
Terms for subject Nautical containing route | all forms | exact matches only
cape of good hope route好望角航线
clear width of escape routes脱险通道的净宽
density of persons in an escape route脱险通道人员密度
effective width of escape routes脱险通道的有效宽度
escape route逃生通道脱险通道
evacuation stations and external escape routes撤离站和外部脱险通道
initial density of persons D in an escape route初始人员密度
route monitoring航线监测
routes passing through regions of icebergs guarded by the ice patrol穿越冰区巡逻所警戒冰山区的航线
safe route安全通道
specific route特定航线
specified route service特定航线营运
specified route service特定航线航区
speed m/s of persons along the escape route沿着脱险通道的人员流速
workstation for route planning航线计划工作站