
Terms for subject Business containing routines | all forms
auditing routine审计程序
bootstrap loading routine引导装配程序
business routine日常业务
check routine校验程序
check routine test检验程序试验
checkpoint routine检查点程序
conversion routine转换程序
day-to-day routine每日例行工作
designated routine sampling plan规定的例行抽样方案
diagnostic routine判断程序
error correcting routine错误校正过程
error detecting routine误差检测程序
error routine例行误差
estimation routine估计程序
Executive Control Routines行政管理惯例
factory routine工厂日常工作
file management routine文件管理例行程序
floating routine浮点程序
heuristic routine探试程序
initial test routine初始测试程序
initialization routine启动程序
initialization routine初始化程序
interrupt routine中断处理程序
inventory routine盘存程序
iterative nonlinear estimation routine迭代非线性估计程序
job accounting routine作业算账程序
law of exception to routine常规例外法则原则
library routine库例行程序
line control routine生产线控制程序
loader routine装入程序
maintenance routine定期检修
nonlinear estimation routine非线性估计程序
office routine例行公务
routine analysis程序分析
routine attention预防保养
routine business日常业务
routine decision常规决策
routine duties例行职务
routine duties日常职务
routine job常规工作
routine maintenance日常保养
routine of work工作惯例
routine parity changes例行平价变动
routine procedure例行程序
routine report例行报告
routine test日常检查
routine work例行事务
shared routine共用例行程序
standard short routines标准分类常规
supervisory routine监督程序
supplementary routine辅助程序
synthesis of the object routine目标程序综合
synthetic routine综合程序
test detect routine测检程序
tracing routine跟踪程序