
Terms for subject Technology containing route | all forms | exact matches only
access route进出线路
account en route未还账
aerial route selection航测选线
air route航线【航空】
air route航空线
air route飞机航线
air route空运路线
air route for power transmission survey架空送电线路测量
air route in use通航里程
air route map航空线图
air route map航线图
air route surveillance radar航线监视雷达
air route traffic control center空中交通控制中心
air route traffic control center航线交通管制中心
alternate extended route更替扩充的路径选择
alternate extended route更替扩充路由
alternate locations of route selection比较路线
alternate route比较线 (路)
alternate route备用路线
alternate route比较路线
alternate route更替通路
alternative route变更进路
alternative route比较路线
alternative route迂回进路
approach route进出港航道
arrival route进场线路
Atlantic route大西洋航路
auto route汽车行驶线
auto route多车道高速公路
automated route management航路自动管理
automatic route release进路自动解锁
automatic route restoration进路自动复位解锁
automatic route selection自动路由选择
automatic route selection进路自动选择
automatic route setting自动路由设置
automatic route setting自动排路
automatic route setting system进路自动排列系统
automatic working of a route进路自动排列
baggage flow route行李流程路线
basic route基本进路【铁】
beginning of the route进路起点
best route analysis最佳线路分析
bridged traffic route桥上交通线路
buried depth of route线路埋深
bus route公共汽车路线
by-pass route间路
by-pass route侧线
by-pass route绕行路
by-pass route支路
by-pass route迂回线
by-pass route支线
cancel a route取消进路
caravan route商队路
change of river route河道演变
changeable route signal可变线路信号
chlorination route氯化法
circuit to hold a route for shunting非进路调车电路
circulation route室内交通线
commuter route上下班路线
compatible route平行进路【铁】
computer-assisted route selection system计算机辅助选线系统
concentric route环形道路
concentric route环状道路
concentrical route环形道路
concentrical route环状道路
concrete mixing "en route"途中拌和
concrete mixing "en route"途中搅拌
concrete mixing on route途中搅拌途中拌和
concrete mixing on route路拌混凝土
confirming route marker路线编号标志
continuously route连续线路
contractual route契约规定航线
county route县镇地方道路
courier route驿道
cross route交叉路 (线)
cross route交叉道
cross-country route横贯河谷线路
crossing of routes车站进路交叉
crossing of routes进路交叉
crossing route穿越路线
curved track open route地面曲线段
customary route习惯航线
cutting across of routes进路交叉
density of route路线密度
detour route迂回航线
detour route迂回进路
deviation from voyage route偏离航程
differential route特价线路
differential route运费低廉的交通线
direct route直接航线
direct route往测路线
direct route直接路由
direct route powder reduction直接粉末还原
dispersal route扩散路线
dispersal route扩散路径
dispersal route扩散途径
driving route行驶路线
dynamical route allocation动态通路分配
egress route出口通道
either directional route双进路
either directional route双进线【铁】
either route双进路
electronic route storage电子存储器
emergency route紧急逃难路线
emergency route应急通路
emergency route安全路线
emergency route备用迂回路线
emergency route紧急逃逸路线
end of route路线终点
entrance route接车进路
environmental route进入环境途经
Europe-Australia route欧洲一澳大利亚航线
evacuated route疏散路线
evacuation route marker避难路线标志
execution route执行路径
exit route发车进路
exit route出口路线
extended route扩充路径
external control point of route路线外控点
external escape route室外疏散路线
external evacuation route室外疏散路线
facing route对向进路
final route最末路由
fire escape route消防应急通道
fire route救火路线
fixing route bus定线公共汽车
flight route航空路线
flow route流通路线
flow route of passengers and baggages旅客及行旅流程
flying route飞行路线
fully isolated route全封闭线路
general route总体路线
geologic route survey地质路线调查
geological route survey地质路线调查
goods operation in route货物途中作业
heavy route circuit重路由电路
heavy route earth station重路由地面站
heavy route station重路由站
heavy route telephone message重路由电话通信
heavy route toll telephone重路由长途电话
hill-and-dale route横越分水线的道路
hold route for shunting非进路调车
homing route of fish鱼类洄游路线
Honolulu/Japan route火奴鲁鲁檀香山一日本航线
hypothetical route假定途径
idle route indicator路由示闲器
inclosing route圈定路线
India-Pakistan/Japan route印度、巴基斯坦一日本航线
inhalation route吸入途径
instrument route survey仪表线路测量
intersecting routes交叉路线
intersecting routes相交路线
investigation of geologic route地质路线研究
investigation of geological route地质路线研究
Japan/Caribbean route日本一加勒比海航线
Japan/East Africa route日本一东非航线
Japan/Europe route日本一欧洲航线
Japan/Hong Kong route日本一香港航线
Japan/Mediterranean east route日本一地中海东部航线
Japan/Mediterranean West route日本一地中海西部航线
Japan/Micronesia route日本一密罗克尼亚航线
