
run-off transcription analysis失控转录分析
run-off transcription analysis脱落转录分析
run-off volume径流总量
run-off wind anemometer风程风速表
run on继续发展
run on连续
run on连缀
run on转动
run on涉及
run on流逝
run-on time连续时间指运转时间
run-on transcription连缀转录
run-on transcription analysis连缀转录分析
run-on transcription assay连缀转录鉴定
run out突伸
run out跳动
run out伸出
run out到期限
run out抽出
run out拉出
run out缺乏
run-round plow单用犁
run schedule运行调度[表]
run switch运行开关
run through勾掉
run through匆匆检査
run through匆促检查
run through连续很快地处理
run through划线
run to推展到
run to达到
run to seed结子
run to seed结实
run to seed长种子不长新叶
run-to-run check连续运行检查
run up使迅速增加
run up提高
run up数字加起
run wild野生
snow run-off forecast雪流失预报
spawn run process栽培种培养工程指食用菌
straight run chick未鉴别小鸡