Japan/Middle America West Coast route日本一中美西海岸航线
Japan/New Yoke route日本一纽约航线
Japan/South africa route日本一南非航线
Japan/South America east area route日本一南美东海岸航线
Japan/South America West Area route日本南美西海岸航线
Japan/South Pacific route日本一太平洋南部航线
Japan/Strait Area route日本一海峡地区航线
Japan/Taiwan route日本一台湾航线
jet route喷气式飞机航线
job route sheet工作规划单
lag-and-route method迟滞演算法
lag-and-route method滞后加演算法
land-bridge route陆地桥梁路线
laser route device激光航路测定仪
laying mode of route线路敷设方式
layout of route放线
levelling route map水准路线图
light traffic route清淡运输线 (路)
limited access route全封闭线路
limited service route限制航线
line-route map线路图
local route地方路线
location of railway route selection铁路选线
location of route路线位置
mail route邮路
main route主路由
main route主要道路
main route主要路线
major route主要途径
manual route release进路人工解锁
many-to-many route control system多对多线路控制系统
many-to-one route control system多对一线路控制系统
mapping route length观测路线长度
mapping route of geochemistry地球化学填图路线
marked route有标志路线
master route chart总工艺卡
meteorologic route气象航线
meteorological route气象航线
metro route地铁线路
migratory route迁移路线
mix en route混凝土运送搅拌
mix en route途中搅拌
mix en route途中拌和
mix en route路拌 (混凝土)
mixed in route在运输途中拌和的
motor coach route长途公共汽车线
multiple explicit route多显式路径
multiple explicit route多显式路由
multiple route多路径
navigational route database导航数据库
navigational route type导航型
new route新路由
normal route正常进路
number of route路线编号
number of route profile路线剖面图号
ocean route海洋航线
ocean route海洋航路
ocean route远洋航路
offshore route近洋航线
on route在运输中
open route地面铁路线
opposite route对向进路
opposite route with overlapped section对向重叠进路
optional route方案进路
orientation of route路线方位
overground route陆路
overland route陆路
overland route旱路
overland route陆运路线
Pacific Ocean route instructions太平洋航路指南
partially access route半封闭线路
passenger flow route旅客路线
patrol route巡逻路线
percentage of double track total route kilometers双线占线路总里程的百分率
percentage of double tracks to total route kilometres铁路复线率
percentage of double tracks to total route kilometres铁路双线率
percentage of electric sections to total route kilometers电化率
percentage of electrical sections to total route kilometers电化率
possible route方案进路
postal route邮路
postal route map邮路地图
preliminary route determination初步定线
preparation of the route准备进路
primary route公路干线
primary route干路
primary route一级线路
primary route汽车干道
principal route主要路线
principal traffic route主要交通路线
principal traffic route主要通信路由
priority route优先放行线
priority route优先进路
profile of pipe-line route管线的立面图
program route control程序进路控制
programme route control程序进路控制
programmed route control进路程序控制
protected escape route安全疏散路线
protected escape route防护疏散路线
protected route防护进路
quickest route最快线路
quickest route computer最短路线计算机
railway ferry route铁路轮渡线路
railway route kilometrage铁路线路公里里程
railway route kilometrage铁路线路公里数
railway route map铁路线路图
rational traffic routes合理运输线路
receiving route接车进路
recommendation route推荐航路
recommendation route推荐航线
recommended route推荐航路
recommended route推荐航线
reconnaissance of route路线测绘
record of route survey路线记录
reflectorized route marker反光路标
reflectorized route marker反射路标
relay route storage继电存储器
releasing of a route释放进路
releasing of a route解锁进路
reserved route专用路线
ridge route分水岭线
ridge route山脊路
ring route环形路线
ring route环路【道】
ring route环状道路
route alignment路线走向
route alternative方案比选
route alternative道路比较线
route books mailing list定簿籍邮寄目录单
route button进路按钮
route card加工卡片
route chart航路图
route chart道路图
route chart航线图
route chart流水线工艺卡片
route chart路线图
route column-cross profile survey线路纵横断面测量
route component航线分速
route confirmation sign路名牌
route-control digits路由控制数字
route crossing路线交叉
route determination线路决定
route development路线延展
route development展线
route direction路线方向
route diversion变更径路
route diversion变更经路
route diversion变径
route entry进入进路
route extension路径扩充
route extension路由扩展件
route for locomotive entering and leaving the depot机车出入库进路
route for out-gage freight train超限货物列车进路
route for out-gauge freight train超限货物列车进路
route forecast航线预报
route forecast航线预测
route geometry线路几何尺寸
route geometry线路几何学
route gravity survey路线重力测量
route growth factor路线增长系数
route guidance路线制导
route guidance system路线导向系统车上和路上两方备有通讯机,便于驾驶人选择到达目的地的路线
route guidance system路线导向
route header路径标头
route-indicating bottle漂流瓶
route-indicating signal指路信号
route indicator进路表示器
route indicator路由指示器
route indicator circuit进路表示器电路
route inspection路由检查
route inspection线路检查
route interlocking equipment进路联锁设备
route intersection type线路交叉形式
route kilometrage线路里程
route length铁路线路长度
route leveling路线水准测量
route leveling线路水准测量
route levelling路线水准测量
route levelling线路水准测量
route location定线
route location on paper纸上定线【测】
route location survey定线测量
route locking进路锁闭
route locking路由闭塞
route locking indication进路锁闭表示
route maintenance路径维护
route management process路径管理进程
route map线路地图
route mapping路线测图
route mapping路线填图
route marker路线标
route marking设置路标
route marking路标
route mileage线路里程
route miles线路总延长
route non-linear coefficient线路非直线系数
route of circulation室内交通线
route of entry侵入途径
route of entry进入途径
route of escape安全疏散路线
route of escape疏散路线
route of infection传染途径
route of journey游览路线
route of metastasis转移途径
route of pipe line管路
route of road道路路线
route of transmission传播途径
route parallel weaving线路平行交织
route plan路由计划
route plan线路平面
route plan and profile线路平纵面
route plane control survey线路高程控制测量
route plane control survey线路平面控制测量
route planning航线计划
route planning路由计划
route planning航线设计
route planning航行计划
route planning路线计划
route planning computer航线设计计算机
route presetting预排进路
route profile管子纵剖面图
route reconnaissance路线草测
route reconnaissance路线踏勘
route reconnaissance路线勘测
route reconnaissance线路踏看
route relay管路中继站
route release进路解锁
route release at once进路一次解锁
route report路线说明
route report路线图
route right-angle intersection线路垂直交叉
route round the world环球航行
route selecting circuit选路电路
route selection线路选择
route selection定线
route selection线路选线
route selection选路
route selection system路由选择制
route setting排列进路
route sheet进路表
route sheet流程工艺卡 (片)
route sheet路线卡
route sheet路线表
route sheet路线图
route sign路标
route sign路线标志
route sign线路标志
route signal进路信号 (机)
route signaler for departure发车进路信号机
route signaler for receiving-departure接发车进路信号机
route signaling选路信号
route signaller for departure发车进路信号机
route signaller for receiving-departure接发车进路信号机
route signalling选路信号
route skew intersection线路斜交
route standby后备线路方式
route storage进路存储 (器)
route surveillance radar航线监视雷达
route survey for power transmission line输电线路测量
route surveying路线测量
route surveying线路测量
route table进路表
route terminal路径终端
route terminal sink路径终端宿
route terminal source路径终端源
route traverse导线【测】
route traverse线路导线【测】
route type all-relay interlocking进路继电式电气集中联锁
route type all-relay interlocking for a hump yard进路式驼峰电气集中
route weather forecast航线气象预报
routes index航线索引表
routes of invasion侵入途径
routes with overlapped section in the same direction顺向重叠进路
routing of route线路路由
safe route安全疏散路线
scenic route游览路线
sea route海上交通线
sea route海上航线
sea route海洋航路
sea route海洋航线
Seattle-Vancouver/Japan route西雅图一温哥华—日本航线
secondary trunk route次干路 (城市)
sectional route release进路分段解锁
semi-isolated route半封闭线路
setting-out of route放线
ship-canal route船用渠线
shipment by cheapest route以船运费最廉的航线装运
signalling route信令路由
single route单进路
single route单路径
south-north route南北航线
standard terminal arrival route标准场站到达航线
star route星形相交路线
submarine route横贯河底管道
successive route延续进路
supply route供应线
survivable route保险路线
sweepstakes route漂流航线
switching route调车进路
synthetic route合成路线
tangent track of open route地面直线段
temporary route临时路线
temporary route临时线路
tentative route临时路线
three-main routes of absorption三种主要吸收途径
through route过境路线
through route通过进路
through route直达路线
through route高速公路
through-route sign posting设置直达路线标志
through-route sign posting设置直达路线号志
through truck route过境货运路线
touring route游览路线
tracing route追索路线
trade route贸易线路
train route列车进路
transit route中转线路
transit route过境运输路线
transit route过境路线
transit route运输路线
transportation route运输路径
triangular routes三角航线
trunk line route主航道
trunk route主航线
trunk route decca台卡跟踪测距导航系统
two-way route双程航路
type of route路线类型
up-and-down train routes双进路
upper-air route高空航路
valley route山谷线
velocity along route沿航线速度
wagon flow route diverse变更运行路径
walk route步行路线
walk route运行路线
water route水上运输线
world air route世界航空线
zigzag route回头线
zigzag route之字形线
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